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发布时间:2024-07-29 16:05浏览次数:
1.Effect of ferrous supplement on red blood cell count and plasma iron concentration in young basketball male athletes;补铁对青年男子篮球运动员机体红细胞指标和血浆铁的影响
2.Effects of Basketball Activity on Self-Esteem and Mental Health Among Male College Students;篮球运动对男大学生自尊和心理健康的影响
3.Reason and precautioin of ankle joint damanges in basketball;篮球运动中踝关节损伤原因及预防

1.a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop.篮球运动中的投篮得分。
2.shoot at the basket(篮球运动中的)投篮
3.basketball, volleyball and so on.篮球、排球等球类活动。
4.New Jersey Nets新泽西网队(篮球
5.The Influence of the Method by Increase the Basket Height Progressively on the Education of Shoot;渐增篮高对篮球投篮技术教学的影响
6.Shoot! You will have a chance to develop and improve your basketball skills, such as shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, defense and team play.投球!来一起学篮球的技巧-投篮,传球,运球,篮板球,防守,和团队合作。
7.Bob's team plays basketball games.鲍勃的球队打篮球比赛。
8.He is playing on the basketball court now.他正在篮球场上打球。
9.He wanted to play basketball with a ping-pong ball!他想用乒乓球来打篮球
10.(basketball) the person who plays center.(篮球)打中锋位置的球员。
11.a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it.控球前进的篮球运动员。
12.He played basketball with a ping-pong ball!他用乒乓球打篮球
13.These basketballs will be carried by lorry to the court.这些篮球将由卡车运到篮球
14.I like playing basket, and I also enjoy the team spirit of basketball.我喜欢篮球篮球活动中的集体精神。
15.Basketball Rules of the Evolution of Basketball Technical and Tactical Implications;篮球规则的演变对篮球技战术的影响
16.the Cultivation of the Basketball Awareness of College Students in Basketball Selective Course;大学生篮球选项课中篮球意识的培养
17.On the Development of College Players Basketball Consciousness;论大学生篮球运动员篮球意识的培养
18.The Basketball Sport inside Continues to Rise Function that Jump to a Cricket;篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用

basketball game篮球
1.Starting with documents, this paper proceeds from the evolution of basketball game rules to conclusion,That the rules changes according to the development of the basketball gaine, and, at the sametime, rules promte and condition the formation and development of skills and tactics.从文献入手,通过对百余年来篮球竞赛规则演变的研究,指出篮球规则随篮球运动的发展而变化,又推动或制约着篮球技术、战术的形成和发展,并导向着篮球运动向快速度、强对抗、全攻全守方向发展,因而不断地对运动员、教练员和裁判员提出更新、更高的要求。
2.This paper analyses the technical characteristics of feints in modern basketball teaching practice and points out its characteristic,combination and unity in basketball game teaching practice.通过文献资料以及多年的实践探索,全面分析了现代篮球教学、训练中的假动作技术特征,指出了在篮球运动教学、训练中,假动作技术具有四个特征、三个合一和二个统一。
3)A basketball, a basketball.篮球,篮球,
4)Basketball free throw篮球罚篮
6)dribble the ball篮球运球

1.On how to improve the teaching quality of volleyball course;普通高校排球专项课战术意识的培养
2.How for students to master the techniqne of serving a ball in volleyball teaching;排球教学中如何使学生掌握发球技术
3.A Development Study on Scouting Program for Volleyball;排球侦察程序的开发研究

1.volleyball, tennis for example.比如排球,网球。”
2.basketball, volleyball and so on.篮球、排球等球类活动。
3.Does volleyball require something?排球运动有什么要球吗?
4.I like football, basketball, volleyball, tennis...我喜欢足球、篮球、排球、网球……
5.Hockey, volleyball, football and tennis are all sports.曲棍球、 排球、 足球、 网球都是体育项目.
6.Colin is head and shoulders above the rest of the volleyball players.科林的排球技术远胜于其他排球选手
7.The Effect that the New Volleyball Rules Make to the Volleyball Skills and Tactic;排球规则的改变对排球技战术的影响
8.The Analysis about the Structure of Smashing Ball Skill in the Back-Row of Modern Volleyball Game;现代排球后排扣球技术动作结构探析
9.The Influence on Volleyball Skills and Tactics by the Development of Volleyball Rules;排球规则的演变对排球技战术的影响
10.Discussion on the Volleyball Movement Consciousness of the Highness Volleyball Athletes;论高水平排球运动员的“排球运动意识”
11.Contrastive analysis on the run-up & takeoff-jump before the drop shot between beach volleyball and indoor volleyball;沙滩排球和室内排球扣球前助跑起跳对比分析
12.To Analyze the Influence of Amending the Rule of Volleyball on the Technology of Serving a Ball;试析排球规则的修改对排球发球技术的影响
13.On methods of training feelings of face spike of volleyball;排球正面扣球技术教学的球感练习法
14.The effect comparision between the jump serve and stand serve during the volleyball match;排球比赛中跳发球与站发球效果比较
15.Discusion on relationship between player,ball and net in volleyball strokes;论排球击球过程中的"人—球—网"关系
16.Study on the Re-foundation of Sports Apperception of Volleyball Sportsman from Indoor to Beach Volleyball;试析排球运动员从室内排球转打沙滩排球后运动知觉的重建
17.The products we supply include: soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, softball, baseball and so on.本公司主要生产的产品包括:足球,排球,篮球,手球,橄榄球,垒球/棒球等。
18." Basketball, football, volleyball, handball--The measurement of roundness"GB/T14625.1-1993篮球、足球、排球、手球圆度测定方法

1.Applying the mutimedia CAI teaching to minor vollyball classes of Shandong Institute of Physical Education.对山东体院非排球专选班实施多媒体CAI课件应用教学 ,并以对照组加以比较 ,验证MMCAI课件在排球基本技术教学中应用的可行性。
3)volleyball serving排球发球
1.Application of Image Training of Action in the Teaching of Spiking Technique;动作表象训练在排球扣球技术教学中的运用
5)kicking Ball of volleyball排球脚击球
6)volleyball catapult排球发球器
1.This paper makes researches on theoretical analysis and technical realization about the volleyball catapult.本文在研制的排球扣、发球装置系统基础上,对排球发球器进行设计。

1.Research and Analysis on Organizes Mode and Contestants of Aerobics Competition of Jiangsu Province’ High Schools;江苏省中学生健美操比赛组织结构模式和参赛情况的调查与分析
2.The Causes And Precautionary Measuresof Sports Injures in Aerobics;浅谈健美操运动损伤及其预防
3.Value of Aerobics for Women Students;健美操对女性大学生的锻炼价值

1.Influence of the Health Function of Aerobics on the College Students;健美操健康功能对大学生健康的影响
2.Bodybuilding Callosthenics: A new prescription for Improving Health related physical Fitness;提高健康体适能的新处方──健身健美操
3.Conditional Proportional Exercises And Condition Activities of Academic Female Faculty;健身健美操与高校女教职工健身活动
4.She does aerobics once a week.她每周进行一次健美操.
5.Esthetic Features of Aerobics Competitions and Demonstrations;健身健美操比赛和表演中的美学特征
6.The coach of the Aerobics Club came to ask me if I want to join them.健美操社的教练来问我是否想加入健美操社。
7.On the Value of Body Building Based on Body Building as a Selective in GPNU;从我校健美操选修热谈健美操的实用价值
8.Soul of Callisthenics Movements;健美操动作的灵魂——论健美操音乐的选配
9.Analysis of Chinese Aerobics Current Condition from the World Cup of Aerobics Series Competitions in 2003;从健美操世界杯系列赛分析中国健美操现状
10.On The Value Of Aerobics And Improvement Of Teaching of Aerobics;浅析健美操的价值,提高健美操教学质量
11.Changes of Aerobic Exercise Creation and Compilation due to Modification of Aerobic Exercise Rules;健美操规则的修改给健美操创编带来的变化
12.Research The Vigorous Graceful And Body Building Eeffect of Popular Callisthenic For Middle-age And Young Females;对中青年女性大众健美操健身健美效果的研究
13.Movements and Course Arrangements of Dance,Rhythmic Gymnastics and Aerobic Exercise;舞蹈、艺术体操、健美操的课程安排探究
14.Primary Research of Gymnastic Exercised Dynamic Training of Aerobics;健美操操化动作力度训练的初步研究
15.Discussion on Discrimination between Slimming Exercise and Aerobic Exercise and their Usage;论“健美操”与“有氧操”的甄别使用
16.On the comparison between artistic gymnastics and body-building exercises;对健美操与艺术体操运动项目的比较
17.Teaching by personal example as well as verbal instruction: for eurythmics and setting-up exercise instructors;论艺术体操、健美操教师的“言传身教”
18.The Research on the Sustainable Development of Aerobics in Liaoning Province;辽宁省健身性健美操可持续发展研究

1.An experimenting study on the effect of calisthenics on psychological health of college girl-students by visualized topology map;健美操对大学女生心理健康影响的拓扑映射图分析
2.Students Emotional Adjustment in Calisthenics Teaching;健美操教学中学生的情绪调控
3.Optimization of Calisthenics teaching mode for the body building effects of female undergraduate students;优化健美操教学模式对女大学生健身效应的研究
1.How to carry out quality-oriented education in callisthenics teaching;健美操教学中如何实施素质教育
2.Feasibility study on developing students quality wity callisthenics;健身健美操对发展学生素质的可行性研究
1.The Influence of Gymnastics on the Girls Students Physical Figure;健美操对女生身体形态与素质的影响
2.Summary of research documents of gymnastics in China;我国健美操研究现状评述
3.Research on relationship between gymnastics culture and university cultural ecological circle;健美操文化与高校“文化生态圈”的关系研究
1.Feasibility for aerobic to be popularized in colleges and universities;健美操在高校推广的可行性分析
2.Comparative Analysis on Characteristics between the Hip-hop and Aerobics;街舞与健美操项目特征之比较
3.The Affective Elements of the Dower of Performance for the Aerobics Athletes and the Discussion of its Training Strategies;健美操运动员表现力影响因素考察与培养对策探讨
6)body-building exercises健美操
1.The development and the popularization of body-building exercises movement has been almost 30 years in our country.健美操运动在我国的开展与普及已经将近三十年了。
2.Literature review and mathematical statistics are employed in this article to analyze the grading data in competition of body-building exercises for college students.通过文献资料法、数理统计法等方法对大学生健美操比赛的评分数据进行分析,结果发现裁判员评分标准不一致,区分度不是很高,说明裁判的业务水平相对较低,影响了比赛结果的可信度。

健美操健美操 jm㈣躯洲c(j0健美操融体操、舞蹈为一体并对健、力、美有特定要求的一种运动项目。分为竞技、健身2类。国际健美操联合会成立于1983年,总部设在日本,有会员20多个。1981~1983年传人中国,初期一些高等院校编排了健美操成套 0 ” 一~n j;H?~~■e一“…#Ⅲ E!“:■ 女子三人隧美操动作,如“女青年健美操”、“哑铃健美操”、“形体健美操”等。1983年举办了第1届国际健美操比赛。1984年北京体育学院成立健美操研究组,编排了“青年韵律操”。许多高校将健美操内容列入体育教学大纲。同期,表演性健美操和竞技性健美操也开始在学校中出现。1987年由康华健美研究所、北京体育学院、中央电视台等单位联合举办了全国首届“长城杯”健美操比赛;同年,北京体院健美操队访问了日本。1988年中国举办了“长城杯”健美操友好邀请赛,有中国、日本、香港、中国台北等国家和地区的运动员参赛。1992年中国健美操协会成立。1993年起开始每年在大学生中推广一套由中国大学生协会健美操艺术体操分会审定的健身健美操。1995年底中国派队参加了在法国举行的第1届世界健美操锦标赛。1997年初中国健美操协会由社会体育中心并人国家体育总局体操运动管理中心,先后制定了《健美操活动管理办法》、《全国健美操指导员专业技术等级实施办法(试行)》、《全国健美操大众锻炼标准实施办法》;把全国锦标赛改为全国锦标赛暨运动会,增加了中老年组健身健美操的比赛,并把青年组按比赛成绩分为甲、乙组;同年,分别派队参加了在日本举行的世界杯赛、在意大利举行的第4届健美操世界锦标赛。1997、1998年中国参加了国际裁判员培训班和国际教练员培训班。中国每年举行的正式健美操全国比赛有全国健美操锦标赛、冠军赛以及行业系统的比赛,如:全国大学生健美操比赛和全国职工健美操比赛。
1.On Teaching Art of Excellent Volleyball Coach;优秀排球教练员的指导艺术
2.Making the role transition from athlete to coach;从运动员到教练员转型后的角色定位研究
3.Study on personal influence of a basketball coach;论篮球教练员的个人影响力

1.The coach will have to take part in a development program.这名教练员应当去参加教练员培训。
2.The system mode of the coaches role to athletes during the process of trainning;教练员对运动员训练作用的系统模型
3.My coach has a good sense of humour.我的教练员极具幽默感。
4.His corner advised him to retire.教练员建议他退场.
5.And he's a good coach now.现在他是个好教练员
6.ETFCF (European Track and Field Coaches Federation)欧洲田径教练员联合会
7.World Diving Coaches Association世界跳水教练员协会
8.American Swimming Coaches Association美国游泳教练员协会
9.Sports PsgchoLogical Training by Chinese Shooting Coaches;中国射击教练员实施的运动心理训练
10.Trainers rub down an athlete after hard exercise.运动员强烈地训练之后,教练员为他按摩。
11.Talking Communication Among Coaches and Players in Amateur Track Training;业余田径训练中教练员与运动员的沟通
12.Analysis on current status of relationships between coaches &athletes,orientation of coaches roles and countermeasures;我国教练员与运动员关系现状的分析及教练员角色定位与对策
13.Acoach should act as a role model for his athletes.教练员要做运动员的榜样。
14.A coach must consult with the players when matters arise.教练员遇事必须同队员商量。
15.Excerpts from Modern Athlete and Coach, July1995节译自《现代运动员与教练员
16.Don't criticize the performance of players and coaches.不要指责运动员或者教练员的行为。
17.Ad Hoc Committee on Training and Educatio训练和教育特设委员会
18.The coach sent two players in.教练派2名球员上扬。

1.Investigation and pondering on the development status quo of the athletic coaches in Liaoning Province;辽宁省竞技体育教练员发展现状调查与思考
2.Individual behavioral characteristics of coaches in Chinese elite sports teams;体能主导类项群教练员行为特点研究
3.An Analysis on the Present Condition of the Coaches of Women’s Football in Colleges and Universities in China;我国高校女足教练员队伍的现状分析
1.Studys on the youth Sanda trainer s of Jiangsu Province;江苏省青少年散打教练员现状调查与分析
2.Present status and developing strategy for athletic trainers of Shandong province;山东省竞技体育教练员队伍现状和发展对策研究
3.Analysis of Factors that Influence the Teaching Ability of Extra- curricular Basketball Feam trainers;影响高校业余篮球代表队教练员执教能力的因素分析
4)train the trainers训练教练员
5)instructor station教练员站
1.Remote control system of simulator instructor station based on PDA;基于PDA的仿真机教练员站远程控制系统研究
2.With the development of the computer and Wireless Network technologies, the simulatoruser s requisition for instructor station s function improves further too.本课题首次提出基于PDA的仿真机教练员站远程操作系统的研究方案,即将仿真机上教练员经常使用的操作集成到手持移动终端(掌上电脑)上,通过手持移动终端遥控仿真机进行各种仿真操作,实现教练员站的各种培训功能。
1.Curriculum content and theoretic framework of coachology in sport and P.E.college;高等体育院校运动训练专业“教练员学”课程理论体系及教学内容的研究
2.Necessity and feasibility of curriculum and theoretic system of coachology in sport and P.E colleges in China;论构建高等体育院校运动训练专业“教练员学”课程理论体系的必要性和可能性

1.Investigation and Analysis of the Basketball Athletic Injury of University Student s in Shandong;山东省高校大学生篮球运动损伤的调查分析
2.On acquisition of basketball players psychological superiority through training;浅谈篮球运动员心理优势感的训练获得
3.Trying to talk about the training of consciousness of techniue and strategy in basketball;试论篮球运动技战术意识的培养

1.a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop.篮球运动中的投篮得分。
2.shoot at the basket(篮球运动中的)投篮
3.a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it.控球前进的篮球运动员。
4.On the Development of College Players Basketball Consciousness;论大学生篮球运动员篮球意识的培养
5.The Basketball Sport inside Continues to Rise Function that Jump to a Cricket;篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用
6.How to Develop Basketball Players "Basketball Consciousness;浅谈如何培养篮球运动员的“篮球意识”
7.On Developing Basketball Awareness in Basketball Games浅谈现代篮球运动中“篮球意识”的培养
8.Xiao Wang devoted herself(or her life)to basketball.小王致力于篮球运动
9.I like basketball very much.我非常喜欢篮球运动
10.I want to be a basketball player.我想当一名篮球运动员。
11.The fundamental of basketball includes shooting, passing and catching, rebounding, etc.篮球运动中最基本的东西包括投篮,传接球,篮板球等。
12.Thoughts on the Development of Our Country s Basketball Sport in the Blending of Basketball Cultures Between China and the West;中西篮球文化交融中我国篮球运动发展的思考
13.The principle of ankle joint and its prevention of basketball athlete in university;篮球运动员拼抢篮板球的技术及训练方法
14.How to Raise and Train Basketball Athlete s Basketball Consciousness;试论篮球运动员篮球意识的培养与训练
15.Basketball development trend from perspective of evolution of basketball rule;从篮球规则的演变看篮球运动的发展趋势
16.Basketball Player how to Cultivate and Train Basketball Consciousness;篮球运动员如何加强篮球意识的培养与训练
17.Try on Theory Influence Basketball Athlete Spell Backboard Recovery Factor of Ability;试论影响篮球运动员拼抢篮板球能力的因素
18.The Influence of the Revision of the Basketball Rules on Basketba ll Games Development;论篮球规则的修改对篮球运动发展的影响

basketball game篮球运动
1.On the basketball game from the perspective of time and space;从时空的视角谈篮球运动
2.Problems existing in the development of university basketball game in China and their solutions suggested;我国高校篮球运动发展存在的问题分析
3.Investigation, prevention and cure of students' injury in basketball game at higher vocational colleges高职院校学生篮球运动损伤状况调查与防治
3)basketball sport篮球运动
1.Analysis of all Factors of Influence the Development of Basketball Sport in China;影响中国篮球运动发展的诸因素分析
2.Problems existing in physical stamina training for basketball sport in China and countermeasures against the problems;我国篮球运动体能训练存在的问题与解决对策
3.Research On the Strategies and Functions of Basketball Sport;篮球运动的本质和战术特征及其功能的研究
4)basketball sports篮球运动
1.Analysis on effect of basketball sports brings upon fitness education;篮球运动对健康教育影响的探析
2.On the psychology train of basketball sportsman in physical education teaching;在体育教学中对篮球运动员进行心理训练之管见
3.By investigating and analyzing injury condition,injury time,injury season,injury sorts and injury reasons of basketball sports injury of P.对近两年来宜宾学院体育教育专业学生篮球运动损伤的基本状况、损伤时段、损伤季节特征、损伤种类、损伤原因等多方面进行调查,并对调查数据进行初步分析与探讨。
5)Basketball movement篮球运动
1.Research and Studies on the School Basketball Movement in Kashi Xinjiang;新疆喀什地区学校篮球运动开展现状与影响因素的研究
2.This article explains the five contradictions that promote basketball movement dialectically from the philosophy angle.从哲学角度辩证地阐释推动篮球运动发展的五对矛盾:继承与创新、生产与消费、运动与静止、整体与个体、普及与提高。
3.This paper carries on a research of principle of physical training in basketball movement.掌握篮球运动身体训练的原则是教练员进行科学训练的基础。

1.The Advantages and Disadvantages of the New Rule of Public Badminton;新赛制对群众羽毛球比赛的利与弊
2.On Influencial Factors upon Deep High Service of Badminton;羽毛球发高远球的影响因素探析
3.Common Injures and Proper Ways to Deal with in Badminton physical Training;羽毛球健身运动中常见的运动损伤及对策

1.Do you like to play football [badminton]?你喜欢踢足球[羽毛球]吗?
2.She goes in for badminton and tennis.她打羽毛球和网球。
3.I play badminton and football.我打羽毛球,踢足球。
4.I play badminton and ping-pong.我打羽毛球和乒乓球。
5.He plays tennis better than badminton.他网球比羽毛球打得好。
6.table tennis and badminton.打乒乓球和羽毛球
7.We can play badminton quite well now.我们羽毛球打得很好。
8.Knock up a shuttlecock比赛开始前试打羽毛球
9.Can you return the birdie quickly enough?你能及时回击羽毛球吗?
10.Do you have a spare shuttlecock?你有备用的羽毛球吗?
11.Do you like to play the badminton?你喜欢打羽毛球吗?
12.equipment for playing the game of badminton.打羽毛球需要的装备。
13.The title belongs to badminton.但实际上,它属于羽毛球
14.They are knocking up a shuttlecock.他们正试打羽毛球
15.and he spends time playing badminton for his school team.还为校羽毛球队效力。
16.I played badminton with my friends.我和朋友打了羽毛球
17.They are going to play badminton.他们打算去打羽毛球
18.You can also play badminton.你还可以打打羽毛球

badminton team羽毛球队
1.The system of the management of badminton team can be divided into three subsystem through the research on management of badminton team with science theory and method, which can make the team scientific and systematic.本文运用系统论的理论与方法,通过对江苏少年羽毛球队管理模式的讨论,将少年运动队的管理系统划分为3个子系统,旨在使运动队的管理趋于科学化、系统化,为少年运动队的良性管理提供参考依据。
3)Badminton Racket羽毛球拍
4)badminton net羽毛球网
5)badminton shoes羽毛球鞋

1.Comparative characteristics of sports injury in Sanda players and boxers;散打和拳击运动员运动损伤特点的比较研究
2.Comparative Analysis on the Characteristics of Sport Injuries of SanDa and Kickboxing Athletes;散打和自由搏击运动员运动损伤特征的比较分析
3.The Influence of Different Training Methods on Changes of BLA and HR of Adolescent Sanda Athletes;不同训练方法对青少年散打运动员血乳酸和心率变化的影响

1.Analysis on the Development of Sanda for Comparison with Thailand Fist;从散打与泰拳的对比研究析论散打的发展
2.On the Melting Theory of Sanda Development --A Study on the Development of Wushu Sanda;散打发展融合论——武术散打流变历程考略
3.Clairvoyance Sparring Match Technology and Tactics Development from Sparring King Contend for Hegemony Match;从散打王争霸赛透视散手比赛技战术
4.Researches on the Sanshou System about Combination of Combat and Exercise;关于“打练结合”的散打实践体系研究
5.Analysis on the Development of Competitive Sanda for Comparison with Taekwondo;从散打与跆拳道的比较研究析论竞技散打的发展
6.Discussing on the Development Tactics of China s Wushu Sanda Athletics from the Sanda World Cup;由武术散打世界杯谈中国武术散打运动的发展策略
7.From Development Tendency of Free Sparring Movement to Discuss the Establishment of the Basic Technical System Pattern of Free Sparring;从竞技散打运动发展趋势谈散打基本技术体系模式的建立
8.Competitive Free Combat,Alteration of Neglect Physical Training-Thinking about Development of Free Combat Teaching in School;竞技散打,“轻体育”化改造——学校开展武术散打教学的理性思考
9.From Healthy Of Sanda To Search After A New Method Of College Sanda Course;从散打的健身性探索高校散打课程教学的新思路
10.Function that Wushu Sanda s Famous Person s Effect Moves in Development of Wushu Sanda;武术散打“名人效应”在武术散打运动发展中的作用
11.Comparative Research on the Current Situation of Application of Sanda Technique under the New and Old Edition of Sanda Rules;武术散打新旧规则下散打技术运用状况的对比分析
12.Prospect the developmental trend of Sanda from the newly trial implemented Competition Rule of Wushu Sanda;从新试行的2004年《武术散打竞赛规则》看散打运动的发展趋势
13.Relevant Problems in the Sanda Match;对“散打王”赛与散打锦标赛相关问题的分析与思考
14.Technical situation and developing tendency of Sanshou as seen from problems existing in footwork;从现代散打步法存在的问题看竞技散打的技术现状和发展趋势
15.Comparison of the Rules, Techniques and Strategy Between Sanda Championship and Chinese Kongfu King Challenge;“散打王”争霸赛与散打锦标赛的竞赛规则和技战术比较
16.Mechanics study on body striking effect of strikers;对散打运动员肢体打击效果的力学探讨
17.Effect of the Timing of the Sudden Waist-Turning of “Whip-Leg” to the Strikes Effect;散打“鞭腿”突然转腰时机对打击效果的影响
18.I play golf for relaxation.我打高尔夫球散散心。

1.Physical quality characteristics of adolescent wrestling,Judo and Sanshou athletes;青少年摔跤、柔道与散打运动员身体素质特点
2.Pre-match strength training of high level male Sanshou players;高水平男子散打运动员赛前力量训练
3.Monitor and control of training load of pre-competition of Chinese Sanshou team;国家散打队赛前训练负荷监控
3)free combat散打
1.Analysis of causes and preventative measures in injury gained in sports by free combat;浅析武术散打运动损伤的原因及预防措施
2.Contrastive analysis of biochemical indexes of Boxing,Free combat,Taekwondo athletes during the competitions;对拳击、散打、跆拳道运动员比赛强度下部分生化指标的对比分析
3.The rule of free combat has been gone through from scratch, is revising the perfect course constantly.散打规则经历了从无到有 ,不断修改完善的过程。
4)free fighting散打
1.By a lot of methods,the result shows that it is very easy for your head to be injured in the free fighting sports.采用多种研究方法,调查分析了散打运动员损伤及预防情况。
2.To win in free fighting contest means to exert both strength and skills of the contestants.散打是武术的对抗性项目,斗智、斗勇、较技、较力四者共同组成了散打比赛的内容体系。
5)Free sparring散打
1.An elaboration is made on the guiding principle of ensuring security in free sparring teaching and training, the reasons for sport injury and the technique system are analyzed and the corresponding advice is given.阐述了散打教学与训练安全的指导思想与原则,分析了散打教学训练中运动损伤的原因和散打技术体系,并提出了相应建议。
2.With 2004 free sparring semi-finals and finals in Hebei Institute of Physical Education as samples, this paper has a statistic of the fake in competition, tries to find out the existing problems and proposes some advice.以河北体育学院2004年散打比赛的半决赛及决赛为研究对象,对我院散打运动员的假动作在比赛中的运用情况进行统计分析,找出存在的问题,并提出针对性建议。
3.By measurement and multi statistics, the authors analyze the rationalness and effectiveness of the present contents and criterion for testing the athletes energy and find that the key aspects to test the energy of free sparring athletes should be laid on speed endurance, endurance, strength and agility.运用测试法和多元统计法 ,对目前散打运动员体能测试内容及其标准的合理性和有效性进行分析探讨。
6)break apart打散

打散1.犹拆散。 2.谓把成套或成包的物件分散。 3.旧谓祭奠后把供品分与众人。也称散福。
1.Analysis of the Development Characteristics of the World s Men Horizontal Bar Performance under the New Regulations;探析新规则导向下世界男子单杠的发展特点
2.Analysis on the influencial factors of decathlon result between China and foreign outstanding man athletes under the grey system theory;应用灰色系统理论对中外优秀男子十项全能成绩的因素分析
3.Analysis on Decathlon Performance of Male College Student-Athletes between China and America;中美大学生男子十项全能成绩对比分析

1.a man of fine features美貌的男子,美男子
2.a mannish jacket, voice, walk男式外衣、 像男子的声音、 男子般的步态.
3.intercourse between a man and a boy.男子与男童间的性交。
4.an adult male with a tenor voice.有男高音的成年男子
5.Men toy with women, but women also toy with men!"不但男子玩弄女子,女子亦玩弄男子
6.A strong, virile man.富有男性魅力的人强壮而有男子汉气概的男子
7.The quality or condition of being masculine.男子汉,刚毅作为男子的品质或条件
8.Unusually or markedly masculine in appearance or manner.有男子气的外表或举止有男子气的
9.One characterized by excessive concern for machismo.男子汉具有极度的男子气概的人
10.A young man of great physical beauty.健美男子体形极美的年轻男子
11.a man who is virile and sexually active.有男子气概、性感活跃的男子
12.The presence of male secondary sexual characteristics in a female.男性化女子出现男子第二性特征
13.She goes for tall slim men.她喜欢瘦高个子的男子.
14.Man is often taller than woman.一般说来男子比女子高。
15.A male human being endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood.男子汉一个被认为具有男性特征的男子,如具有力量的男人
16.Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man, especially a gay or homosexual man.女子气的男子,同性恋男子用来指女子气男子的贬义词,尤指同性恋者或同性恋男子
17.anal intercourse committed by a man with a man or woman.一男子与另一男子或女子通过肛门发生性行为。
18.Used as a disparaging term for a man or boy who is considered effeminate.女性化的男子对被认为有女子气的男子或男孩的贬称

1.Analysis on the grey correlation of the world outstanding male shot technology and the movement results;男子铅球技术与运动成绩的灰色关联分析
2.Competitive capability model for elite male martial arts athletes of Shandong;山东省优秀男子武术套路运动员竞技能力结构模型研究
3.Comparison of the Characteristics of Body shape and Characteristics of Aerobic and Anaerobic capability between Male Road Cyclists and Male Four Kilometers Individual Chasing Cyclists;男子4km个人追逐赛运动员与公路赛运动员形态素质和有氧、无氧能力特征的比较研究
1.Rating methods and rating criteria for physical qualities development lever of college men flappers;高校男子背越式跳高运动员身体素质发展水平的评定方法与标准
2.The Relation of Special Quality and the Movement Achievement of Men 200m Race;男子200m跑运动员专项素质与运动成绩的关系
3.On lineup of men s volleyball team of China;我国男子排球队阵容配备构想
4)men s男子
1.An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Athletic Abilities of the World Men s Professional Tennis Players;世界男子职业网球选手竞技能力特征分析
2.An Overview Study on Men s Triple Jump in China;我国男子三级跳远运动研究综述
3.The study indicates that China will continue to be the men s team title in 2008 and to dominate the new current of the world gymnastics with a stable high degree of difficulty.采用文献资料法、录像观察法、统计比较法和逻辑推理法,系统分析了当今世界男子体操的竞争态势与趋向。
5)A male person.男性,男子
6)A man or boy.男子男人或男孩

男子1.犹男人。男性的成年人。 2.儿子。 3.丈夫。 4.指刚强有作为的男人。 5.古称无官爵的成年男人。 6.指嫡长子。
1.On the cultivation of the ability of modern volleyball referee;论现代排球运动裁判员能力的培养
2.On referees commands and applying the favourable terms in matches;浅谈足球裁判员在比赛中对有利条款的掌握与运用

1.Officials include an umpire, service judge, line umpire and scorer.裁判人员包括:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记分员。
2.The referee's decision was disputable.裁判员的裁决有争议。
3.Officials include the president of the jury, the jury, and four judges.裁判人员包括主裁判,裁判组(委员会)和4名裁判员
4.Officials in a fencing match include the president of the jury, the jury, and four judges.击剑比赛的裁判人员包括主裁判、裁判组(委员会)和4名裁判员
5.The referee may award a free kick.裁判员判罚任意球。
6.The umpire ruled that the ball was foul.裁判员判这球犯规。
7.Officials include three referees and a jury.官员包括3名裁判员和一个裁判组。
8.get into/have an argument with the referee(about his decision)与裁判员争辩(他所做的裁判).
9.The equity of the referee's decision was accepted by everyone.大家都同意裁判员的公正裁判.
10.A Research on the Ruling Level of Referees in the CBA and WCBA;CBA、WCBA裁判员裁判执法水平研究
11.A ruling or decision of an umpire.仲裁裁判员的裁定或决定
12.The team was left raging at the referee’s decision.队员们对裁判员的裁决感到非常气愤。
13.declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee.判定,以促进裁判人或裁判员的资格宣布。
14.International Association of Water Polo Referees国际水球裁判员协会
15.The umpire gave him out.裁判员宣告他出界。
16.The umpire saw fair between both sides.裁判员不偏袒哪一方。
17.The referee was booed by the crowd.裁判员被观众哄了。
18.To serve as an umpire.作为一个裁判员服务

1.This paper makes comprehensive analysis on internal and external factors influencing mental stability of basketball judge,forward the countermeasures for improvement and provides the theoretical guideline for basketball judgment.本文对影响篮球裁判员临场心理的内外因素进行全面的调查分析,并提出加强篮球裁判员临场心理稳定的对策,为篮球裁判员临场提供更全面的理论指导。
2.Based on the theory of the free measuring right in the area of administrative law,the study focuses on the analysis of the free measuring right,which is given to judges,and on the reasons why it exists.借用行政法学"自由裁量权"相关理论,着重分析了裁判员"自由裁量权"的存在依据、构成部分和行使途径,从根本上探讨裁判员"自由裁量"客观表象下的主观性问题,及其与竞赛规则客观要求的关系问题,力图在理论层面上揭示裁判员滥用职权的可能性和途径。
3.Through using the method of literature research, observation and comparison, expert interview, this paper makes analysis on mental state of beginner as basketball judge during the judgment, put forwards the corresponding method of mental training and improved bad mental state.旨在调整裁判员的心理问题,提高篮球裁判员的执法水平,培养初学裁判员提供理论参考。
1.A Study of the Characteristics of the Number and Time of Red and Yellow Cards Shown in the 18th World Cup Game by Referees;第十八届世界杯足球赛裁判员出示红黄牌时间、数量特征的研究
2.China Basketball Referees Law Enforcement Attitude and the Main Factors Research;我国篮球裁判员执法态度及主体相关因素调查研究
3.After analyzing current referees situations in 11winter sports,it is found that high institutes are well-conditioned and have great advantages of training various referees.通过对黑龙江省11个冬季运动项目裁判员的现状调查,发现高校拥有较强的培养裁判的优势和条件,依靠高校来培养裁判员不失为一条较好的途径,从裁判员应具备的素质、高等院校培养裁判的优势两个方面进行探讨,为我省、我国培养裁判员的工作提供参考,以期为将来在哈尔滨举办的2009年世界大学生冬季运动会提供更多高层次、高质量、更具影响力的高水平裁判员
1.In Investigation and Analysis of the Current Status of the Training and Testing for Swimming Judges in China;我国游泳等级裁判员培训考核工作现状的调查分析
2.The quality and methods of training of track and field judges;田径裁判员的素质及培养途径与方法
3.The task of basketball judges is indispensable contents of school basketball teaching and training.篮球裁判员在临场工作中的行为所受的影响因素有强制性因素和自然性因素。
1.Characterization and condemnation of the umpire s action of misfeasance;裁判员滥用职权行为的定性与定罪
2.The umpires cooperation is an important work for judging the curling games.冰壶运动裁判员之间的协作能力是冰壶裁判工作的一个重要环节。
6)field umpire垒裁判员

1.Investigation and research on the development present situation of orienteering in universities and colleges of fuzhou;福州市高校定向运动开展现状调查研究
2.Studies on the Initiation of Orienteering Courses in Shanxi Province Academic Institutions;陕西省高校设置定向运动课程的研究
3.A feasibility study on bringing the orienteering into normal colleage in Hubei province;湖北省普通高校开设校园定向运动课的可行性研究

1.A Rising Extracurricular Athletic Sport-Directional Sport;一项新兴的课外体育运动——定向运动
2.Research on Market Operation of Shijia League Matches of Orienteering;“世嘉定向运动联赛”市场化运作分析
3.The Research on the Basic Skills Applied in Orienteering Competition;定向运动比赛中基本技能的运用研究
4.Research on the Application of GPS in OrienteeringGPS技术在定向运动中运用的研究
5.The Investigation for the Directional Stochastically Hopping Motion of Myosin V;Myosin V定向运动的随机跃迁动力学研究
6.Research on Evaluating System about Chinese Athletes' Orieteering Skills我国定向运动员定向技能评价体系的研究
7.Orienteering High-level Sportsmen Testing Skill-level Contrasting Analysis;定向运动高水平运动员测试技术水平对比分析
8.Study on the Degree of Difficulty of the Technique for Orienting Events in China;我国定向运动赛事技术难度等级研究
9.Studies on the Initiation of Orienteering Courses in Shanxi Province Academic Institutions;陕西省高校设置定向运动课程的研究
10.A Comparative Study on Orienteering Competitive Level between China and the World;中外定向运动精英竞技水平比较研究
11.The Study of Orienteering Teaching Materialization Principle Application;中学定向运动教材化的原则应用研究
12.The Feasibility of Bringing the Orienteering into Vocational Colleges;高职院校开展定向运动的可行性探析
13.Orienteering and Physical Education in Colleges and Universities Produce Harmony;定向运动与高校体育教育的和谐生成
14.Developing Directive Athletics Improving Students Comprehensive Capabilities;拓展定向运动课程,提高学生综合素质
15.A New Motivation Approach in Sport:Goal Orientation Theory;运动动机研究的新方向:目标定向理论
16.Motion Capture Based Motion Retargeting;基于运动捕获的运动重定向技术研究
17.Geometrical orientation and directions of movementsGB/T14777-1993几何定向及运动方向
18.the steady flow of ocean water in a prevailing direction.朝一定方向运动的稳定的海水流。

orienteering sports定向运动
1.Study of Orienteering Sports on the Cultivation of Creative Quality Education;定向运动对创新素质教育培养的研究与思考
2.In Search of United Teaching Model for Orienteering Sports in Intra and Extracurricular Activities“定向运动”课内外一体化教学模式的研究与构建
3.Value of outward bound training in orienteering sports定向运动实践中的拓展训练价值
3)directional movement定向运动
1.On feasibility of developing directional movement in school physical education curriculum;学校体育课程中开发定向运动内容的可行性研究
2.A research of improving the student s comprehensive quality through directional movement;定向运动对提高学生综合素质的研究
3.Research on solution to directional movement based on ant colony optimization algorithm基于蚁群算法的定向运动问题求解研究
4)directional sport定向运动
1.Trial of Directional Sport Teaching and Training in Colleges;高校开展定向运动教学与训练的尝试
2.,regarding 14 colleges and universities in Hunan as study objects attending the seventh university student sports in 2006 and national directional championships in 2007,the development present condition of the directional sport colleges and universities in Hunan is researched.运用文献资料法、调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,以参加2006年湖南省第七届大学生运动会及2007年全国学生定向锦标赛的14所湖南高校为研究对象,就湖南省高校定向运动发展现状开展调查研究。
5)Directed motion定向运动
1.This article discusses the basic viewpoints on the mechanism of directed motion of molecular motors in physics, the normal theory of evaluating the current by solving Fokker-Plank equation and the possible chemomechanical coupling.从物理学角度讨论了分子马达定向运动机制的基本观点,介绍了用Fokker-Plank方程求解几率流的一般思想,以及分子马达力学和化学过程可能的耦合方式。
2.When the motion of the motor is coordinated, the macroscopic directed motion is brought.当分子马达的运用协调起来就产生了宏观的定向运动而做功,其中蕴含的动力学机制已成为众多研究者们关注的焦点。
3.The main sport in the cell is based on the directed motion of the .本工作系统分析了非对称周期电场下分子马达定向运动中有效势与几率流受温度和跃迁率的影响,分析了高负载和逃逸速率对分子马达漂移速率和扩散系数的影响。
6)orientation movement定向运动
1.Study on the present situation,the development significance and the value of the curriculum of orientation movement developed in Henan Institute of Education.通过对河南教育学院开展定向运动课程的现状、意义和价值进行分析研究,表明定向运动在我院具有广泛的发展空间,进一步在我院普及开展定向运动是非常必要的。
2.Through the teaching experiments on orientation movement, this article summarizes the positive effect of orientation movement on developing students synthetic faculties, expanding the parameters of the curriculum, cultivating their awareness of life-long exercise.通过定向运动教学试验,总结了定向运动在发展学生综合素质能力、拓展课程空间、培养学生终身锻炼意识等方面所起的作用,并对定向运动的进一步开展提出了建议,旨为在各院校开展定向运动项目教学提供参考。

定向运动协会定向运动协会 Dingxiong Yundong儿ehui定向运动协会中华全国体育总会单位会员。1992年以中国定向运动委员会的名义加人国际定联,1995年12月改今名。总部设在北京。最高权力机构为全国委员会,执行机构为常务委员会。定向运动协会定期举办全国定向锦标赛和全国青少年定向锦标赛。
1.The Appreciation and other Things about Slabstone Houses of Bouyei Nationality;布依族石板寨的欣赏及其它

1.appreciation of music对音乐的欣赏 (力)
2.Not feeling or exhibiting appreciation.不欣赏的不感觉或显示欣赏
3.Perhaps others may enjoy it if I do not.假使我不欣赏它,也许别人会欣赏的。
4.she didn't appreciate my humor; you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor.他不能欣赏我的幽默。
5.Laser Disc Music Appreciation激光影碟音乐欣赏
6.show approval or appreciation of.对……表示赞许或欣赏
7.Musical Theory & Appreciation of a Great Musical Composition音乐知识与名曲欣赏
8.We appreciate a masterwork of his.我们在欣赏他的佳作。
9.Cultivate your musical taste; Train your tastebuds; She is well schooled in poetry.培养你的音乐欣赏能力。
10.Appreciation and Practice of Chinese Folk Art中国民间艺术欣赏制作
11.She admired the roses in the garden.她欣赏庭园的玫瑰花。
12.They express their appreciation and admiration.他们相互欣赏和赞美。
13.She didn' t enjoy the film ( very ) much.她不大欣赏那部电影.
14.He's so cool! I dig him the most.他好酷哇!我特别欣赏他。
15.He admires your poems very much.他非常欣赏你的诗。
16.We celebrate the bright, round moon.我们欣赏圆圆的明月。
17.The appreciative audience applauded.有欣赏力的观众鼓了掌。
18.We stood at the window and watched the snow.我们站在窗口欣赏雪景。

1.The channel to experience and appreciate mathematical aesthetic;欣赏、感受数学美的渠道
2.In this paper,the meaning of sports competitions,and to interpret the significance of viewing sports,and explore how to appreciate sports competitions,sports and culture viewers appreciate the ways and means to enhance the appreciation of modern sports.随着竞技体育的快速发展,体育比赛给人带来的视觉震撼难以抵挡,因此欣赏体育比赛已经成为人们生活中的重要部分。
3.This paper narrates how to appreciate novels in design and characterization.本文将从小说的特点,小说的构思以及小说中的人物塑造等方面来阐述如何欣赏小说。
1.This paper discuses the difference between abstract painting and concrete painting, and analyzes the features, the origins of inspiration, the course of creation, the ways of enjoyment and the cultural connotation of abstract painting.论述了抽象绘画与具象绘画的区别,初步分析了抽象绘画的特点,介绍了抽象绘画的灵感来源、创作过程、欣赏方法以及人文内涵。
2.This article is about that you must pay much attention to the five essentials when you enjoy Chinese painting, they are as follows: enjoying both of the spirit and configuration; the consummate brush pen and wonderful ink;false and true;mighty vigour and poem,calligraphy,painting and signature.论述欣赏中国画要侧重掌握形神兼备、笔精墨妙、虚实相生、势质道劲、诗书画印五要素。
1.Therefore, when viewing the sport matches or exhibition matches, the students can watch with enjoyment and appreciate the various aesthetic value and charm expressed by human body in sports, thus regulating the tempo of study and life and enriching their spare time cultural life.在体育教学过程中对大学生进行体育美学教育,可以使他们掌握体育美学的有关知识,树立正确的审美观,在观看体育比赛和表演的同时欣赏到人体在运动中的各种美的表现,调节学习和生活节奏,丰富业余文化生活。
5)music appreciation音乐欣赏
1.On Vocational Teaching Music Appreciation;浅谈高职音乐欣赏课教学
2.Music Aesthetic Quality Cultivation and Music Appreciation in Teaching;音乐审美素质的培养与音乐欣赏教学
6)appreciating way欣赏方式

欣赏1.领略玩赏。 2.认为好﹐喜欢。
体育教师,PE teacher
1)PE teacher体育教师
1.Cause analysis and countermove of PE teacher′s occupational fatigue;体育教师职业倦怠的成因分析与对策研究
2.Physical Education Curriculum Reform and PE Teacher Role Changes;高职高专体育课程改革与体育教师角色的转变
3.Elegance and value of PE teachers physical appearance;论体育教师体态美及其价值

1.A Study on the Specialization of P.E.Teachers and the Specialization of the Education of P.E.Teachers;体育教师专业化与体育教师教育专业化研究
2.Research of Chinese Integrative System of PE Teacher s Education;我国体育教师教育的一体化体系研究
3.The Study of the Physical and Non-physical Teacher s Theaching Efficiency;体育教师与非体育教师教学效能感比较研究
4.Exploration of Sport Teacher Teaching Ability Testing Program;体育教师教育教学能力测试方案初探
5.From Analyzing the Character of Excellent Physical Education Teachers to Research How to Develop the Quality of the College P.E Teacher;从优秀体育教师素养谈高校体育教师素质培养
6.PE Teacher s Professionalization in Modernity and the Anchor Point about the Role of PE Teacher;现代性下体育教师专业化与体育教师角色定位
7.On PE Teachers Specialization Development and Reform Of Teacher Education in China;改革我国教师教育促进体育教师专业化发展
8.Research on Role Transition of P.E.Teachers and Teachers Training in the Context of New Curriculum Strandard;新课程标准下的体育教师角色转变与教师教育
9.Modern PE Teaching Reform and RE-Education of PE Teachers;现代体育教学改革与体育教师的再教育
10.Physical Education Instructor [Correctional Services Department]体育导师〔惩教署〕
11.Strengthen the Cultivation of Young Teachers and Perfect the System of Teachers Education;加强青年教师培养 完善教师教育体系
12.Teachers Subjectivity--the Necessary Choice of Teacher Education;主体性教师——教师教育的应然选择
13.The reflection and reform of teacher education for subjective teacher;主体性教师:教师教育的反思与变革
14.Innovating upon the Model of Teacher Education,Constructing the System of Teacher Education with Chinese Characteristic;创新教师教育模式,构建中国特色教师教育体系
15.Study on the patterns of the teaching practice of P.E.of teachers colleges;高师体育教育专业教育实习模式研究
16.On the Character of Public Physical Education in Teacher-training Schools;关于师范院校公共体育教育的师范性
17.A Study on the Reconstruction of the Student s P.E Quality in the Background of Quality Education in Normal University;高师素质教育与师范生体育素质重构
18.ON P.E.education in universities and Life-long P.E.;高等师范院校体育教育与终身体育化

physical education teacher体育教师
1.On the contemporary requirements of the quality of physical education teachers;试述当代体育教师的素质要求
2.An essay on the quality requirements of the new courses for a physical education teacher;新课程标准下的体育教师素质
3.Comparative analysis of Chinese and Japanese technical curriculum standards for the cultivation of physical education teachers;中日体育教师培养的技术课程标准比较分析
3)PE teachers体育教师
1.To develop the quality of the creative type PE teachers;创新型体育教师素质的建构
2.Necessity of PE teachers reeducation;体育教师再教育的必要性
1.Continuing education of university P.E.teachers;论普通高校体育教师的继续教育
2.Knowledge structure,ability level and comprehensive quality of college P.E.teachers;高校体育教师知识结构、能力水平与综合素质的培养
3.Relationships between pressure from work and mental health of university P.E.teachers in Zhejiang province;浙江省高校体育教师工作压力、心理健康及其关系研究
5)Physical education teachers体育教师
1.On how the curriculum reforms motivate and lead the physical education teachers in the new era;新时期课程改革对体育教师的促动与引领
2.Investigation and analysis of the recognition and evaluation of mental health education by physical education teachers in elementary and middle schools in Hunan province;湖南省中小学体育教师对心理健康教育认知与评价的调查分析
3.Occupational burnout of physical education teachers;体育教师职业倦怠现象的解析及策略
6)P.E. teachers体育教师
1.Teachers\' Survival Questionnaires are follows: On the society side, the situation that P.本研究采用教师职业倦怠MBI问卷和体育教师生存问卷,调查的对象是温州市经济欠发达乡镇初中体育教师
2.The writer made a survey of the present conditions and the countermeasures of P.体育教师是教师队伍的重要组成部分,也有必要运用教师专业发展理论来指导其建设和发展。
3.Job burnout of P.体育教师职业倦怠不仅影响体育教学质量的提高,而且还会影响教师及学生的身心健康。

洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles) 洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。 通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:library@aafla.org:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。
1.The measurements of aerodynamic force property and geometric, physical parameter of javelin;标枪的气动力特性和几何、物理参数测量
2.Analyzing vertical axes strive in javelin throwing practice;训练中投掷标枪纵轴用力的分析

1.The athletic field event in which a javelin is thrown.标枪一种投标枪的田径赛项目
2.The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.人若用刀,用枪,用标枪,用尖枪扎它,都是无用。
3.The sword of him that layeth at him cannot hold: the spear, the dart, nor the habergeon.人若用刀,用枪,用标枪,用尖枪扎他,都是无用。
4.[KJV] The sword of him that layeth at him cannot hold: the spear, the dart, nor the habergeon.追上它的刀剑都没用,矛枪、标枪、短枪也是这样。
5.She came second in the javelin.她获得标枪比赛第二名.
6.javelin formation【军】(轰炸机的)标枪队形
7.The player was throwing a javelin.运动员正在投掷标枪
8.hurl a spear at向(野兽等)投掷标枪
9.the flight of an arrow, a dart, a missile, etc箭、 标枪、 导弹等的飞行.
10.The spear curved through the air.标枪在空中沿曲线运动.
11.The coach taught us how to launch a javelin.教练教我们投标枪
12.Javelin: The field event in which athletes attempt to throw the javelin as far as possible.标枪:田赛项目,运动员竭尽全力把标枪投向远处。
13.Research on Important Factors in Javelin Flight in Javelin Training;标枪训练中对影响标枪飞行因素的分析
14.And in landing, the tip of the metal head must strike the ground before any other part of the javelin.标枪在着地时,金属枪尖应先于枪的其它部位触地。
15."The sword that reaches him cannot avail, Nor the spear, the dart or the javelin.伯41:26人若用刀、用枪、用标枪、用尖枪扎他、都是无用。
16.Experimental Study Utilizing "the Arc Frontage" Directs the Gun in the Javelin Teaching;“弧形正面”引枪在标枪教学中运用的实验研究
17.Study on Starting Skim Mechanism And pedayogy of Javelin Thrswing;对标枪“引枪”技术动作机制及教法的探讨
18.The Action Technique Comparation of Turning and Stretch Directly Javelin Throw;转体掷标枪与直接引枪投掷动作的技术比较

javelin throw标枪
1.A study of elbow joint injuries in javelin throw;对标枪训练中肘关节损伤的研究
2.The Association of Factors Affecting Javelin Throw;影响标枪成绩技术因素的关联分析
3.In this article, the relation between the action sensitivity and the performance of javelin throw was analyzed.本文对学生动作准确性与标枪成绩之间的关系进行了分析,结果表明:投掷臂本体感觉的敏感性对标枪成绩有着重要的影响。
3)first-class javelin athlete标枪一级
4)javelin teaching标枪教学
5)man's javelin男子标枪
1.Approach to skill of new type man′s javelin;新型男子标枪最后用力技术研究
6)javelin throwing掷标枪
1.Using a "Chunfeng" high speed camera made in China and the fix placed shooting method, the delivery stage in javelin throwing of top 10 athletes, including top 6 males and top 4 females in the National Track and Field Championship are recorded and analyzed.通过定点拍摄的方法拍摄了全国田径锦标赛选拔赛中我国优秀男标枪选手前 6名、女选手前 4名掷标枪最后用力阶段的投掷技术动作 ,并进行了解析。
2.The paper explains the delivery skill in javelin throwing and the actual movements of all parts of the body during the delivery.论述了掷标枪技术中“最后用力”的实质及身体各部位在最后用力过程中的作用 ;指出了“最后用力”与“原地投掷”是两个不同的概念 ;提出了“提高力量利用率”的投掷观
3.The paper thinks that the javelin throwing skill training should begin as early as the age at 13~15,with basic training emphasized.掷标枪技术训练要从基础训练阶段 (13~ 15岁 )抓起。

1.Effects of Volleyball Movements on the Nailfold Microcirculation in Female College Students;排球运动对女大学生甲襞微循环的影响
2.The establishment of guiding thinking of tactics and the development of Chinese volleyball;技战术指导思想的确立与中国排球运动的发展
3.Investigation and Countermeasure Research of the Factors Affecting the Development and Popularity of Volleyball in Some Yangpu Schools;影响上海市杨浦区中小学生排球运动开展因素的调查分析及对策研究

1.Discussion on the Volleyball Movement Consciousness of the Highness Volleyball Athletes;论高水平排球运动员的“排球运动意识”
2.Does volleyball require something?排球运动有什么要球吗?
3.On the Development Trend of Volleyball Sport and Its Enlightenment of our Country;论排球运动的发展趋势对我国排球运动的启示
4.The Enlightenment that China s Volleyball Sport can Obtain from The New Development of World Volleyball Spor;世界排球运动的新发展对我国排球运动的启示
5.Study on the Re-foundation of Sports Apperception of Volleyball Sportsman from Indoor to Beach Volleyball;试析排球运动员从室内排球转打沙滩排球后运动知觉的重建
6.Shallowly Discusses the University Volleyball Athlete s Backrow Defense Consciousness;浅谈高校排球运动员的后排防守意识
7.Volleyball is a international sport !!排球运动是个国际性的运动阿!!!
8.The Investigation of Volleyball Sportsman s Injury in University;高校排球运动员运动损伤的调查研究
9.The Sports Injury of Teenage Volleyball Athletes and Its Prevention;青少年排球运动员运动损伤及其预防
10.an inflated ball used in playing volleyball.排球运动中使用的充气球。
11.Simple analysis of influence factors of service efficacy of volleyball;浅析排球运动员发球效能的影响因素
12.Influences of "four senses" on volleyball techniques;排球运动员的四种感觉对掌握排球技术的影响
13.An Analysis on the Influence upon Volleyball by Adopting Colored Ball;试析采用彩色排球对排球运动发展的影响
14.On Relationships between the New Rules and the Development of Volley Ball;论排球新规则与排球运动发展的几个关系
15.On the Influences on Modern Volleyball Games Caused by the Revising of Volleyball Rules;谈排球规则的修改对当代排球运动的影响
16.The Developing Tendency of Volleyball Sports in The World and The Present Reform Conditions in Our Country;世界排球运动发展趋势和我国排球运动改革现状
17.Kinematics analysis of air biting movements in jumping serve among Chinese and foreign women volleyball players;中外优秀女子排球运动员跳发球空中击球动作的运动学分析
18.Study on Eye Movement Characteristics of Volleyball Player in Sport Scene;排球运动员在运动情境任务中眼动特征的研究

volleyball sports排球运动
1.Based on the documentation,mathematical statistics and mathematical computing methods,the author do some theoretical research on the defense of the elite volleyball sportsmen.运用文献资料、数理统计、数学计算等方法,对优秀排球运动员的防守诸问题进行了理论研究。
2.by the background of the physical education reform in both primary and high school,the text objectively reveals the essential features of volleyball sports and the significance of how it affects the physical education reform while the quality education is spreading all through the country in the new century.以学校体育课程改革为背景,从宏观上揭示排球运动的基本特征和新世纪排球运动在中小学体育课程改革中对全面推行素质教育的作用。
3)volleyball sport排球运动
1.Reseanch on the Cultivation the Volleyball Sports Reserve Talents论福建省排球运动后备人才的培养
2.After investigating and analyzing the common finger-damage in volleyball sport,the author of this article found that finger-dampen is one of the most common problems.通过对排球运动中常见运动损伤情况调查分析,发现手指挫伤是排球运动中最为常见的问题。
3.New pattern and trend of volleyball sport have been formed because modern volleyball sport has such characters as violent contest,various techniques and tactics and so on.现代排球运动竞争激烈 ,技、战术变化多样 ,形成了排球运动新的格局和发展趋势。
4)volleyball game排球运动
1.Through investigating the initiation,social need of volleyball game and the humanization development of new volleyball event,this paper expounds the development direction of volleyball game in university during the sport reform period and the reasonable harness of resources in new volleyball items.根据大学排球体育运动的特点,对多种特性排球运动分层递进式教学体系进行可行性研究,目的是让体育回归其本质——健康、娱乐。
2.As an athletic sports,the volleyball game has higher request to the skill,it has special requirement,the sport injure also has the certain regularity.运动损伤在体育运动中极其常见,排球运动作为一项对技能性要求很高的竞技运动项目,在技术上有它特殊的要求,其损伤也有一定的规律性。
5)volleyball player排球运动员
1.Study of means of compensation for the unbalanced structure of competitive capacity of volleyball players;排球运动员竞技能力非衡结构的补偿途径
2.Causes and countermeasures of sports injuries of middle school and college student volleyball players;大中学生排球运动员运动损伤的原因及对策
3.teaching it is very important to prevent the juvenile volleyball players from being injured.青少年排球运动员运动损伤的预防在体育运动和教学中十分重要,文章就运动损伤的原因进行了较详细的论述,并提出了预防运动损伤的措施。
6)Volleyball Athletes排球运动员
1.Survey and Analysis on Athletic Trauma of Volleyball Athletes in Some Universities of Hunan Province;湖南省部分高校排球运动员运动损伤的调查与分析
2.To realize the characteristics and reasons of the excellent volleyball athletes athletic injury actuality,the author makes investigation on the spot.通过对我国体院优秀排球运动员运动损伤现状的调查以及现场统计来了解、认识排球运动损伤的特点及原因,结合查阅大量有关资料,综合人体解剖学与力学规律,分析引起损伤的解剖学原因与直接原因,得出排球运动损伤的结果资料,以期为今后的训练和比赛中促进技术的提高和预防运动损伤的发生等提供有益的帮助。
3.60 volleyball athletes completed the Flow State Scale(FSS),the study compared the difference of different sex,different training years,and different levels.采用《运动员流畅心理状态量表》对60名排球运动员进行了调查,分别比较了不同性别、不同训练年限、不同运动等级的排球运动员在流畅心理状态9个指标上的差异,结果发现,男子排球运动员比女子排球运动员的得分要好,运动等级高的运动员对自己的技术越有信心,并且对自己的目标非常清楚。

竞技体操,competitive gymnastics
1)competitive gymnastics竞技体操
1.Consider Scientific Training in Competitive Gymnastics;竞技体操科学化训练的思考
2.Comparative study of management of competitive gymnastics in China and USA;中国、美国竞技体操管理体制的比较研究
3.Research on establishment of goals and supportive teams of China woman competitive gymnastics in 2008 Olympics;2008年奥运会我国女子竞技体操目标定位及后备队伍的建设

1.Research on Factors to Win in Competitive,Aerobic and Artistic Gymnastics;竞技体操、健美操、艺术体操制胜因素的研究
2.Study on the Personality of Gymnastic Technical Innovation Principal Part;竞技体操技术创新主体人格因素研究
3.Chinese Men's Gymnastics Training Strategies as Seen From the Development Tendency of Current Gymnastics Technology从竞技体操技术的发展趋势探析我国男子竞技体操训练对策
4.New explore on teaching competition in gymnastic general class in PE department of teachers college;高师体育系体操普修课竞技体操教学比赛新探
5.Unified Study on Skill-Technique-Taoism of Gymnastics;竞技体操“艺-技-道”之融合统一研究
6.Motor skill transfer between competitive gymnastics and competitive calisthenics;对竞技体操与竞技健美操之间运动技能迁移的研究
7.Study on Taoist Gymnastics Aesthetic Concept --Construction of Gymnastics Ideal Personality;道家竞技体操美育观之研究——竞技体操理想人格的建构
8.Analysis on Changing Characteristics of Athlete Gymnastics Evaluation Rules in 2006 and The Prospect of Competitiveness in Female Gymnastics;2006年国际竞技体操评分规则变化特点及女子体操竞技性展望
9.Seeing Through the Trend of Development of Competitive Gymnastics to Get Some Countermeasures of Competitive Gymnastics Weakness in China;从竞技体操的发展趋势看我国竞技体操的薄弱环节及相应的对策
10.The Study of the Way and Character of Conduction of the Sport Performance Ability for Artistic Gymnastics;竞技体操运动员竞技能力传导方式与特征研究
11.The Prospects and Rule Changing of Man s Gymnastics;男子竞技体操规则的变化与竞技性展望
12.Competitive Gymnastics Will Become Only Deputy of Modern Gymnastics;试论竞技体操将成为现代体操的唯一代表
13.Contemplation of the structure of competition in men’s competitive gymnastics in Beijing Olympic Games from the perspective of the 39th World Gymnastics Championships;从第39届世界体操锦标赛看北京奥运会男子竞技体操竞争格局
14.Competition Structure and Form of Gymnastics in Beijing Olympic Game--Analyze Chinese Woman Gymnastics from the 39th World Gymnastics Tournament;北京奥运会竞技体操的竞争格局——从第39届世界体操竞标赛分析中国女子体操
15.Study of the History and Current Situation of Portuguese Artistic Gymnastics and Presentation of Some Countermeasures to Its Development葡萄牙竞技体操发展现状与对策研究
16.The modern competitive gymnastics originated in Germany in the late 18th century.现代竞技体操于18世纪起源于德国。
17.Research on Condition and Developing Countermeasure of Gymnastics in Shanxi Province;山西省竞技体操现状及发展对策研究
18.Practicability of professionalism of athletic gymnastics and its implementation;我国竞技体操职业化的可行性与对策

1.orecast on China Man Gymnastic Participation in 2008 Beijing Olympics——Take the 39th Edition of World Gymnastics Championship as the Example;我国男子竞技体操参加2008年北京奥运展望——以第39届世界体操锦标赛表现为例
2.Analysis on the Researching Situation of Chinese Gymnastics;对我国竞技体操科研状况的分析
3.Knowledge,ability and training of creative gymnastics coaches;试论竞技体操创新型教练员的知识、能力及培养
3)Artistic gymnastics竞技体操
1.Study of general sustainable ability of China artistic gymnastics;我国竞技体操可持续发展总体能力研究
2.A Study on Sustainable Ability of China Artistic Gymnastics;我国竞技体操可持续发展能力研究
3.Study of the History and Current Situation of Portuguese Artistic Gymnastics and Presentation of Some Countermeasures to Its Development;葡萄牙竞技体操发展现状与对策研究
4)athletic gymnastics竞技体操
1.A feasible analysis on the professionalization of athletic gymnastics in China;中国竞技体操职业化发展道路的可行性研究
2.Practicability of professionalism of athletic gymnastics and its implementation;我国竞技体操职业化的可行性与对策
3.Development trend and change features of world athletic gymnastics pattern世界竞技体操格局变化特点及趋势
5)athletics gymnastics竞技体操
1.Study on the regularity of technique and rules developing of world men s athletics gymnastics;男子竞技体操规则演变与技术发展的规律性研究
2.This paper has studied 392 theses of chinese core journals of sports durning 1996—2005,which revealed the main characteristic and analysed the academic research situation of athletics gymnastics by biblio-metrology,carried on statistical analysis such as publishing articles amount,the author and quoted passage situation to offer some reference for the developing of relevant scientific research.对1996—2005年间体育类核心期刊中与竞技体操相关的392篇论文,运用文献计量学方法从载文量、作者及引文情况等方面进行了统计分析,揭示了其主要特征与规律,客观评析了竞技体操领域学术研究的现状,为相关科学研究的发展提供了一些参考和借鉴。
3.Athletics gymnastics in our country athletics sports the actor strong character, has since always been our country Olympic Games seizes the golden project with emphasis.一直以来竞技体操在我国竞技体育中扮演着重要角色,是我国奥运会重点夺金项目。
6)competitive gymnastics classes竞技体操课
1.A few tries have been introduced in this article about female teachers having competitive gymnastics classes for male students.女教师上好男生竞技体操课的几点尝

竞技体操  以竞技为直接目的的体操。男子有自由体操,鞍马,吊环,纵跳马,双杠,单杠 6项。女子有横跳马,高低杠,平衡木,自由体操 4项(图1)。    发展概况 随着体操技术的发展,现在许多国家已将竞技体操改称为 artistic gymnastics,直译为"艺术体操"。为了区别于女子持轻器械做的体操(国际上称为韵律体操 rhythmic gymnasti-cs,中国旧译为艺术体操),中国仍用"竞技体操"这一习惯名称,简称体操。竞技体操对人的体态和意志的锻炼有很大价值,有较强的艺术性,动作优美,难度大,变化多,深为青少年和广大群众所喜爱。1896年,在希腊举行的第 1届奥林匹克运动会上,竞技体操被正式列为比赛项目,包括男子双杠、单杠、鞍马、吊环和爬绳等项。1903年,在比利时安特卫普举行了第 1届世界体操锦标赛。1928年在荷兰举行的第 9届奥运会和1934年在匈牙利举行的第10届世界体操锦标赛中,开始有女子竞技体操比赛。男子竞技体操的 6个项目是在1936年第11届奥运会上确定的。女子竞技体操的 4个项目到1952年在赫尔辛基举行的第15届奥运会上才确定。竞技体操在中国的开展比较晚。在1948年的全国运动会上,虽将体操列为表演性项目,但也只有单杠、双杠两项。中华人民共和国成立以后,体操得到蓬勃发展。1952年,中国人民解放军第 1届运动会上首次举行了体操比赛。1953年在北京举行的全国田径、体操、自行车运动大会,是第 1次全国性竞技体操比赛。比赛项目,男子有单杠、双杠、自由体操和纵跳箱;女子有双杠、自由体操和横跳箱。1954年,全国性体操比赛开始按国际上通行的竞技体操比赛项目进行。从1955年起,中国每年都有1~2次全国性体操比赛。由于竞技体操技术水平不断提高,体操运动健将从1956年的16名,发展到1981年的477名;国家级裁判员由1957 年的20名,发展到1981年 6月份的 177名,其中15名通过考试获得了国际体操联合会颁发的国际裁判证书;到1981年底止,又有51名体操教练员被授予国家级教练员称号。    1958年,中国体操队第 1次参加了在莫斯科举行的第14届世界体操锦标赛,男队获团体第11名,女队获团体第 7名。1962年,中国体操队参加了在布拉格举行的第15届世界体操锦标赛,男队获团体第 4名,女队获团体第 6名;在单项决赛中,中国运动员于烈烽以他独创的"单环全旋"技术和优异的成绩,取得了鞍马比赛第3名。1963年,中国体操队参加了在雅加达举行的第1届新兴力量运动会。在这次比赛中,中国男女队都获得团体亚军;在男、女全能和10个单项决赛中,中国运动员获得 7个项目的冠军;16岁的王维俭取得了女子全能和自由体操、平衡木、跳马等4项冠军。1974年9月在德黑兰举行的第 7届亚洲运动会上,中国体操队获得男、女团体冠军;在男、女全能和10个单项的决赛中,中国选手共获 6枚金牌、8枚银牌和2枚铜牌;28岁的蒋绍毅获得女子全能和3个单项的冠军。1978年12月第8届亚洲运动会在曼谷举行,中国男、女体操队再次蝉联团体冠军,并囊括了男、女个人全能的前 3名,共获得10枚金牌、8枚银牌、5枚铜牌。    1979年12月,第20届世界体操锦标赛在美国沃斯堡举行。33个国家的 330名强手参加了比赛,中国运动员获得男子团体第5名和女子团体第4名。15岁的马燕红以19.825分的优异成绩,同德意志民主共和国选手M.格瑙克并列高低杠世界冠军。    1980年 8月,中国体操队参加了在美国哈特福德举行的国际体操邀请赛。在这次比赛中,中国男、女队均获团体冠军,李翠玲获女子全能冠军;全队共获得 9枚金牌、8枚银牌、3枚铜牌。    1980年世界杯体操比赛在加拿大多伦多市举行。中国派出李月久、黄玉斌、朱政等优秀运动员参加了这次比赛。李月久获男子双杠冠军、自由体操第 2名和全能第 5名。黄玉斌与苏联选手Б.马库茨并列吊环冠军,并获双杠第3名,朱政获女子高低杠第3名。    1981年 7月在布加勒斯特举行的第11届世界大学生运动会上,中国18岁的广西选手李宁,夺得男子自由体操、鞍马、吊环 3枚金牌,李月久获得跳马金牌,李小平并列鞍马第 1名。    1981年11月在莫斯科举行了第21届世界体操锦标赛。中国男队获团体第3名,女队获团体第2名。童非和马燕红分别获男女全能第 4名。在单项比赛中,李月久与苏联Ю.科罗廖夫并列自由体操冠军,李小平与德意志民主共和国M.尼古拉并列鞍马冠军,马燕红获高低杠亚军,陈永妍获平衡木亚军,黄玉斌获吊环亚军,吴佳妮获平衡木第3名。    技术 竞技体操技术在第二次世界大战以后得到了迅速发展。50~60年代大多是在单一技术的基础上提高动作的难度,如空翻一周、两周,空翻转体360°、720°。进入70年代,竞技体操技术发展突飞猛进。1972年慕尼黑奥运会体操比赛中,日本运动员塚原光男在单杠比赛时做了一个"团身后空翻转体 180°接团身前空翻转体180 °下"。这种将围绕身体纵轴转体巧妙地融合于沿身体横轴翻转两周的"复合类空翻"动作,为体操技术的发展开辟了一个新的领域。此后,又从团身姿势发展为屈体甚至直体姿势,不仅向后做而且向前做,增加翻转周数和转体度数,并将此类动作移植到自由体操、双杠、吊环、高低杠、平衡木等项目中,从而把体操项目的难度推向了一个新的阶段。    国际体操联合会规定,凡第1次在世界性比赛中出现的创新动作,都冠以创造该动作的运动员或国家的名字。如"托马斯全旋"、"塚原跳"、"沙金扬下"、"德式摆越"、"N.科马内奇下"、"科尔布特空翻"等。这种命名方式鼓励了运动员大胆创新的精神,促进了新技术、新动作的发展。    比赛 竞技体操在奥运会和世界体操锦标赛等大型比赛中,按团体赛、个人全能决赛和个人单项决赛 3种比赛进行。其中包括规定动作比赛和自选动作比赛。    第Ⅰ种比赛──团体赛,包括规定动作比赛(Ⅰa)和自选动作比赛(Ⅰb),以各队在各单项竞赛中规定动作较优的前5名与自选动作较优的前5名得分总和确定团体成绩和名次。另外选出全能(Ⅰa加Ⅰb的分数)的前36名运动员参加第Ⅱ种比赛(个人全能决赛),各单项的前 8名参加第Ⅲ种比赛(个人单项决赛)。    第Ⅱ种比赛──个人全能决赛。只比自选动作。成绩是以第Ⅱ种比赛的得分与第Ⅰ种比赛全能得分一半之和来确定个人全能成绩和名次。每个国家参加第Ⅱ种比赛的人数不能超过 3名。    第Ⅲ种比赛──个人单项决赛。只比自选动作。成绩的确定是以第Ⅲ种比赛的得分与第Ⅰ种比赛该项得分的一半之和,确定个人单项成绩和名次。每个国家参加第Ⅲ种比赛的人数,每项不能超过 2名。    比赛可以男、女分场进行,也可以同场进行。世界体操运动比赛的规定动作由国际体操联合会技术委员会制订,其他不同水平比赛的规定动作也可由相应的竞赛组织机构负责制订。规定动作满分是10分,其中包括熟练性加分因素。自选动作是由运动员根据规则对一套动作的难度和组织编排的具体要求,结合个人的特点、风格自己编制的;满分是10分,其中包括惊险性、独特性、熟练性的加分。    为了推动和适应体操运动的发展,体操竞赛的评分方法也不断发展变化。在第二次世界大战以前,评分方法比较简单。1938年,国际体操联合会技术委员会决定:在评分中设置 4名裁判员,去掉最高分和最低分,以两个中间分的平均数,作为最后得分;还规定了在不同得分区限内两个中间分差额的限制,超出范围即为无效分。这种评定最后得分的方法一直沿用至今。1948年,第二次世界大战后的首届奥运会(即第14届奥运会),举行了裁判员宣誓仪式,并在每个裁判组中增加 1名裁判长,负责监督和帮助4名裁判员进行工作。1949年,第1次制订出版了国际体操评分规则。此后,随着运动技术水平的不断发展提高,评分规则和方法也得到不断的改进和充实,并逐渐形成了比较完善的难度动作分类表(将常见的各个项目的动作, 从易到难分成A、B、C三个难度组,运动员根据规则中对 3种难度动作数量的要求和组织编排中对各项目特定技术的具体规定,结合自己的情况进行选择)。1964年又制定了新的评分规则,取消了规定动作比赛中允许重做的规定,并举办第 1届洲际裁判员训练班(此后每4年举办一次),以便研究技术,统一评分标准。    规则规定,在多数体操项目的比赛中,允许教练员在器械旁对运动员进行保护,但帮助(包括用语言帮助)运动员完成动作,则要扣分。男子自由体操、女子自由体操和平衡木的一套动作,有完成时间的规定。女子自由体操必须在音乐伴奏下进行(可由钢琴师到现场伴奏;也可用管弦乐的录音磁带伴奏,但不准用乐队伴奏或伴唱)。体操比赛可以在体操馆(场)中高 1~1.20米的比赛台上进行。 运动员在台上完成各项比赛。 裁判员、工作人员、教练员及其他有关人员,均在台下进行工作(图2)。     体操护掌 体操运动员在单杠、 吊环、 高低杠等项比赛中用以保护手掌的护具。护掌用坚韧的皮革制成,一端有孔洞,套在中指和无名指上;另一端用皮带固定在手腕上。用护掌可以减轻手与器械的直接摩擦,防止手掌起泡和揭皮,也可帮助运动员更牢靠地握紧器械,完成高难度的、大幅度的摆动动作。这种护具的进一步改革,对促进体操技术的发展起了一定的作用(图3、图4)。     镁粉 即碳酸镁(MgCO3)。有粉状、块状两种。是在体操或其他一些需要握牢器械的运动项目中,为了防滑,运动员在手上涂擦的一种防滑剂。碳酸镁与手上的汗液混合,可以增加手掌与器械间的摩擦力,便于紧握器械,顺利完成练习或竞赛动作。    中国著名体操运动员     马燕红 (见马燕红)    李月久(1957~ ) 上中学时曾参加1974年在德意志联邦共和国举行的世界中学生运动会,获男子个人全能冠军。他在竞技体操的几个项目中,创造了一些新的高难动作。在1980年美国哈特福德国际体操邀请赛中获得自由体操冠军;在1980年加拿大多伦多市举行的世界杯体操比赛中获双杠冠军。1981年,在罗马尼亚举行的第11届世界大学生运动会上,获跳马第 1名;同年,以19.775 分的优异成绩与苏联选手Ю.科罗廖夫并列第21届世界体操锦标赛的自由体操冠军。    黄玉斌(1958~ ) 12岁时开始练习体操。1976年进入北京体育学院学习。黄玉斌体型匀称,动作幅度大、线条美。1978、1979年在全国体操锦标赛中,曾两次获得全能冠军。1980年在世界杯体操比赛中,以翻上成水平支撑等用力动作、精确的大回环和稳健的下法,获得了19.55分,与苏联选手Б.马库茨并列吊环冠军。在1981年第21届世界体操锦标赛上夺得吊环第2名。    李小平(1962~ ) 1979年全国体操锦标赛获得鞍马冠军。1981年第21届世界体操锦标赛以19.900分的成绩,与德意志民主共和国选手M.尼古拉并列鞍马第1名;同时以116.925分的成绩获得个人全能第7名。李小平的鞍马动作难度大、质量高、动作舒展,他在这次世界比赛中独创了纵向后移的高难动作。(见彩图)   
1.Study on the Competitive Feature and Actual Strength of Chinese Outstanding Male Decathlon Athletes;我国优秀男子十项全能运动员竞技特征及实力分析
2.A Study on the Current Developing Characteristics of Women s Decathlon;当今女子十项全能运动发展特征探索
3.A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Outstanding Foreign and Chinese Decathlon Athletes in 2006 by Factor Structure;从因子结构比较分析2006年中外优秀十项全能选手比赛成绩

1.Decathlon and heptathlon十项全能和七项全能
2.He is Decathlon and heptathlon.他是十项全能和七项全能。
3.A Study on the Current Developing Characteristics of Women s Decathlon;当今女子十项全能运动发展特征探索
4.China and foreign countries′outstanding man s decathlon achievement is compared and analysed;中外优秀男子十项全能成绩对比分析
5.Attributive analysis of men s decathlon in China and abroad;国内外男子十项全能运动的回归分析
6.Comparative study on performance of decathlon in the Chinese and world s elite athletes;中外田径十项全能运动成绩比较研究
7.Thompson turn In a superb performance to win the decathlon汤普森在十项全能比赛中表现十分出色
8.The term decathlon in Greek means“ ten tests”.十项全能一词在希腊语中是“十种测试”之意。
9.Thompson turned in a superb performance to win the decathlon.汤普森在十项全能比赛中表现十分出色.
10.A Status Quo Analysis of Our Men s Decathlon of Track and Field;我国田径男子十项全能项目的现状解析
11.Contrast Studies On Every Decathlon Sub-item Of Qi Haifeng And Decathlon Athletes Abroad;齐海峰与国外十项全能运动员各子项对比研究
12.Comparative Analysis of Sub-Items of Chinese and Foreign Decathlons that Contribute to Result;中外十项全能子项目对总成绩贡献的对比分析
13.China s Outstanding Decathlon Athletes Physical Characteristics of the Study;我国优秀十项全能运动员体能结构特征的研究
14.A Survey of Psychological Skill Training of Decathlon Players;对十项全能运动员心理技能训练的探讨
15.A Study on Psychological Abilities of Chinese Elite Decathletes;我国优秀十项全能运动员心理能力的测试研究
16.Comparative Study on Performance of Men s Decathlon between China and Foreign Countries;对中外男子十项全能运动成绩的比较研究
17.Development trend of men decathon performance both at home and abroad;中外男子十项全能运动成绩发展态势研究
18.On Fundamental Characteristics and Training Principle of Decathlon;十项全能运动本质特征及训练规律新探

short distace runing and hurdies十项全能运动
3)decathlon player十项全能运动员
1.With the literature analysis,statistical and comprehensive analysis methods, an analysis and study on home and abvoad the elite decathlon players were given.运用文献资料法、数理统计法和比较分析等方法 ,对中外优秀十项全能运动员身体素质、成绩模式及身体素质指标进行了分析与研究 ,找出影响我国十项全能成绩落后的主要因素 ,并提出了相应的对策建议 ,为进一步提高我国男子十项全能运动员整体水平提供科学的理论依
4)man decathlon男子十项全能
1.This article uses the theory and methods of grey system to analyze the single result of decathlon in the 29th Olympic Games,so as to reveal the relationship of singles,single and total result,and every group;and sums up the characteristics of their performances of man decathlon in this Olympic Games.运用灰色系统的理论与方法,对第29届奥运会男子十项全能运动员的各单项成绩进行灰色关联分析,以揭示其单项之间、单项与总成绩以及各类群之间的关联关系,总结出本届奥运会男子十项全能的成绩特征。
5)female decathlon女子十项全能
1.Using documentation,logic analysis,and other research methods,the female decathlon features of the project undertaken in China and the favorable factors and unfavorable conditions are analyzed.运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对女子十项全能特点及我国开展该项目的有利因素和不利条件进行分析论证。
6)Man track and field decathlon男子田径十项全能

1.Kinematical analysis on the take-off technique of some Chinese elite male high jumpers;现阶段中国部分优秀男子跳高运动员起跳技术的运动学分析
2.A Comparative Analysis of the Horizontal Velocity Changes in the Course of Approach and Take-off for Chinese and Foreign Elite Female Triple Jumpers;中、外优秀女子三级跳远运动员助跑以及起跳过程中水平速度变化特征的对比分析
3.kinetic Analysis of technique of take-off of three jumping of triple jump of Li-YanXi;三级跳远运动员李延熙三跳起跳技术的运动学分析

1.Human-board interaction during a running takeoff in springboard diving;跳板跳水起跳动作时的人板协调关系
2.Comparative Study on Take off Technique: Long Jump to Long Jump of Half Distance Running up and the Vaulting Box Practice中程跳远和跳箱练习起跳技术与跳远起跳技术的比较研究
3.Study on Practice Method of Male Long Jumper Takeoff Leg s Depth Long Jump;男子跳远运动员起跳腿跳深跳远练习方法研究
4.Elevation: The height a diver achieves from a take-off.起跳高度:一名跳水运动员起跳时所达到的高度。
5.The six official groups of dives ale forward dives,Backward dives,reverse dives,inward dives,twist dives and armstand dives.跳水的6组正式起跳动作有:向前跳水,向后跳水,反身跳水,向内跳水,转身跳水和臂立跳水。
6.Kinetic Comparative Study on Taking-off of Depth-long-jump and Long Jump;跳深跳远与三级跳远跨步跳起跳的动力学比较研究
7.Analysis on Landing Movement of Hopping in Triple Jump;三级跳远中各跳起跳时着地动作的作用分析
8.Kinetics Analysis on Person-board System While Taking off in Springboard Dive;跳板跳水起跳阶段人板系统的动力学分析
9.I was planning on doing a forward somersault dive from the starting blocks.我想在起跳板上做前翻跳。
10.He ran up and jumped a long distance.他助跑,然后起跳,跳的很远。
11.Take- off is a functien movement in the movement system of long jump.起跳是跳远动作系统中的功能性动作。
12.The Intergration of Run-up and Take-off in Long-jump Training;浅议跳远教学中助跑起跳的有机结合
13.The Kinesiological Analysis on the Running Jump Skillin Long Jump;跳远助跑连接起跳技术的运动学分析
14.Study on the Function of Leg Swinging in the Taking off Process of the Long Jump;对跳远起跳过程中摆动腿作用的研究
15.Study on "Double Dynamical" Take-off Technique Theory of Fosbury Flop High Jump;背越式跳高“双动力”起跳技术理论研究
16.Biomechanical Research on Specific Ability of Takeoff in Long Jump;跳远起跳肌肉专项能力生物力学研究
17.to jump into the air, out of a window, over the wall, off a roof, onto the ground, etc跳起来、 跳出窗户、 跳过墙、 跳下屋顶、 跳到地上
18."What!"he exclaimed.鸿渐跳起来道:“呀?

1.The kinematic analysis on takeoff technique between Chinese female jumper and world elite jumper in high jump;中外优秀女子跳高运动员起跳技术运动学指标的对比分析
2.Velocity characteristics of last two steps in approach and takeoff of elite female triple jumpers in China;我国优秀女子三级跳远运动员助跑最后两步与起跳速度特征的研究
3.Influence of different approach distance on technique of takeoff of pole vault;不同助跑距离对撑竿跳高起跳技术的影响
3)Take off起跳
1.The aims to tell briefly how to instruct approching and take off in straddle high-jump, according to university student s characters and the present high-jump situation in the world.根据当今世界跳高技术发展的现状,结合普通大学生的特点,就俯卧式跳高的助跑和起跳技术的教学做了简单介绍。
2.The author thinks that absulute speed,fast take off and take off movements are the good ways to improve the results.认为提高绝对速度能力是提高跳远成绩的前提 ,提高运动员快速的起跳能力是关键 ,提高起跳动作的各环节质量对提高跳远成绩有重要促进作
1.Kinematics Analysis of Jump in Spike by Elite Sportsmen in Beach Volleyball;对优秀男排运动员沙滩排球扣球起跳动作的运动学分析
2.Through shoot available technology on thirteen excellent high jump athletes during the process of competition in recent five years.通过对目前5年我国13名优秀跳高运动员在比赛中有效技术的拍摄,运用运动生物力学的方法,以我国优秀男子跳高运动员在比赛中技术的影片解析所得运动学参数为依据分析比赛中助跑、起跳特别是杆上技术,研究得出正确的起跳技术是顺利过杆的保障,同时通过改变身体部分环节的位置主动降低部分肢体,而升高另一部分肢体,达到提高成绩的目的。
3.Based on the present status of long jump and documental data and mathematical statistics,this paper analyzes the running speed,rhythm,use rate of speed and landing,cushioning,legging,covering of gravity move in the jump course,so as to find out some factors affecting the result of long jump.根据现阶段跳远运动现状,运用文献资料和数理统计的研究方法,对助跑速度、节奏、速度利用率以及起跳过程中的着地、缓冲、蹬伸、重心移动的扇面等方面进行分析,找出影响跳远成绩的一些因素。
1.On jumping time for getting reboarding and its application;试论抢篮板球的起跳时机及运用
2.The Relations between Curvilinear Run-up of Back-style High Jump and Jumping Techniques背越式跳高弧线助跑与起跳技术的关系探讨
3.The moment of take-off can be caught,and the jumping acceleration and velocity are obtained.首先利用离散小波分解信号,对时频小波变换相关算法进行改进,只对能量集中的低频逼近信号进行相关估计,避免了高频干扰,从而推算出运动员的离板时刻及起跳加速度和速度。
6)long jump take-off跳远起跳
1.Technology of long jump take-off is a way to turn the human body s horizontal speed into taking-off speed.跳远起跳技术是将人体的水平运动转变为抛体运动,踝关节在其中发挥了重要的作用。

立定跳远立定跳远 i不用肋跑,从立定姿势开始的跳远.比赛时运动员双脚站立的位置不限定.跳时,只准离地一次,如双脚离地后不起跳,落下后再起跳,即为连续离地两次,作一次试跳失败论.在田径训练中经常采用.立定跳远是“达标”项目之一,是体育考试、会考的必测项目或选测项目。北京地区规定立定跳远为初中升学考试体育的必测项目、高中毕业会考体育的选测项目。1.作用与特点立定跳远是发展下肢爆发力与弹跳力的运动项目。它要求下肢与髋部肌肉协调快速用力,并与上肢的摆动相配合,所以它也需要一定的灵巧性。立定跳远具有简便易行的特点,只要有一块平地就能进行练习。2.技术结构跳时两腿稍分,膝微屈,身体前倾,然后两臂自然前后预摆两次,两腿随着屈伸,当两臂从后向前上方做有力摆动时,两脚用前脚掌迅速蹬地,膝关节充分蹬直同时展髋向前跳起,身体尽量前送,身体在空间成一斜线,过最高点后屈膝、收腹、小腿前伸,两臂自上向下向后摆,落地时脚跟先着地,落地后屈膝缓冲,上体前倾。要提高立定跳远成绩,力量是基础,特别要提高膝、踝、髋三个关节的协调用力及爆发用力的能力。3.影响成绩的因素(l)力量因素 特别对下肢肌群的爆发用力能力,而且对踝关节的力量提出了较高的要求。立定跳远的最后用力点是在前脚掌,甚至是脚尖,需要踝关节的跖屈用力有相当大的强度。(2)协调用力的能力 指骨盆肌群与下肢肌群协调用力的能力(包括踝关节)。协调用力正确的标志是,髋、膝、踝三关节能迅速有力地蹬直,上肢能做出协调的摆动,起到带、领、提拉的作用。(3)臂的摆动作用 立定跳远必须直臂摆动,摆幅越大,带、领、提拉动作越强。请注意观察,凡屈臂摆动者,必然造成上体的波浪动作,从而影响跳的远度。4.练习方法(1)蹲跳起 这是主要发展腿部肌肉力量和踝关节力量的练习。跳的方法:双脚左右开立,脚尖平行,屈膝向下深蹲或半蹲,两臂自然后摆。然后两腿迅速蹬伸,使髋、膝、踝三个关节充分伸直,同时两臂迅速有力向前上摆,最后用脚尖蹬离地面向上跳起,落地时用前脚掌着地屈膝缓冲,接着再跳起。每次练习15~20次,重复3~4组。(2)单脚交换跳 这是发展小腿、脚掌和踝关节力量的练习。跳的方法:上体正直,膝部伸直,两脚交替向上跳起。跳时主要是用踝关节的力量,用前脚掌快速蹬地跳起,离地时脚面绷直,脚尖向下。原地跳时,可规定跳的时间(30秒~1分钟)或跳的次数(30~60次)。行进间跳时,可规定跳的距离(20~30米)。以上练习重复2~3组。(3)蹍跳步 蹍跳步主要用来发展腿部后群肌肉和踝关节的力量,训练身体的协调性。动作方法:用右(左)腿直膝向前上方跳起,同时左(右)腿屈膝向上举,右腿落地,然后换腿,用同样方法跳,两臂配合腿前后大幅度摆动。跳时踝关节和前脚掌要用力,整个动作轻快。它与舞蹈的“蹍跳步”动作类似。(4)纵跳摸高 这是发展腿部肌肉和踝关节力量而经常采用的一种练习方法。动作方法:两脚自然开立成半蹲预备姿势,一臂或两臂向上伸直,接着两腿用力蹬伸向上跳起,用单手或双手摸高。每次练习10次左右,重复3~4组。(5)蛙跳 是发展大腿肌肉和髋关节力量的练习。动作方法:两脚分开成半蹲,上体稍前倾,两臂在体后成预备姿势。两腿用力蹬伸,充分伸直髋、膝、踝三个关节,同时两臂迅速前摆,身体向前上方跳起,然后用全脚掌落地屈膝缓冲,两臂摆成预备姿势。连续进行5~7次,重复3~4组。(6)障碍跳 主要发展腿部肌肉和踝关节爆发力。练习方法:地上放小海绵垫6~10块,每块距离1米左右。练习者站在垫后,两脚左右开立,脚尖平行,屈膝向下,两臂自然后摆,用脚掌力量向前上方跳过障碍,两臂配合向前上方摆动,落地时屈膝缓冲,落地后迅速做下次跳跃。
1)Rebound[英]['ri:'ba?nd, r?-][美]['ri'ba?nd, r?-]篮板球
1.On the Teaching and Training of Seizing the Rebound Skill;浅析抢篮板球技术的教学与训练
2.On the role of rebound in the basketball match;论篮球比赛中篮板球的作用
3.Vying For the Rebounds in Modern Baskt-ball Sports;现代篮球运动中篮板球的争夺

1.The act or an instance of taking possession of a rebounding ball.抢夺篮板球抢夺篮板球的行为或事件
2.The Basketball Sport inside Continues to Rise Function that Jump to a Cricket;篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用
3.He always controlled the rebounds.他总是控制篮板球
4.This is a transparent backboard.这是透明的篮板球
5.Rebound Regularity and Offensive Rebound Recovery;篮板球的反弹规律与进攻篮板球的拼抢
6.Shoot! You will have a chance to develop and improve your basketball skills, such as shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, defense and team play.投球!来一起学篮球的技巧-投篮,传球,运球,篮板球,防守,和团队合作。
7.A usually one-handed, banked shot made close to the basket after driving in.篮板球突破后在篮板附近的打板进篮筐,尤指用单手
8.The fundamental of basketball includes shooting, passing and catching, rebounding, etc.篮球运动中最基本的东西包括投篮,传接球,篮板球等。
9.Analysis on the Tactics of Improving the Ability of Controling the Rebounds for Chinese National Basketball Team;提高我国男子篮球篮板球拼抢能力的策略分析
10.The principle of ankle joint and its prevention of basketball athlete in university;篮球运动员拼抢篮板球的技术及训练方法
11.A Tentative Analysis of How to Improve the Ability forInside Man in Strugling for the Rebounds;论如何提高篮球内线队员拼抢篮板球的能力
12.On tactics of snatching a rebound in basketball training;浅谈在篮球教学训练中拼抢篮板球的技巧
13.Try on Theory Influence Basketball Athlete Spell Backboard Recovery Factor of Ability;试论影响篮球运动员拼抢篮板球能力的因素
14.On Study of Rebounds Bouncing Laws and Fighting Action;篮球篮板球反弹规律及拼抢行为的研究
15.Investigation and Analysis on Rebounds of Chinese National Basketball Team;中国男子篮球队抢篮板球现状的调查与分析
16.A Study on Training College Basketball Players to Obtain Attacking Rebounds;高校篮球运动员拼抢进攻篮板球技术训练初探
17.Analysis on Improving the Ability for Inside Man in Strugling for the Rebounds试论篮球内线队员拼抢篮板球能力的提高
18.To retrieve and gain possession of the ball as it bounces off the backboard or rim after an unsuccessful shot.抢得篮板球在球没有入篮而是从篮板或篮框弹出来之后重新获得球的控制权

2.Factors under controlling rebounds and the research on rising the ability of controlling rebounds;影响篮板球控制能力的因素及对策
3.The ability of striving for and controling the offensive rebounds is an important standard to measure "air mastery"of the players as well as the whole team.进攻篮板球的拼抢和控制能力是评价一个运动员争夺“制空权”能力的重要指标,也是反映一个球队整体“制空权”对抗实力的标志。
3)basketball backboard篮球板
1.Large SMC basketball backboards have been prepared and produced.本文研制与生产了平面尺寸为1829×1067mm,重量达36kg 的 SMC 模压篮球板。
4)rebound antagonism篮板球对抗
5)basketball rebounding篮板球控制
1.The results indicate that the CBA players did make certain progress in basketball rebounding.采用数理统计法,比较分析法,对2004年-2005年度的CBA和NBA球赛录像作了统计分析,特别对CBA和NBA队员对篮板球控制这一技术指标进行了对比和分析,发现中国CBA队员对篮板球控制这一指标有所提升,但仍存在冲抢人数少,挑拨抢球能力弱,堵位意识差,缺乏堵位技术与力量训练,外围队员篮板球训练不足等问题,同时,也显示出中国CBA选手在篮板球控制这一技术与美国NBA选手存在的明显差距,为尽快使中国篮球汇入国际潮流,应借鉴美国NBA队员篮板球控制的先进技术与经验。
6)backboard ability篮板球能力

铅球,shot put
1)shot put铅球
1.Mechanical analysis on the distance of shot put flying and its influential factors;铅球飞行距离与其影响因素的力学分析
2.Characteristics of plantar pressure distribution in the final throwing stage in backward shift shot put;背向滑步推铅球最后用力阶段足底压力分布特征
3.Application of image method in shot put teaching;表象教学法在原地推铅球教学中的应用

1.An act of putting the shot.推铅球铅球的动作
2.Influence of Gradual Increasing the Weight of Shot on Shot Teaching递增铅球重量铅球教学法的实验研究
3.He is going to put the shot at the sports meet.在运动会中,他将推铅球
4.A Discussion on the Advantage of Revolving Style Technique in Pushing Shot and the Development of Shot Event in Asia;旋转推铅球技术优势与亚洲铅球运动发展
5.A New Study of the Best Record of Shot-putting and the Best Putting Angle;推铅球最佳成绩和铅球最佳投出角度问题新探
6.Discussion on Slippery Shot Put Technology Teaching Based on the Development of Technology从推铅球技术的演变谈滑步推铅球技术教学
7.The throwing events consist of javelin, discus, hammer and shot.投掷项目包括标枪、铁饼、链球和铅球
8.Throwing events comprise the javelin, discus, hammer and shot put.投掷项目包括标枪、饼、链球和铅球
9.a heavy metal ball used in the shot put.用在铅球比赛中的重金属球。
10.On Application of Droppingl in Shot Teaching in Higher Vocational College;论“吊球”在高职院校铅球教学中的运用
11.The technological innovation of shot and hammer field positioner;铅球、链球场地定位器技术创新研究
12.The Research of"Flaping the Arm"Technology in the Shot Put Teaching;铅球“振臂”出球投掷技术教学实验研究
13.Calculation and drawing of throwing field of shot put,hammer and discus;铅球、链球、铁饼投掷区的计算及画法
14.Discussion on correcting the mistakes in “fling shot” during the teaching of shot putting;铅球教学中如何纠正学生的“抛球”现象
15.Probe into “Subconcious Pursuit of the Ball”Method of Putting the shot in Public P. E. Teching;铅球“追球”法在公体教学中的初探
16.The Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Rotational Shot Put--The Two Elite Chinese Athletes' Rotational Shot Put Technique旋转推铅球技术的时空特征分析——以我国2名铅球运动员推铅球技术动作为例
18.Shot-put: The field event in which athletes try to put, or throw, the shot as far as possible.推铅球:田赛项目,一定要尽力把铅球推出,或掷出尽可能远的距离。

1.Analysis of the left-supporting skill in the final put in shot put;铅球最后用力中左侧支撑的技术分析
2.On left-leg movement in technology of shot push with back turn;对背向滑步推铅球技术中左腿摆动问题的探讨
3.The relation between the movement of left part body and the angle of shot at the final stage of shot-putting;铅球最后用力阶段左侧环节运动与出手角的关系
1.In this paper, shot-put at any throwing angles and any original speed is analyzed using kinetic principles,Thus, a suitable angle is obtained by analysis, through which the throwing distance is maximum, A table for optimal angle is also calculated and presented利用运动学理论分析以任意出手高度、出手初速度投掷铅球,应采用多大的出手角度,投掷距离最大,并计算整理出最佳出手角参照表
2.By the experimental method of compare in themselves of 29 students of physical education department of college of physical culture,the paper,taking BLA,BUN,Uc as analysis contents,compares and analyzes characteristics of energy metabolism of different arrangement for shot-put training courses.以河北师范大学体育学院体育教育系29名学生为研究对象,以血乳酸、血尿素氮、尿肌酐为研究指标,通过自身对比试验,对铅球训练课两种不同方式训练内容安排进行能量代谢特征研究。
3.female adolescent shot-putters were divided two groups.研究了16名青少年女子铅球运动员以不同方式进行3周赛前减量训练时,腰腹肌群和膝关节屈伸肌群力量与专项运动能力的变化情况。
4)digital shot数字铅球
1.The application of digital shot and the signal processing method is benefit for the study of the shot athlete’s throwing motion.介绍了一种数字铅球装置,该装置由三维加速度传感器和数据采集电路构成,可以实时测量铅球运动员的投掷力。
2.A digital shot sensor to measure shot-put force in time is introduced,which has the same mass and external dimensions with the normal shot put.介绍了一种数字铅球,它的质量与外形尺寸均与标准比赛用球一致,能够实时感知铅球运动员在投掷过程中人手施加于铅球的三维力信息。
5)shot teaching铅球教学
1.This paper mainly discusses the teaching methods and scientific means of applying mechanical principles of sports biology ito shot teaching.本文通过运用生物力学原理指导铅球教学,以探索教学方法和练习形式。
2.This essay probes into the way, how to exereise the special strength in shot teaching.专项力量训练对提高力量素质有极其重要的作用,本文就在铅球教学中如何进行专项力量训练的方法进行一些分析探讨。
6)shot put推铅球
1."Normal teaching method" was compared with "Contrary teaching method" In processes the teaching process of shot put.在推铅球教学过程中,对“顺向”和“逆向”两种教学方法进行实验对比,证明“逆向教学法”更适合高校大学生的生理、心理特点,有利于提高学生学习的积极性和主动性。
2.Non-throwing arm Techniques play an important role in the whole process of shot put.在铅球教学和训练过程中,除了重视投掷臂及身体的动作外,对非投掷臂技术在推铅球中的合理运用同样不能忽视并提出了四点建议。
3.The back glissade shot put skill shows the relativity with time rhythm in three movement stages A,C,D.运动员背向滑步推铅球技术,在A。

1.Goal Characteristics Analysis on the Final Phases of 18 World Cup Soccer Match;对第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段进球特征的分析
2.Statistics Analysis of Goals in the Fifth Women World Cup;第五届女足世界杯进球统计分析
3.Statistics and analysis of goal in final phase in the 14~(th) Asian Cup of Football Match;对第14届亚洲杯足球赛决赛阶段射门进球的统计分析

1.After the winning goal, the fans poured onto the field in celebration.功进决胜一球后,球迷涌进球场庆祝。
2.set up the Ball;feed the Ball供球(提供进球机会)
3.A Study On the Application and Tendency of Free Kick Goal in Football;足球定位球进球的运用与趋势的研究
4.The object of soccer is to drive the ball past the opposing goalkeeper into the goal for a score, worth one point.足球的目标是突破对方守门员的防守,将球踢进球门。进一球得一分。
5.Avoid stepping on adversary's ball and altering competitor's line of putt.⑤ 在果岭是应避免踏越对方球员的球,及进球路线。
6.Analysis of Placement Goals in the Final Stage of the 18th FIFA World Cup;第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段定位球进球分析
7.Analysis on the Goals of Place Kick in the 18th World Football Cup;第十八届世界杯足球赛定位球进球分析
8.Analysis of Placement Goals in the Final Stage of 17th FIFA World Cup;第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段定位球进球分析
9.The Characteristic Analysis in the Goals and Goals Against of the Fifth Women's World Cup第五届女子世界杯足球赛进球和失球特征分析
10.disallow a claim, goal不接受要求、 进球无效.
11.He sent the ball right into the goal.他把球踢进了球门。
12.He sent the ball fight into the goal.他一脚把球踢进了球门。
13.He headed it into the goal.他把球顶进了球门。
14.a football player who throws a forward pass.传球前进的足球运动员。
15.The ball dropped into the key.这个球掉进篮下罚球区。
16.(in billiards)(cause a ball to)move in a curved path while spinning(台球)(使球)侧旋前进.
17.a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it.控球前进的篮球运动员。
18.When a ball goes out of the playground, there are boys to chuck it in球滚出球场时,有孩子会将球扔进来。

1.A Statistical Analysis of the Goals of Every Team in the Final Phase of the 2006 World Cup;2006年世界杯足球赛决赛阶段各队进球情况的统计分析
2.According to the analysis of the 142 goals in 64 matches of the 18th World Cup and compared with the goals of 17th, the author finds that the total number of the 18th decreased, and the fighting method--balanced defense and offense but defense is relatively more consolidated, occupied the mainstream.对18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段64场比赛142个进球情况进行分析,并与17届世界杯进球情况进行对照,发现18届世界杯进球总数有所下降,攻守均衡、防守相对更为稳固的打法占据了主流。
3.Through videotapes of matches and statistics of related forms and literature,the author carries out a statistics towards the 77 goals(including 3 own goals)in the 31 matches of 2004 s European Cup Soccer Championship.通过电视录像观察、统计、文献资料法等,对2004年欧洲足球锦标赛31场球77个进球(含3个乌龙球)的情况进行统计。
1.The scoring area,period of time,offensive channel and tactics in the final contests of the 17 th and 18 th World Cup are analyzed based on boserved scoring data and literatures.运用录像观察统计和文献资料法,对第17届世界杯决赛阶段161个进球和第18届世界杯决赛阶段147个进球进球区域、进球时段、进球途径、进攻方式等进行了比较分析,探讨了当今高水平足球比赛的进球特征和影响足球比赛进程的主要因素。
2.Refering to a series of research methods such as documents,looking,logic and statistics,this paper studies the shot and scoring characteistic in the 12th European Football Cup by analyzing the numinerical statistics.运用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法等研究方法,以第12届欧洲足球锦标赛的31场比赛为研究对象,对所有比赛中射门和进球的情况进行统计。
3.This paper studies the shot and scoring characteristic in the 14th Asian Football Cup by analyzing the numinerical statistics.运用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法等研究方法,以第14届亚洲杯足球赛的32场比赛为研究对象,对所有比赛中射门和进球的情况进行统计。
4)score[英][sk?:][美][sk?r, skor]进球
1.The results indicate that zone 2 and 3 are the easiest place for score and should be the top defenses area;zone 6 and 7 are the most idea place for distant shoots.通过对18届世界杯足球赛全部64场比赛的147个进球情况,进行统计分析,结果显示:球门正面2、3区域进球最多,是防守的重中之重,6、7区是远射的最佳区域;比赛的最后15分钟是进球的高峰期,防守时应集中注意力;直接抢点射门进球最多,前锋队员是进球的主力;中路进攻入球最多,突出中路进攻、加强边路进攻是趋势;通过定位球战术进球53个,比例在上升,已成为球队进攻的重要手段。
2.The article analyses the shoot and the score of China’s National Team in Asian trial match and finals of 17th World Cup.文章对中国足球队在17届世界杯预赛、决赛中的射门进球分析。
3.By using the methods of observation and statistics, this paper analyzes the time, personnel, zone, method, means and route of score and assistant score method and zone of 107 goals in 32 matches of the 4th Women Football World Cup.运用观察统计方法,对第4届女足世界杯32场比赛107个进球进球时间、进球队员、进球区域、进球方式、方法、手段和路线、协助进球区域、协助进球方式等内容进行统计分析,结果表明:本届杯赛下半时进球数略高于上半时,特别是比赛的最后15分钟和伤停补时阶段进球数较高;前锋是主要得分手,前卫和后卫缺乏足够的进攻意识和射门欲望;进球区域主要在禁区,进球方式主要是直接射门,进球方法主要是阵地进攻。
5)successful attack进球进攻
1.This article takes the whole 657-time successful attacks(including 77 goals and 580-time threatening goal) and 5329-time attack failure in all 31 matches during the 12th European Cup session as target for analysis,with the methods of documentary data,observation,mathematical statistics and logical analysis.通过查阅大量的文献资料,运用观察法、数理统计法和逻辑分析等方法,以第12届欧洲杯足球赛中所有31场比赛的657次成功的进攻(包括77个进球进攻和580次有威胁的射门进攻)和5329次不成功(失败)的进攻为研究对象,对成功的进攻,包括进球进攻的一些影响因素进行统计分析,找出特点和规律,对不成功的进攻分析和归纳出在传接球方面的主要原因。
6)free kick goal定位球进球

普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白药物名称:丙种球蛋白英文名:γ-Globulin别名: 免疫血清球蛋白;普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白外文名:γ-Globulin 适应症: 含有健康人群血清所具有的各种抗体,因而有增强机体抵抗力以预防感染的作用。主要用于免疫缺陷病以及传染性肝炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、带状皰疹等病毒感染和细菌感染的防治,也可用于哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等内源性过敏性疾病。 用量用法: 肌注:每次2~5ml,3周1次,用于内源性过敏性疾病,每次10ml(含量10%者),3周内注射2次。胎盘球蛋白每次6~9ml。 注意事项: 1.按球蛋白来源可分为两种,一为健康人静脉血来源的丙种球蛋白制剂,按蛋白质含量有10%、16%、16.5%等数种(国内制品浓度在10%以上),其中丙种球蛋白占95%以上。另一种为胎盘血来源的丙种球蛋白(人胎盘血丙种球蛋白),即胎盘球蛋白,含蛋白质5%,其中丙种球蛋白占90%以上。胎盘球蛋白因丙种球蛋白含量以及纯度均较低,其用量应相应增大。 2.除专供静注用的制剂外,一般制剂不可静注。 3.注射大量时,可见局部疼痛和暂时性体温升高。 注:参见:“丙种球蛋白注射液”. 类别:免疫增强剂(免疫反应调节剂)
1.International Cooperation and Independence;“国际合作”和“独立自主
2.Connotations of Deng Xiaoping s diplomatic strategy of independence;邓小平“独立自主”外交战略科学内涵
3.Independence: CPC s Stance in Xi an Incident;中国共产党在西安事变中的独立自主立场

1.Independent in judgment and action.独立自主的在判断和行为上独立的
2.Independent in mind or judgment; self-directed.独立自主的意识及判断上独立的;自我指引的
3.She is her own woman .她是独立自主的人(自己命运的主人)。
4."We, the Chinese people, regard independence as the foundation on which to Build the country."中国人民把独立自主当作立国之本,
5.Form an early age, Americans are encouraged to be independent since young.在美国,人们鼓励学生自幼独立自主
6.Our factory pursues the principle of independence, initiative and self-reliance.本厂奉行独立自主,自力更生的原则。
7.IV. Support for Independence and Initiative in Management of Religious Affairs四、对独立自主自办宗教事业的支持
8.- Building and consolidating national defense independently and through self-reliance.--独立自主、自力更生地建设和巩固国防。
9.To run religious affairs independently does not mean running it in isolation or seclusion.坚持独立自主办教不是“孤立办教”,不是自我封闭。
10.China's Protestant and Catholic Churches embarked on the road of independent administration.基督教、天主教走上独立自主自办教会的道路。
11."The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing."独立自主自己独立选择行为、信仰和言论的权利和能力
12.She likes being her own mistress, and not having to work for someone else.她喜欢独立自主, 不必为别人工作.
13.a person who pursues independent thought or action.追求独立自主的思想或活动的人。
14.An independent foreign policy of peace独立自主的和平外交政策
15.Maintaining independence is the basic principle of China's diplomacy.独立自主是我国外交政策的根本原则。
16.We consistently pursued an independent foreign policy.我们坚持独立自主的和平外交政策。
17.We should adhere to principles of maintaining independence and keep the initiative in one's own hands and equalily and mutual benefit.应该坚持独立自主和平等互利原则。

1.It stuck consistently to an independent diplomatic stand and its diplomatic policies followed closely the historical trend.民盟一贯坚持独立自主的外交立场 ,其外交政策紧跟历史潮流而不断发展进步 ,起到了配合和支持中国人民革命斗争的进步作用。
3)independence and self-reliance独立自主
4)initiative and independence自主独立性
5)right of independence and self-government独立自主权

独立自主原则  一国在国际社会中为捍卫国家的独立和主权、发展同各国的正常关系而遵循的基本行为准则。近代资产阶级革命初期,为反对封建势力和神权统治体制,曾提出过国家主权、自由平等和不干涉别国内政等原则,在国际社会中起过积极作用。但资产阶级掌握政权之后,为谋取本阶级的利益,对外实行侵略、威胁和干涉政策,置别国的独立自主和国家主权于不顾。几个世纪以来,强权政治和霸权行径在国际关系中愈演愈烈。殖民地、半殖民地国家为争取国家独立自主,坚持了长期的英勇斗争。第二次世界大战后,众多的亚非国家先后获得民族独立,并形成了第三世界。这些国家苦难的历史证明,没有国家的独立和自主,就没有一切,就不能掌握自己的命运,也就不可能建设一个在国际上享有平等地位的富强国家。    独立自主原则的基本要求是:①世界上所有国家,不论大小、富贫和强弱,都是独立和平等的主权国家,对各自的内政和外交有着独立的决定权,他国无权干涉;②各国既要维护自己的独立自主权利,也应尊重别国人民的独立自主权利。各国的事应由各国人民自己决定。    中国是社会主义国家,属第三世界,对外坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,独立自主是其对外政策原则的中心点。中国对待国际事务是从中国人民和世界人民的根本利益出发,根据事情的是非曲直,独立自主地决定自己的立场和政策,不迁就一时的事变,也不受外来压力所左右;坚持在和平共处五项原则的基础上发展同世界各国的关系,在国际政治、经济、文化和科技交往中坚持独立自主,主张建立国际经济和政治的新秩序;既不依附于任何超级大国,也不同任何超级大国结盟或建立战略关系;主张世界上的事应由有关国家协商解决,反对强权政治和霸权主义。    历史证明,独立自主原则是各国在国际社会交往中必须共同遵循和维护的基本原则;只有坚持这一原则,才有助于促进世界和平、共同发展和人类进步。  
1.Research on exercise rule and intensity of the routine of thirty-two form Taijijian;三十二式太极剑套路运动强度与规律研究
2.Technical development of competitive Wushu routines;论竞技武术套路的技术发展方向
3.Comparative study of competitive martial arts routine with parts of sports events with difficult skills in Olympic Games;竞技武术套路与部分奥运会难美类项目的比较研究——论竞技套路沿着奥运会轨道发展的技术大趋势

1.Competition Routines for Four Styles Taijiquan四式太极拳比赛套路
2.Influence of Wushu Competition Rule to Wushu Routine;武术套路竞赛规则对武术套路运动的影响
3.Comprehensive Creativity of Wushu Routines and the Entrance of Wushu into the Olympic Games;论武术套路的综合创造和武术套路进入奥运会
4.The Influence on the Arrangement of Repertoire by the Difficulf Movement Value Part in the New Rule of Wushu武术套路新规则中难度动作对套路编排的影响
5.Resource Sharing between Wushu Routines and Aerobics Sets浅谈武术套路和健美操套路的资源共享
6.Conventional theme" and" conventional terms" are the main art in the folk love songs of Xiangxi.套路”和“套语”是湘西情歌主要的构思艺术。
7.Sabreplay, swordplay, spearplay and cudgelplay all have their own set patterns.刀术、剑术、枪术以及棍术各有自己的一套套路
8.Analyzing on Spatial Structure of the Long-style Boxing Routine 2 for International Competition;长拳第二套国际竞赛套路空间结构分析
9.A Research on the Second Series of the Required Routine in Chinese North Lion Dance;中国舞狮第二套北狮规定套路创编研究
10.A Brief Discussion On Distribution Of Physical Strength In A Whole Set Of Competitive Wushu Optional Routine;浅谈竞技武术自选套路整套体力的分配
11.Analzing on the Difficulty Value of the Long-style Boxing Routine 2 for International Competition Movements;长拳第二套国际竞赛套路动作难度价值分析
12.Analyzing on Offensive and Defensive Skills of the Long-style Boxing Routine 2 for International Competition;长拳第二套国际竞赛套路动作的技击性分析
13.Martial Arts Repertoire Contest Rule Change to Athletics Martial Arts Repertoire Technology Development;武术套路竞赛规则的变化对竞技武术套路技术发展的影响研究
14.Viewing the Development Trend of Wushu Taolu from its Changes of Competition Rules;从《武术套路竞赛规则》的变化看武术套路的发展趋势
15.Viewpoints on Routine Movement Structure in Men′s Free Exercises for Winninng Gold Medal in 2000 Olympic Games;男子自由体操套路结构分析及2000年奥运会金牌套路结构预测
16.Research on the Reform of Wushu Routine Teaching from the View of Routine Structure从套路结构视角论大学体育武术套路课教学改革
17.It is one taken right out of a well-known karate kata.这种方法来源于著名的空手道套路
18.The Objectivity and Evaluation of Competitive Wushu Routine Competition;竞技武术套路比赛的客观性及其评价

1.Research on the Status Quo of Incidental Music of Competitive Wushu Taolu;竞技武术套路演练配乐的现状研究
2.Artistic attack——Wushu Taolu;武术套路是技击的艺术化
3.This article analyses the developing course of"wuyi"to "wushu",the forming course of "jiji"to "taolu", and consuls the similarity abroad,come to a conclusion;China wushu emerged Ming Dynasty.根据“武术”的真正含义,分析了从“武艺”到“武术”的发展过程和从“技击’到“套路”的形成过程,同时观照了外国的类似情况,从而得出结论:中国武术产生于明代。
1.Shadow Boxing sets teaching is one of the most important parts of college P.文章通过文献资料法对太极拳套路教学教法进行了一些探讨,旨在有效提高教育教学的质量,促进学生素质的全面发展。
2.The best practicing time of each set of Taijiquan which is popularly practiced should be 5 min to 6 min 30 s.本人根据受试者在练习太极拳中的心率变化特点 ,以及测试其学练太极拳 5个月前后、两次安静状态下的相关心脏功能指标的变化 ,得出以下结论 :1 )现在普及推广的太极拳套路 ,其每套动作的完成时间最好在 5 min~ 6m in3 0 s;2 )每次至少持续地重复 3遍套路练习 ,时间不少于 2 0 min;3 )练习者运动时的心率值最好在 1 2 0~ 1 3 0次 / m
4)wushu routine武术套路
1.Patella strain in Wushu routines;武术套路中髌骨劳损的发病机理及预防
2.Application of transplanting method in innovation of Wushu routine difficult actions;浅谈移植法在武术套路难度动作创新中的运用
3.Research on building up wushu routine basic training system;对构建武术套路基础训练体系的研究
5)layout road network配套路网
1.Taking Shanghai Hongqiao comprehensive transportation terminal as an example,this paper conducts a systematic and detailed research on the planning and design of its layout road network.以上海虹桥综合交通枢纽的实例,在对现状路网分析和交通需求预测的基础上对其配套路网规划与设计、进出交通组织进行了详细的研究,并提出规划方案。
6)Wushu routines武术套路
1.Basic characteristics of teaching Wushu routines;论武术套路教学的基本特点
2.Based on questionnaire and consultation,the paper analyzes the teaching situation of Wushu routines of institute of P.在问卷调查与专家访谈的基础上,对目前体育院校武术套路教学情况进行了分析,阐述了在武术教学中,教学目标的制定、教学内容选择与安排的针对性、实用性、系统性、全面性及教学评价上所存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。
3.By means of Document data analysis,from the two angles of social factors and athletics Wushu itself,this arti- cle explores the factors that affect the attraction of current athletics Wushu routines,and also points out the strategies of enhancing the attraction of athletics Wushu in order to promote athletics Wushu routines to develop in a proper way.通过文献资料法,从社会因素和竞技武术本身两个角度,对影响当前竞技武术套路观赏性的因素进行分析探讨,并且针对性地提出提高竞技武术套路观赏性的对策,以期推动竞技武术套路的健康发展。

1.Analysis on Predicament Why Sanshou is not Included in the Olympic Games;中国武术散手进入奥运会的困境分析
2.Research on the minds state Sanshou athletics;散手运动员的心理特征研究
3.Basic requirements and methods of Sanshou tactic training;散手战术训练的基本要求与方法

1.Clairvoyance Sparring Match Technology and Tactics Development from Sparring King Contend for Hegemony Match;从散打王争霸赛透视散手比赛技战术
2.The Research on Tailand Fist and San Shou;对散手和泰拳的几点研究——散手与泰拳谁更强
3.Observation on Trend of Sanda Development from Evolution of Contest Rules;从武术散手竞赛规则的演变看散手运动的发展趋势
4.A Study on The Regulations of Combinational Movements Applied by Sanshou Athletes in The Second International Sanshou Competition第二届国际散手道比赛散手运动员组合动作运用规律研究
5.Methods of protection by bandaging up the hands of boxers and free style boxers;拳击、散手运动员手部绷带包扎防护方法
6."He went out for a walk, cane in hand."他手里拿着手杖出外散步。
7.They walked hand in hand in a delicious garden.他们手挽手在一座可爱的花园里散步。
8.The couple always enjoy strolling hand in hand around the park.这对夫妇常常手牵手在公园附近散步。
9.Ian is idle and lazy and I have absolutely no use for him.伊恩游手好闲,懒懒散散,我绝对不喜欢他。
10.She sprawled untidily in an armchair.她四肢摊开懒懒散散地靠坐在扶手椅里 。
11.That is to say, the share capital is contributed and controlled by the workers themselves instead of being concentrated in the hands of a few big shareholders.股本分散了捏在工人手里,不在几个大股东手里。
12.Perioperative nursing of patient for LASIK surgery for myopia and myopic astigmatismLASIK手术治疗近视及近视散光围手术期护理
13.Supporting his mother by the arm, he strolled towards the park with her.他扶着母亲的手臂,散着步走进了公园。
14.He entreated to be allowed to walk about, to have fresh air, books, and writing materials.他请求允许他散步,给他一点书和手工。
15.The captain piped the man down after boat drill.航行训练后船长吹哨子解散了水手们。
16.Bob and Mary walked along hand in hand in the park.鲍伯和玛丽携手在公园散步。
17.I rustle up a few helpers to hand out leaflets.我找到几个助手散发传单。
18.I rustled up a few helpers to hand out leaflets.我找到几个助手散发传单.

scattered grasp training散手训练
1.Analysis of the cause of injuries made in the scattered grasp training and the prevention;浅析散手训练过程损伤产生的原因及预防
3)modern SanShou现代散手
4)Sanshou teaching散手教学
5)Wushu Sanda武术散手
1.By measuring the physical fitness and function indices of Wushu Sanda Athletes ,the author analyzes and expounds the body shape and functional characteristics of Sanda athletes with different ranks and performance levels and the relationship with their sports achievement.通过对武术散手运动员身体形态及机能指标的测试,分析、探讨了不同级别、不同运动水平散手运动的身体形态、机能特点及与运动成绩的关系。
6)Chinese Sanshou中国散手

1.Research on the characteristics of fouls committed by excellent soccer players;高水平足球运动员犯规特征研究
2.The Area Characteristics of Fouls of Our National Short Track Speed Skaters in the 2006-2007 season;对2006—2007赛季我国短道速滑运动员犯规区域性特征的研究
3.An analysis of fouls committed in women’s 20km race walking in the 10th National Games and Athens Olympic Games;十运会与雅典奥运会女子20km竞走犯规分析

1.There are two basic kinds of fouls: ordinary fouls and major fouls.犯规基本上有两种:一般犯规和严重犯规
2.An infraction or a violation of the rules of play.犯规违反或触犯比赛规则
3.For a first bookable offence.第一次故意(严重)犯规(需记载的犯规)。
4.Criminal Law Complicity Stipulation Carrying out to Theory of Complicity Dependency;刑法共犯规定对共犯从属性说的贯彻
5.He promised not to violate the regulations again.他答应不再违犯规定。
6.be found guilty of obstruction被判违例阻挡犯规.
7.But the forward made a foul in the penalty area.但前锋在禁区内犯规了。
8.foul without free throw award造成掷界外球的犯规
9.An illegal pass in football.橄榄球中的犯规传球
10.The ref 's whistling for a foul .裁判正在吹哨叫犯规
11.The referee is whistling for a foul.裁判吹哨判定犯规
12.It's against the rules to touch the ball with one's hands.用手触球是违犯规则的。
13.Two mistakes are allowable in this game.这种游戏允许犯规两次。
14.The clumsy player fouls too much.那笨选手犯规太多。
15.The footballer tried to foul.那个足球队员试图犯规
16.The umpire ruled that the ball was foul.裁判员判这球犯规
17.To palm (the ball) in violation of the rules.犯规时持(球)时间过长
18.On the second jump, I fouled even worse.第二跳时,则犯规更严重。

1.A Statistical Analysis on the Players’ Fouls during the Finals of the 2006 World Cup;对2006年世界杯足球赛决赛阶段运动员犯规情况的统计分析
2.Comparative research on characteristics of fouls in 2004 Asian Cup and European Cup;2004年亚洲杯与欧洲杯足球赛运动员犯规特征的比较研究
3.A study of the present condition of fouls in the Chinese women s football league;我国女子足球联赛犯规现状的研究
3)A foul!犯规!
4)personal foul侵人犯规
1.There is a discussion on the difference between the contact rivalry and the personal foul.从篮球运动的发展趋势和篮球规则等方面分析篮球运动中运用接触性对抗的必要性与合法性;从规则上对合理的接触性对抗与侵人犯规加以区分,并就在篮球的3种主要技术(进攻技术、防守技术和抢截篮板球技术)中如何运用身体接触与冲撞作了解释。
5)foul line犯规线
1.This algorithm deletes some disturbing information and the information of foul line is reserved.该算法能够对细化图的干扰信息进行有效处理,保留了有用的犯规线信息,达到了较好的识别。
6)Violating a Regulation with Blocking阻挡犯规

1.Comparison research on serve effect of China, Brazil and Italy in the 10th Men Volleyball World Cup Contest;第十届世界杯男排赛中、巴、意发球效果比较研究
2.On the Offensiveness of Serve after Implement of Ra1ly-point System;试论每球得分制后发球的攻击性

1.X to serve,Y to receive.X发球,Y接发球
2.(in tennis,etc)act or manner of serving the ball;person's turn to serve(网球等的)发球,发球方式,轮到的发球
3.roundhouse serve大力钩手发球,抡臂发球
4.service Break发球员输掉发球的一局
5.Second server!第二发球发球!(双打)
6.First server!第一发球发球!(双打)
7.Serve again! The cannon-ball service.再发球!勾手大力发球
8.3. 22 Service fault called.3.22发球违例。
9.A discussion on the all-in-one of receiving after changing"small"table tennis ball to the"big one"从乒乓球“小球”改“大球”看接发球“一体化”
10.Modern Table Tennis Serve Trend From Statistical Analysis of the Technique of Serve and Attact After Service for Ryu Seung-Min从柳承敏发球发球抢攻看乒乓球发球趋势
11.(tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving.网球运动中发球一方输掉的发球局。
12.I always use the tennis-serve when I serve.我常用网球式发球发球
13.The effect comparision between the jump serve and stand serve during the volleyball match;排球比赛中跳发球与站发球效果比较
14.A serve or return that falls out of bounds in a court game.界外球网球比赛中落入球场外的发球或回球
15.The server begins in the right service court and serves to his opponent it the opposite right service court.发球员从右边发球区开球,而且发生的球要(落在)对方右发球区里。
16.(tennis) the player who serves to start a point.(网球)开始发球的运动员。
17.a new tennis champion with a mean service发球刁钻的新网球冠军.
18.The tennis-service needs more strngth.网球式发球需多点力度。

1.A Discuss on Ping-pong Service Rules and The Request of The Training;探讨乒乓球发球的规则与训练要求
2.An Analysis on Service about Women Volleyball Teams at the Ninth National Games;对九运会女排发球技术现状分析
3.On cultivating the players self-confidence in service in valleyball games;论排球运动员发球自信心的培养
1.The study of improving the stability of casting the ball when serving in the undergraduates volleyball optional course;普通高校排球选项课教学中提高发球时抛球稳定性的研究
2.Researching on Revision of the Volleyball Serving and Gesture改革排球竞赛中发球鸣哨及其相关手势的理论思考
3.The paper deals with the importance of serving in volleyballl and probes into the serving training of volleyball from the aspects of skills, tactics, psychology, actual performances and so on in order to improve the level of volleyball training integrately.论述了发球在排球训练中的重要性,并从技术、战术、心理三个方面具体探讨了排球的发球训练,以期从整体上提高排球训练的质量和水平。
4)volleyball serving排球发球
5)goal kick球门发球
6)Tennis Serve网球发球

发球球类比赛时,一方 把球发出,使比赛开始或继续。
1.A Comparative Analysis of the Horizontal Velocity Changes in the Course of Approach and Take-off for Chinese and Foreign Elite Female Triple Jumpers;中、外优秀女子三级跳远运动员助跑以及起跳过程中水平速度变化特征的对比分析
2.Velocity characteristics of last two steps in approach and takeoff of elite female triple jumpers in China;我国优秀女子三级跳远运动员助跑最后两步与起跳速度特征的研究
3.Research on approach speed and rhythm of some Chinese elite female triple jumpers;我国部分优秀女子三级跳远运动员助跑速度及节奏研究

1.Pole vaulters need long run-ups.撑竿跳需要长距离助跑.
2.Hadlee is now running up to bowl.哈德利正在助跑投球.
3.There is no run-up for throwing events while jumping events require an approach run.投掷项目不用助跑,而跳跃项目需要助跑
4.Experimental Study on Approach Training in Long Jump with Acoustic Rhythm Model运用音响助跑节奏模式进行跳远助跑训练的实验研究
5.A Study on the Speed of Run-ups and its Utilization Efficiency in Men s Long Jump;中外男子跳远运动员助跑速度与助跑速度利用率研究
6.John took a running jump at the fence and vaulted over(it.约翰加上助跑,用手一撑,飞身跃过篱笆。
7.a fast, smooth, short, etc run-up快速的、 稳健的、 短距离的...助跑.
8.I ran up to the block at full speed.于是我就在那木板上全速助跑
9.He ran up and jumped a long distance.他助跑,然后起跳,跳的很远。
10.The speed of approach of the long-jump is closely related to the achievement.跳远的助跑速度与跳远成绩密切相关。
11.The Influence of Psychological Training for the Accuracy of Run-Up in Long-Jump;谈心理训练对跳远助跑准确性的影响
12.The Intergration of Run-up and Take-off in Long-jump Training;浅议跳远教学中助跑起跳的有机结合
13.A Study on Help-run Rhythm and The Step-jump Accuracy of Long-jump;跳远中助跑节奏与踏板准确性的研究
14.Support strength and run-up speed of triple jump;三级跳远的支撑力量和助跑速度探析
15.Research on Elite Long Jumpers′ Accuracy of Approach;对优秀跳远运动员助跑准确性的研究
16.The child ran up to the mother to ask for help.小孩跑到妈妈身边求助。
17.He ran to the village for help.就跑回村子寻求帮助。
18.The boys supplemented their pocket money by running errands for the neighbors.孩子们靠帮助邻居跑脚增加点零用钱。

1.Analysis of factors influencing the accuracy of run-up in broad jump;浅析影响跳远助跑准确性的因素
2."Run grid link lamella"auxiliary teaching the application of experimental——Long jump,"Run-up and take-off with"technical aspects of solutions“跑格接斜板”辅助教学法的应用实验——跳远“助跑与起跳结合”技术环节的解决方案
3)run up助跑
1.This article analyses changing of length of the last two steps in run up and its effect on the result of broad jump biodynamically,thus determining the proper range of changing the last two steps in broad jump.借助资料文献,对跳远最后两步的技术进行生物力学的分析,并讨论了最后两步步长变化的大小对成绩的影响,从而找出助跑最后两步步长变化的合理范围,为教学训练提供理论依据。
2.The result shows that the technique of run up and takeoff and specific performance for experimental class is better than ordinary class.在跳远技术教学中 ,运用实验对比的方法 ,将“心理定向—动作速度合成教学法”引入到实验班进行教学改革 ,结果表明 :实验班不论是助跑技术、起跳技术还是专项成绩都明显好于对照班。
3.This paper analyzes and studies the random test data, which 67 students of PE department got, and find out the principal factors that affect the accuracy of long jump run up so as to improve the teaching methods and the teaching quality.本文对我院 67名体育系学生的随堂测试的数据进行分析和研究 ,找出影响跳远助跑准确性的主要因素以及改进方法 ,从而提高教学质
1.Exploration of improving accuracy of running in long-jump;提高跳远助跑准确性的探讨
2.Based on the present status of long jump and documental data and mathematical statistics,this paper analyzes the running speed,rhythm,use rate of speed and landing,cushioning,legging,covering of gravity move in the jump course,so as to find out some factors affecting the result of long jump.根据现阶段跳远运动现状,运用文献资料和数理统计的研究方法,对助跑速度、节奏、速度利用率以及起跳过程中的着地、缓冲、蹬伸、重心移动的扇面等方面进行分析,找出影响跳远成绩的一些因素。
3.Using the document research method, analyse and study the vision effection on fosbury flop asistant running for the athlete how to control the body postures.运用文献资料法等研究方法,对视觉影响在背越式跳高助跑中对运动员控制身体姿态的导向作用进行了分析探讨,指出在运动训练过程中加强对运动员视觉能力的培养,有助于运动员利用视觉影响形成稳定的助跑节奏,提高心理素质,为有效起跳创造有利条件。
5)approach run助跑
1.A comparison between the elite Chinese and foreign male jumpers approach run and jumping techniques;中外优秀男子跳远运动员助跑及起跳技术特征的比较
2.According to technical principles of volleyball spikes,vision marks were used to give hint to,to induce and to reinforce vision of approach run steps,gravity locus of approach run, opportunity of swing arm and point of hitting.根据排球扣球的技术原理 ,运用视觉标记对助跑步幅、助跑时的重心轨迹、空中挥臂时机和击球过网点 ,给以可视性的具体提示和诱导强化。
6)approach jump助跑跳远

跳远,long jump
1)long jump跳远
1.Study the law physical fitness transfer of long jump and high jump;对跳远、跳高项目之间运动技能迁移规律的研究
2.Studies on the rhythm and accuracy of approach-running ofjunior long jumpers by mark with sponge brick;标志法提高跳远运动员助跑节奏和准确性的研究
3.A tentative analysis on psychological factors of affecting the accuracy of stepping on the footboard in long jump;影响跳远踏板准确性心理因素的初步分析

1.High/Long Jumper"跳高,跳远运动员"
2.Jumping events include the high jump, long jump, triple jump and pole vault.跳跃项目包括跳高、跳远、三级跳远和撑竿跳高。
3.I think the high jump is more difficult than the long jump.我认为跳高比跳远更难。
4.Study on Practice Method of Male Long Jumper Takeoff Leg s Depth Long Jump;男子跳远运动员起跳腿跳深跳远练习方法研究
5.We have long jump and high jump.我们有跳远和跳高两种跳跃。
6.Application of Springboard in High-jump and Long-jump Teaching;“踏跳板”在跳高、跳远教学中的应用
7.Kinetic Comparative Study on Taking-off of Depth-long-jump and Long Jump;跳深跳远与三级跳远跨步跳起跳的动力学比较研究
8.Comparative Study on Take off Technique: Long Jump to Long Jump of Half Distance Running up and the Vaulting Box Practice中程跳远和跳箱练习起跳技术与跳远起跳技术的比较研究
9.The speed of approach of the long-jump is closely related to the achievement.跳远的助跑速度与跳远成绩密切相关。
10.Like the long jump, the triple involves sprining down a runnway and jumping to reach a maximum horizontaal distance.和跳远一样,三级跳远也是包括助跑和跳跃以达到最远的水平距离。
11.Who broke the record for the long jump.是谁打破了跳远纪录。
12.She holds the world record for the long jump.她保持着跳远世界纪录.
13.In the highboard event, men take ten dives, women take eight dives.跳台项目,男子跳远10个动作,女子跳8个动作。
14.Analysis on Landing Movement of Hopping in Triple Jump;三级跳远中各跳起跳时着地动作的作用分析
15.Take- off is a functien movement in the movement system of long jump.起跳是跳远动作系统中的功能性动作。
16.The Intergration of Run-up and Take-off in Long-jump Training;浅议跳远教学中助跑起跳的有机结合
17.The Kinesiological Analysis on the Running Jump Skillin Long Jump;跳远助跑连接起跳技术的运动学分析
18.Study on the Function of Leg Swinging in the Taking off Process of the Long Jump;对跳远起跳过程中摆动腿作用的研究

1.Exploration of improving accuracy of running in long-jump;提高跳远助跑准确性的探讨
2.The correlation analysis on the results of 100-meter dash and long-jump;100m速度与跳远成绩的相关分析
3.Training method of the long-jump through improving the run-up footboard technology;改进跳远助跑踏板技术的训练方法研究
3)Broad Jump跳远
1.Analysis on Broad Jump s Approach Run Speed and Take-off Technique Scoring Performance;跳远的助跑速度和起跳技术与运动成绩分析
2.Analysis of factors influencing the accuracy of run-up in broad jump;浅析影响跳远助跑准确性的因素
3.The relationship between run-up and take-off in broad jump is analysed through thesimple principles of mechanies.通过简单的力学原理,分析了跳远中助跑与踏跳的相互关系,论证了只有将二者有机地结合起来,才能取得优异成绩。
1.With investigating and analyzing the 10th nation games 37 jump players′approach.通过对全国第十届运动会37名男女跳远运动员比赛的调查和分析。
2.By the methods of documents,statistic and analysis,the paper made an analysis and comparison for relevant parameter of the take-off phase of the elite mail long jumpers between China and those abroad.采用文献资料、数理统计、对比分析等方法,对中外优秀男子跳远运动员起跳阶段相关参数的比较与分析。
3.Through practical test, this paper makes an exploratoin into the relation between the results and the coefficient of speed utilization in run-up process in running jump.通过对高等院校体育学院(系)田径队跳跃组男子跳远运动员的助跑速度、平跑速度、速度利用率的测试,结合自身实践,并大量的查阅相关资料进行综合分析,试探讨跳远助跑速度利用率和成绩的关系,以便指导运动实践。
5)remote breaking远跳
1.The light-conducting fibres longitudinal differential protection should remote breaking when bus protector acting;母线保护动作应启动光纤纵联保护的远跳
6)long jump take-off跳远起跳
1.Technology of long jump take-off is a way to turn the human body s horizontal speed into taking-off speed.跳远起跳技术是将人体的水平运动转变为抛体运动,踝关节在其中发挥了重要的作用。

1.Effect of the first hurdle s technique on the hurdle score;起跑过第一栏的技术对跨栏成绩的影响
2.The study of visual motor behavior rehearsal to overcome and control the match anxiety on hurdle players;表象训练法在跨栏跑训练中的应用研究
3.Control character of exercise load of yearly and short period for sprint and hurdle elites;世界优秀短跑与跨栏运动员年度及小周期训练负荷控制特征的研究

1.Analysis the "Running Hurdle" Character of the Technical Skills Employed by 110m Hurdlers While Crossing the Hurdle110m栏跨栏步的“跑栏”技术特征分析
2.Hurdling events are dashes in which competitions must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles.在跨栏项目中,运动员需要跨过十个栏。
3.An Experiment on Application of “Soft-Bar”in Teaching of Hurdle;跨栏教学中使用“软式跨栏架”的实验
4.The influence of distance of starting-hurdle on the deceleration in the later part of 110-meter hurdle race;从跨栏步的起跨距离谈110m跨栏跑的后程减速
5.The Kinematics Character Analysis of 110m Hurdles Steps and Hurdles Period of Chen Yan-hao陈雁浩110米栏跨栏步及栏周期运动学特征分析
6.Analysis on Liu Xlang s Rhythm between the Hurdles In 110m Hurdle Race;刘翔110m栏跨栏的栏间跑节奏分析与诊断
7.Study Basis of Clearance Technique in the Fifth Hurdle on Man s 110m Hurdle of Liu Xiang;刘翔110m栏第5栏跨栏步技术的依据研究
8.Are you in the field for the huddle race?你参加跨栏赛跑吗?
9.He won the 400 metres hurdles.他在400米跨栏赛中获胜.
10.Research on application of "Drilling hurdles" for hurdles technical teaching;“钻栏”应用于跨栏跑技术教学的研究
11.Discussions on "Jumping Over the Hurdle" in the Hurdling Teaching in Colleges and Universities;浅谈高校跨栏跑教学中的“跳栏”现象
12.The Research about Teaching Method in Different Height Hurdles for Students of Physical Education Departmert;体专生跨栏跑不同栏高教法实验研究
13.An analysis to the modern technical characteristics of high hurdling step110米跨栏跑过栏新型技术的特点
14.Technical Features of Leg Swinging during Hurdle Steps in 100m Hurdles Men男子110m高栏跨栏步摆动腿的技术特点
15.The hurdler should never "swing" the lead foot up and towards the hurdles.跨栏者不应将足部摇摆向上提起向跨栏
16.Hurding events are dashes in which comperitors must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles.在跨栏跑项目中运动员需要跨过十个栏。
17.Hurdling events are dashes in which com-petitors must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles.在跨栏跑项目中运动员需要跨过十个栏
18.Study on Relationship between the Rhythm and Performance of 400m Hurdles;400m跨栏跑的成绩与跨栏节奏相关关系的研究

hurdle race跨栏
1.Hence, main approaches have been found to raise the speed of hurdle race.收集整理了中外优秀110m栏运动员的成绩及百米成绩,并且进行了中外110m运动员速度利用率的比较与分析,从而找出了提高跨栏跑速度的主要途径。
2.The skill of hurdle race training is complex,especially athlete need high speed and skilled when across the hurdle.跨栏运动技术比较复杂,特别是起跨腿在摆越过栏时,需要速度快、技术娴熟。
3.Integrity teaching method can make students with different levels learn the hurdle race skill in accordance with their practical situations, bringing into full play teachers guide function and students subject function, which makes for the optimization of teaching procedure, advancement of marks and mastery of the skill as well as training of students self-study ability.跨栏跑是体育教学中技术性强 ,学习难度较大的项目之一。
1.Pondering over the hurdles course for girl in university;高校女生跨栏课教学点滴思考
2.Based on the theory of related subject,the research on the commoness of long-jump and hurdles has been done by methods of literature review and comparative study.以相关学科理论为依据,通过文献资料法、比较法,对跳远与跨栏两种不同运动形式的项目做了共性研究。
3.After analyzing the skill of hurdles in track and field , author thinks there are some important elements that affect the result of player .以跨栏的实际过程为依据,以生物力学的原理为依托,分析了跨栏论的几个技术关节点,指出提高现代跨栏成绩提高的关键是跨栏步技术,并提出改善跨栏步技术的5项训练方法。
1.This paper makes explanation on physical and technical training of elite junior hurdling athletes from the success of LIU Xiang.110m跨栏跑是非对称性的周期性项目,对速度、力量、灵敏、柔韧协调性等素质均有极高要求。
2.The speed and time parameters of the athletes, taking part in the men s 110 metre and the women s 100 metre hurdlings at the Track and Field Championship of the World in Athens were managed and analyzed.通过雅典田径世锦赛男子 110 m栏和女子 10 0 m栏决赛运动员速度、时间参数的统计处理与分析 ,表明最大栏间速度是决定成绩的关键因素 ,只有当最大栏间速度达到更高水平 ,保持速度的能力才更有意义 ;世界优秀跨栏运动员的成绩与平均过栏时间不存在显著性相关 ;从分段时间看 ,影响成绩的关键区域是第 2和第 3跑段。
5)high hurdle step高栏跨栏步
6)hurdle race跨栏跑
1.A discussion on athletic sports skills of the hurdle race by the theory of the biomechanics;运用生物力学理论论述跨栏跑的技术
2.Induction teaching of different levels in hurdle race course in middle schools;中学体育课跨栏跑中运用诱导分层教学法的研究
3.From the teaching plan for the hurdle race of the track-and-field course and the students real conditions,the teacher chooses to use the group-learning method.从田径普修课跨栏跑的教学计划和学生的实际情况出发,选择集团学习法,试图通过学生主体性、探究性的运动技术学习中,使学生理解其内涵,达到懂与会的统一,实现跨栏跑教法、学法的优化。

1.On the changes of recent literature and art supplement s style and language;浅论近年来文艺副刊文体、语言风格的变化——以《羊城晚报》、《文汇报》为研究主线

1.(The writer is Lianhe Zaobao's zbNow reporter.)作者是本报副刊记者。
2.The birth of a new supplement--The first series of the study on the supplement to the morning news;一个新式副刊的诞生——《晨报》副刊研究之一
3.The Supplement to the Morning News in Rational Enlightenment --The Second Series of the Study on the Supplement to the Morning News;理性启蒙中的《晨报》副刊——《晨报》副刊研究之二
4.An Analysis on the Morning Supplements Characteristics and Inspiration to Today s Newspaper Supplement;《晨报》副刊办刊特色探析——兼论其对当今报纸副刊的启示
5.The Characteristics of the Four Supplements in the May 4~(th) Period and Its Inspiration to Current Newspaper Supplements“五四”时期四大副刊办刊特色及其对当前报纸副刊的启示
6.The Research and study on legend Pubhished in supplement to the Eastern Times and magazime;《时报·余兴》副刊和《余兴》杂志所刊传奇考述
7.Transfer:Newspaper Supplement Going into the Market--A Case from Correcting Newspaper Supplement of Yanzhao Evening Paper;转型:报纸副刊走向市场化的必由之路——以《燕赵晚报》副刊改版为例
8.supplement to the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette香港特别行政区政府宪报副刊
9.A Study on the Development of Chinese Newspaper Supplement in the 1990s;20世纪90年代中国报纸副刊发展研究
10.Research on Hunan Ta Kung Pao Supplement at the Period of May 4th Movement;“五四”时期湖南《大公报》副刊研究
11.Research on the Newspaper Supplement of Guangxi Daily during the Period of Anti-Japanese War;抗日战争时期《广西日报》副刊研究
12.Consumer Culture of Supplements from 1990s;20世纪90年代以来副刊消费文化研究
13.The Thought of the Development of the Newspaper Supplement in the New Media Environment;报纸副刊在新媒介环境下的发展思路
14.The Research on the Change of Supplement Style of Nanfang Weekly;《南方周末》文化副刊风格转型研究
15.The Review of Worker s Writing Page in Xinhua Supplement;《新华副刊》之《工人习作专页》述评
16.The Study of the Literary Newspaper Supplement of Tianjin "Profit World Newspaper" before Sino-Japanese War s(1915-1937);抗战前天津《益世报》文艺副刊研究(1915~1937)
17.The Supplement Juewu and the Dissemination of Marxism in China;《觉悟》副刊与马克思主义在中国的传播
18.A Study on the Current Circumstances and Space for FurtherInnovation of Newspapers Supplements;论报纸副刊在当前的境遇与创新空间

1.The importance of supplements is obvious.副刊是我国报纸所特有的一种形式,几十年来,“新闻招客,副刊留客”已经成了新闻人的共识。
2.Supplements talk few about literature ,let alone literary criticism.二十世纪九十年代,文艺副刊日渐式微,副刊文学批评更是抽空了文学性和学理性,演变成专扯人眼球的娱乐批评。
3.This article is based on the active discussion and analysis of the definition , characteristics , reason of forming and the up-to-date phenomena of consumer culture of newspaper supplements , as well as the new development direction of it.本文从国内副刊消费文化的概念、特色、形成原因、现状以及发展中存在的问题等方面,作一番积极的探讨,以期报纸副刊能够更好朝着良性的方向发展。
3)Supplement of newspaper报纸副刊
1.Supplement of newspaper turns from being pure cultural to being pan-culture.报纸副刊从纯文学走向泛文化,副刊的变化也代表着大众文化和读者需求的新走向。
2.There is a congenital relationship by birth between the supplement of newspaper and literature;and a special overlapping style developed through the combination of news and literature is often published in the supplement of newspaper.本文通过对报纸副刊与新闻文学的发展历程及其关系进行研究,考察了报纸副刊的转型对新闻文学的影响,分析了报纸副刊的出路和新闻文学的处境,提出了只有坚守先进文化的阵地不动摇,高举新闻文学的大旗不动摇,才能确保报纸副刊与新闻文学的稳定、繁荣与发展。
4)Literary supplement文艺副刊
1.“Xinjiang Daily”, as the main media in Xinjiang, whose literary supplement need play an important role in promoting the mainstream culture, communicating the local culture in Xinjiang, and enhancing the populace culture accomplishment.作为新疆主流媒体的《新疆日报》,其文艺副刊要发挥党报文艺副刊弘扬主流文化、传播新疆地方文化,提高群众文化素养、促进社会主义精神文明建设的作用。
5)early supplement早期副刊
6)Newspaper supplement报纸副刊
1.The hstory of the newspaper supplements in China has been developing over hundred years,experiencing the thriving May the 4th Era and encountering the comprehensive changes in the 1990s.中国报纸副刊在一百多年的发展历史当中,既经历了"五四"时期的兴盛,也遭遇了上世纪90年代的全面转型。
2.This paper,on the basis of newspaper supplement into market,proposes new ideas and corrects the newspaper supplement,such as "two pushes" and "three extensions",pointing out that newspaper supplement should go into market,news and life.本文依据报纸副刊走向市场化的要求,提出进一步更新办刊理念和副刊改革的"两大推手"与"三个延伸",指明副刊"三种走向"即市场化、新闻化、生活化的发展趋势。
3.This text studies the typical culture characteristic that the Chinese newspaper supplement appears in the development.本文着重研究在中国报纸副刊出现、发展过程中,显示出来的富有代表性的文化特征。

副刊  报纸上刊登文艺性、知识性作品或理论性、学术性文章的固定版面,每天或定期出版,多数有刊名。    有副刊是中国报纸的重要特色。中国报纸的副刊起源于清末,最初称副张或附张。1897年11月24日,英商字林洋行创办的《字林沪报》出版附张《消闲报》,随报附送,这是最早的副刊。早期报纸副刊的内容,主要是旧体诗词、小说、笔记等,多属"消闲文字",与报纸总体报道内容无直接的关联。辛亥革命前后,资产阶级革命派运用报纸进行革命宣传,开始注意使副刊与新闻版的宣传报道相配合。五四运动前后,出现了提倡新文化、传播新思想的副刊,著名的如《晨报》副刊 (见《晨报》)、《民国日报》(上海)副刊"觉悟"、《时事新报》副刊"学灯"、《京报》副刊(见《京报》)等。1919年5月5日至11月11日,《晨报》副刊上辟有《马克思研究》专栏,曾发表马克思的《雇佣劳动与资本》最早的译文。从此副刊成为整张报纸的有机组成部分。    报纸副刊具有新闻性,这是副刊和其他专门发表文艺作品或理论文章的出版物的主要区别。副刊发表的作品和社会生活有密切的联系,有的副刊文字直接配合新闻报道。    报纸的副刊是中国进步的、革命的文化人士传播新思想的阵地,李大钊、陈独秀、鲁迅、郭沫若等都曾经是著名副刊的撰稿人。在新民主主义革命时期,有些政治倾向保守的报纸,为了扩大报纸影响,增加发行量,聘请进步的文化人士、社会名流担任副刊主编,开辟了表达无产阶级革命观点、宣扬社会主义理想的副刊,出现过一张报纸两个方针的特殊现象。    中华人民共和国建立后,中国报纸继承了办副刊的优良传统,都创办能显示自己特色的各类副刊。副刊作为报纸的有机部分,服从于各报的编辑方针。    中国报纸副刊具有多种形式,常见的有:①综合性副刊。以文艺作品为主,同时刊登文艺评论、科学小品以及知识性文章;②专题性或专业性副刊。发表专门性的稿件,或以某方面读者为主要对象,如国际副刊、妇女与家庭副刊等;③理论、学术性副刊。如史学、文学评论、经济与管理副刊等。  
1.D,action mass and success rate of China and foreign countries of women aerials priority athlete selected participate in world freestyle skiing games in 2007 and 2008.采用三次文献法为主的体育信息研究法对2007与2008年度参加世界自由式滑雪大赛中外女子空中技巧重点选手比赛成绩、动作难度、动作质量及成功率等指标的定量分析得出:在2010年温哥华冬奥会上澳大利亚的C。
2.Using documentation,investigation and interviews,video study and so on,the authors analyzed the situation in which the national female team of aerials freestyle skiing is preparing for the 21st Olympic Winter Games and worked out some strategies.采用文献资料、调查访问、影像解析等方法,分析我国自由式滑雪空中技巧女队备战第21届冬奥会的形势,探讨由此应采取的相应对策。
3.With the analysis method,it researches the skiers competitive style and athletic skill in Finland world cup freestyle skiing aerials games.运用观察分析方法对芬兰世界杯自由式滑雪空中技巧比赛作风和竞技能力进行研究。

1.Shallow Understanding About China Freestyle Skiing Skill;对我国自由式滑雪空中技巧的再认识
2.Analysis on 2007 Aerial World Championships;2007自由式滑雪空中技巧世锦赛评析
3.Annotation of Aerial Techniques of Freestyle Skiing Competition in the 10th National Winter Games;十冬会自由式滑雪空中技巧比赛点评
4.Analysis of Strength of Main Women Athletes in China and Foreign Countries in 2003;2003赛季空中技巧中外重点女选手实力分析
5.Study on First Two FIS World Cup Aerial Competitions In 2008;2008年度空中技巧世界杯前两站赛况分析
6.Research of Age,Height of Freestyle Aerials;自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员年龄、身高的研究
7.Diagnosis of the physical stamina of excellent athletes in Chinese free air skiing sports teams;我国自由滑雪空中技巧优秀运动员的体能诊断
8.Judgement Standard of Freestyle-skiing Aerial s Clock Method;再论自由式滑雪空中技巧“时钟法”判罚标准
9.Countermeasures and Standard of the Grades of Aerials Movement Opportunity;论空中技巧动作时机评分行情及应对思路
10.Study on the Safety Issue of Air-Acrobatics of Chinese Free Style Skiing;我国自由式滑雪空中技巧安全问题的研究
11.The Analysis of Training Content in Male Freestyle Skiing in China;我国男子自由式滑雪空中技巧训练内容分析
12.Analysis on Top Players of World Female Aerials in Match Seasons of 2003 and 2004;2003与2004赛季世界女子空中技巧重点选手评析
13.Research on the Developing Trends in Men Freestyle Skiing Aerials;自由式滑雪空中技巧男子项目的发展趋势研究
14.Analysis of the Results from the Time 4 to Time 6 of the World Cup of Freestyle-skiing Aerials in ′03-′04;‘03—’04赛季空中技巧世界杯第4至6站赛况分析
15.Discussion on the Judgment Standard of Freestyle -skiing Aerial s Clock Method;对自由式滑雪空中技巧“时钟法”判罚标准的商榷
16.Analysis of the First Two Stations in 2003-2004 Aerials World Cup;03— 04赛季空中技巧世界杯前两站赛况分析
17.Case Analysis of Degree of difficulty Tactics of Aerial Techniques of Freestyle Skiing in the 19th Olympic Winter Games;盐湖城冬奥会空中技巧比赛难度战术案例分析
18.Kinematics Characteristics of Freestyle-skiing Aerials Athletes OU Xiao-tao and QIU Sen s bdFFF Action;自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员欧晓涛、邱森bdFFF动作的时空特征分析

aerial skill空中技巧
1.As a steady characteristic,trait anxiety can be an effective index for talent selection by psychology in aerial skill event.运用心理测量等方法,对自由式滑雪空中技巧国家队队员的赛前竞赛焦虑进行研究。
2.By integrative treatment method related to kinesiatrics with some massage,medicine and acupuncture,there are 8 aerial skill skiers in freestyle skiing to be treated in the meniscus injury.采用手法、药物、针灸配合运动疗法的综合性治疗方法,治疗8例自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员膝关节半月板损伤,治疗有效率为87。
1.By using the method of documentary review,questionaire investigation and video-test,this paper rediscusses the changing of the judgment stand of freesytle-skiing aerial s clock method deeply.采用文献资料、调查访问、摄像测量等研究方法,对国际雪联自由式滑雪空中技巧"时钟法"判罚标准的变化进行再讨论,并为这一判罚标准提出了相应的完善对策。
2.By using the methods of investigation, documentary and video - test, this paper discusses the judgment standard of freestyle - skiing aerial s clock method deeply.采用调查访问法、文献资料法,录像测量法,对自由式滑雪空中技巧“时钟法”判罚标准进行深入探讨。
3.By comparison study on the degree of difficulty, the quality of execution and the setup of structure of freestyle skiing aerial competition in 18 th and 19 th Winter Olympic Games, the author points out that the degree of difficulty and the quality of execution have simultaneously and remarkably improved during the last four years.通过对 1998年第 18届冬奥会与 2 0 0 2年第 19届冬奥会女子自由式滑雪空中技巧比赛的动作难度、动作质量及实力格局的比较研究表明 :4年来世界女子自由式滑雪空中技巧项目的动作难度与动作质量呈显著同步提高之势 ,揭示了该项目的发展方向 ;从上届冬奥会的美、中、瑞、乌 4强到本届冬奥会的澳、加、俄、中 4强 ,世界女子自由式滑雪空中技巧项目的实力格局发生了变化 ;以李妮娜为代表的我国年轻运动员已跻身世界优秀运动员行
4)aerial acrobat空中技巧运动员
5)aerial competition空中技巧比赛
6)Freestyle Skiing Aerials自由式滑雪空中技巧
1.Analysis on Chinese Female Athletes Willpower Level in Freestyle Skiing Aerials in the 20th Winter Olympic Games;参加第20届冬奥会自由式滑雪空中技巧中国队女运动员意志品质水平分析

空中战役(见空中进攻战役)空中战役(见空中进攻战役)air campaign  
体育课,physical education
1)physical education体育课
1.Research on optional teaching of physical education in universities and colleges;高校普通体育课选项教学的研究
2.Discussing the Utilization of Deliberation Type Teaching Method in Physical Education Teaching of Universities & Colleges;普通高校体育课中运用研讨式教学法的探讨
3.Investigation into the Implementation of Elective Courses of Physical Education in Higher Education Institutions;高校体育课实施选项教学的调查

1.I have math, art,English and PE.有数学课,美术课,英语课和体育课
2.The Reform of Physical Education Curriculum Is to Be Backed by the Theory of Physical Education Curriculum;体育课程改革需要体育课程论的支撑
3.On Reform of Physical Science Courses in Normal School in the Background of "New P.E. Curriculum"新体育课程下高师体育教育专业课程的改革
4.On Reform of the Course of Physical Education s Sport;对体育课程结构改革的探讨——浅议在高校体育课中增设体育活动课
5.Education of Sport Culture and Cultivation of Sport Spirit in Physical Curiculum;体育课程中的体育文化教育与体育精神培养
6.On Applying Multi-Media Teaching Software to Optimize the Course of Physical Teaching;应用多媒体教学课件优化体育课教学
7.On the Teaching Mode of Combining Class physical Edueation and Spare Time Activities;体育课程“课内外一体化”教学模式初探
8.We have Chinese, math, art and PE on Monday.我们星期一有语文课,数学课,美术课和体育课
9.What do you do in your PE class?你们在体育课上做什么?
10.How do you like your PE class?你觉得体育课怎么样?
11.When do you have PE?你们什么时候上体育课
12.We have a PE class today.我们今天上体育课
13.We have P.E. on the playground.我们在操场上体育课
14.Are we going to have gym class tomorrow?我们明天要上体育课吗?
15.Study on Carrying out the New Standard in PE Class体育课贯彻体育新课程标准的调查研究
16.Inheriting and Development of Physical Education and Health Course from Traditional P.E Course;体育与健康课程对传统体育课程的“扬弃”
17.Understanding of P.E Recessive Course under New Curriculum;在新体育课程观下对体育隐性课程认识的探析
18.A school course in physical education.体操课学校体育教育中的一门课程

physical education class体育课
1.Simulate students interest in physical education class;如何提高我校学生的体育课学习兴趣
2.The effect of fluid supplementation for college students taking a physical education class on hemorheology;体育课中大学生补液对血液流变学的影响
3.The effect of same class teaching of physical education class on the mental health of deaf college students;体育课同班教学对失聪大学生心理健康的影响
3)physical education course体育课
1.Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages in the "triple independent" course selection mode for physical education courses in common institutes of higher learning;普通高校体育课“三自主”选课模式的利与弊
2.An analysis of the physiological load intensity applied to different teaching material contents in physical education courses opened in colleges and universities;高校体育课不同教材内容的生理负荷强度分析
3.The research on physical education course promotes the college students psychological health;体育课对大学生心理健康水平的影响
4)PE[英][,pi: 'i:][美]['pi 'i]体育课
1.Design of Comprehensive Supervisory System on University PE Records;大学体育课成绩综合管理系统的设计
2.PE in Higher Education: the Arena for Training Qualified Personnels in the 21st Century;高校体育课21世纪人才素质的训练场
3.Investigation and thinking of students′ studying interest in PE in countryside middle school;农村中学生体育课学习兴趣的调查与思考
1.How Exertive P.E Effect to Student Good Charaeter Development;论如何发挥体育课对学生良好个性发展的作用
2.Study on the Reform of P.E Evaluation System in Universities;高校体育课评价体系改革的研究
3.On the Norm of the Structural Model in P.E Teaching;体育课堂结构模式的规范性探讨
6)extracurricular sport课外体育
1.Construction and implementation of extracurricular sport teaching mode in ordinary universities普通高校“课外体育”教学模式的构建与实施
2.Through investigating the college students motivation,affecting factors,frequency,spot of extracurricular sport activities,the author tries to find out the existing problems and accordingly explore some thought and ap.大学生课外体育活动作为体育教学的延伸是高校体育的重要组成部分,对于进一步增强学生体质、满足学生多元需求、形成体育技能、培养大学生终身体育意识和习惯具有重要作用。
3.By using document,questionnaire,statistics,etc,this paper investigates and analyses the condition of extracurricular sports in rural middle schools of Anhui and makes some suggestions about it.本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,对安徽省农村中学课外体育开展情况进行调查、分析,并就安徽省农村中学课外体育开展中存在的问题提出建议。

体育课  教师按照国家规定的体育教学大纲,有组织有计划地用上课形式进行的体育教学。它是学校实现体育目的和任务的基本组织形式。    欧洲有些国家在18世纪末到19世纪初,就把体育列为学校的必修科。中国在1904年实行近代学制,开始在学校的课程中设"体操科",1922年改称"体育科"。中华人民共和国成立后,体育是全面发展教育方针的重要组成部分,体育课日益受到重视。    体育课的任务主要是指导学生锻炼身体,增进健康,提高身体素质和运动能力;传授体育的基本知识、技能和技术;对学生进行思想品德教育等方面。体育课的主要特点是在教师指导下,学生通过有组织有计划的身体练习,掌握一定的体育知识、技能,以收到增强体质的实效,教师要重视健美教育,培养学生对体育的兴趣和爱好,调动学生锻炼身体的主动性和积极性,使他们真正感到身心愉快。    中国学校的体育课,根据学生的生长发育、健康状况、体育基础等情况,采用不同性质的体育教材。中小学还根据课的具体任务分成引导课、 新授课、 复习课、综合课、考核课等五种类型。    体育课要求学生从事各种身体练习,学生的机能要承受一定的生理负荷。因此,教师安排体育课的结构时,不仅要遵循教学过程的一般规律,尤应注意遵循人体生理机能活动变化的规律。人体从相对安静状态到进入工作状态,机能活动能力总是从较低水平逐步达到较高水平,然后在一定时间内保持较高水平,最后又逐渐下降。这种"上升-稳定-下降"的规律反映人体工作能力的变化。根据这一规律,体育课可相应地分为准备、基本、结束三个部分。各部分都各有主要任务、内容、组织和教法以及负荷量的要求,但它们又是一个紧密联系的完整过程。各部分的具体内容、组织工作和时间分配可根据每节课的主要教材、学生特点、场地器材与季节气候条件而改变。课的结构不是一成不变的。    体育课要讲究合理的教学密度和适宜的负荷量。教学密度是指课中各种教学活动合理运用时间与课的总时间的比例。一节课的教学活动包括:教师的指导和示范,学生做练习,相互观摩与帮助,练习后的休息,组织措施。在这些教学活动中,某种活动合理运用时间与课的总时间的比例,称某种活动的密度。例如学生做练习的总时间与课的总时间的比例称为运动密度。讲究课的教学密度,目的在于最有效地利用上课的时间,以利于提高教学质量。课的运动负荷是指学生做练习时承担的生理负荷,运动负荷的大小取决于练习的量和强度。练习的量包括练习重复次数、延续时间、练习距离和总重量等。练习的强度是指在单位时间内完成练习的量、练习密度和机体紧张的程度。另外,动作的质量(指动作规格要求)对运动负荷也有一定的影响。运动负荷应根据练习的量、练习强度和动作质量多方面进行综合评定。检查和评定课的运动负荷常采用:①观察法。在课上观察学生完成动作的质量、控制身体的能力、学生的面部表情、汗分泌、 呼吸、 练习情绪等来评定。②学生主观感觉。可询问学生的饮食、睡眠、精神状态、学习效率、对练习的兴趣、练习后的疲劳感等。③生理测定。运用一些测定仪器来检查运动负荷的方法,包括对脉搏、血压、吸氧量、呼吸频率、肺活量、体温变化、尿蛋白等项测定。在体育课上,通常采用较为简易的脉搏测定法来检查与评定本节课的运动负荷。    体育课要有计划地进行。体育教师依据教学工作计划来上体育课。制订切实可行的计划,能防止教学工作的片面性和盲目性,便于定期检查和总结教学工作,有助于全面完成教学任务。体育教学计划有多种:①全年教学工作计划──把体育教学大纲规定的教材和比例,合理地分配到两个学期中,并确定各项教材的教学时数、考核项目和标准。②教学进度计划──根据全年教学工作计划, 合理地安排每学期每节课的具体内容。 ③单元计划──把教学进度中所确定的每项教材的时数作为一个单元,系统安排该单元每节课的具体要求和教学措施。④课时计划或教案──根据单元所提出的内容,确定上课的具体任务、内容、组织、教学步骤和运动负荷的安排。    体育课要定期考核。这是为了评定学生体育课的成绩,了解教学效果,总结教学经验。体育课考核包括3方面:平时检查、定期考核、成绩评定。体育课的成绩是根据平时检查和定期考核所得的成绩,按一定?壤酆掀蓝ǔ鲅诘淖芊帧0唇逃抗娑ǎ谌笨纬逵巫苁笔种灰陨系难?,不予评定成绩。学生体育课的学习成绩,虽在一定程度上反映学生的体质状况,但不能完全反映学生的体质水平,因此,只能作为这门学科的学习成绩。  
1.Influence of shooting skill in basketball by momentum;动量矩对篮球投篮技术的影响
2.Mechanical analysis of revolution of basketball and choice of aiming point in shooting;篮球投篮中球的旋转及瞄准点选择的力学分析
3.Biomechanics Factors of Influence Shooting Baskets Accuracy Rate;影响篮球空心投篮命中率的生物力学因素

1.a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop.篮球运动中的投篮得分。
2.shoot at the basket(篮球运动中的)投篮
3.The Influence of the Method by Increase the Basket Height Progressively on the Education of Shoot;渐增篮高对篮球投篮技术教学的影响
4.The score, normally worth two points, made by throwing the ball through this goal.进篮得分投篮得分,通常为两分,投中球篮而得分
5.Please pay more attention to the shooting position when shooting.投篮时要特别注意投篮位置。
6.The elevated vertical board from which the basket projects.篮板抬高的用于投篮的垂直板
7.He tries a shot at the basket. It misses clean他试着投篮,连篮圈也没挨着。
8.a shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket.手在头顶远离篮筐的投篮
9.his shot hit the rim and bounced out.她的投篮砸到了篮筐边沿,弹了出来。
10.Using Variational Method to Study Optimum Angle for Shoot at the Basket of Basketball;用变分方法研究篮球投篮最佳出手角
11.The Development on CAI Courseware of Basketball Shot Technique Class;篮球投篮技术教学CAI课件的研制
12.Relation Between the Spinning Ball and Scoring;篮球的旋转与投篮命中率之间的关系
13.Analyses on techniques and practice of hook shot in college basketball training;试谈篮球内线队员勾手投篮及其训练
14.On "Advance and Retreat" Method for Spot Shooting;篮球“进退法”定点投篮教学的实验研究
15.Shallow to Discuss Middle School Basketball where it is Single-handed To shoot that teaching Methods of the Teaching Material at the Shoulder;浅谈篮球原地单手肩上投篮教材教法
16.Controlling Approaches to " Plateau Phenomenon" in Basketball Shooting Skills Teaching;篮球投篮技术教学中“高原现象”的控制
17.Throw the basketball at the net, Danny!往蓝网里投篮球,丹尼!
18.jumped high and shot from outside the keyhole.从罚球区外跳起来投篮

1.Analyses and compare two training method of enhance basketball shoot rate;对两组提高投篮命中率训练方法的比较研究
2.Analyses and Studies of Use and Range of Shooting Skills Shown by Excellent American Forwards Basketballers of American;美国优秀前锋投篮技术运用和区域分析
3.How to improve the shooting percentage of hits in basketball matches;试论提高篮球比赛中的投篮命中率
1.Discussion about the Location of Bumping Board Point of Rebound Shot;擦板投篮碰板点位置的探讨
2.An experimental research into technical teaching centered round moving and shot techniques for required basketball courses in departments and institutes of P.E.;体育院系篮球普修课以移动和投篮技术为主进行技术教学的实验研究
3.Experimental analysis of fixing direct aiming pointofshot-hitting in basketbll education;确定直接命中投篮瞄准点在篮球教学中的实验分析
4)inside shot篮下投篮
5)release envelope投弹篮框
1.In this paper,taking release envelope disturbance condition as an example,the principle of the target acquisition is examplified.文中以投弹篮框干扰为例分析了导引头捕获目标的机理,并且详细研究了目标捕获概率降低的原因。
6)basketball shooting打板投篮
1.This paper probes into the principles of basketball shooting and works out the learning methods,which will help the students to learn how to find out the solutions and also do good to their future work.阐述了篮球打板投篮的原理,提出行之有效的学习方法,旨在教会学生解决问题的方式方法,提高学生的能力,以适应未来工作需求。

1.Influences of 2005 international swimming rules amendments on international breaststroke achievements;2005年国际游泳规则修改对世界蛙泳成绩的影响
2.A new method applying on the fast breaststroke teaching for the youngster;抬头蛙泳教学法在少年儿童蛙泳速成教学中的应用
3.The meaning of enhanced breathing teaching in enhancing the quality of breaststroke teaching for children;强化呼吸教学对提高少儿蛙泳教学质量的意义

1.butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle.蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳和自由泳。
2.do breast-stroke, back-stroke, etc进行蛙泳、 仰泳等
3.swim breast-stroke, back-stroke, crawl, etc游蛙泳、 仰泳、 爬泳等.
4.I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke.我擅长自由泳和蛙泳
5.I like the breast stroke better than the butterfly because it uses less energy.我较喜欢蛙泳,因为蛙泳用力较少。
6.breast stroke, back stroke, butterfly stroke, and free stroke.蛙泳、仰泳、蝶泳以及自由泳。
7.John can swim free style, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly.约翰会游自由泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。
8.There are freestlye, backstroke, butterfly, frog stroke and etc.有自由泳、仰泳、蝶泳、蛙泳等。
9.The order of relay is backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle.接力游泳的顺序是仰泳、蛙泳、自由泳。
10.Study on Effect of Inverted Breaststroke and Inverted Crawl in Breaststroke Teaching;反蛙泳和仰泳在蛙泳教学中作用的研究
11.Sometimes I use breaststroke, backstroke, and free style.有时游蛙泳、仰泳和自由泳。
12."Swimming is both as a competitive sport and recreation. The principal swimming strokes are the crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. "游泳既是竞赛运动又是娱乐。主要游泳姿式有爬泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。
13.Then you can help her with breaststroke and sidestroke.那在蛙泳和侧泳方面,你可以帮助她。
14.Experimental Research on lmproving the Breaststroke Teaching Quality of Higher Education by Using Marking Method;运用蛙泳评分方法提高普通高校游泳课蛙泳教学质量的实验研究
15.I hear he can swim freestyle, side stroke and breaststroke very well.我听说他自由泳、侧泳和蛙泳都游得非常好。
16.A new method applying on the fast breaststroke teaching for the youngster;抬头蛙泳教学法在少年儿童蛙泳速成教学中的应用
17.A: Well, I use breast stroke for long distance, crawl or free style for short distance and back stroke just for fun.甲:嗯,长距离用蛙泳,短距离用爬泳或叫自由泳,仰泳只是游游玩玩。
18.Well, I use breast stroke for long distance, crawl or free style for short distance and back stroke just for fun.嗯,远距离离用蛙泳,短距离用爬泳或叫自由泳,仰泳只是游着玩玩。

Breast stroke蛙泳
1.By reading the literature and materials and combining with the experience of years breast stroke educational practice in deep water,and the physical and psychology growing up environment of the students who are the beginners of the breast stroke,we have designed a set of special teaching procedures and methods of deep water breast stroke.通过查阅文献资料和多年深水蛙泳实践教学的经验累积,结合初学蛙泳学生的生理、心理和生长环境设计了这一套有特点的深水蛙泳教学步骤和方法。
2.According to the technical feature of breast s tr oke and wrong actions which are easily made by students,the authors designed a k ind of land training simulator for breast stroke,and applied it to the teaching practice,which is both practical and instructive in teaching and application,it s also a good attempt to exploit sports market and promote sports industry.根据蛙泳运动技术的特点和在教学中学生易出现的错误动作 ,作者设计了一种蛙泳陆上练习模拟器 ,并在教学实践中进行运用 ,对改进教学方法 ,合理运用教学手段 ,提高教学质量具有很好的实用价值和指导意义 ,对开发体育市场 ,促进体育产业化也是一个大胆的尝试。
3.By analyzing the common mistakes of leg movements in breast stroke teaching for junior learners, this paper puts forward some methods for practicing and correcting mistakes in order to provide a reference for breast stroke teaching.游泳教学腿部动作是基础 ,通过对初级组蛙泳腿部动作教学中常见错误动作的原因进行分析 ,提出练习和纠正错误动作的方法 ,为初级组蛙泳教学提供参考。
3)swim on one's chest俯泳,蛙泳
4)Backstroke turn to breaststroke仰泳转蛙泳
5)inverted breaststroke反蛙泳
1.It puts forward that inverted breaststroke and inverted crawl in synchronization may help beginners to master the way of change breath very conveniently.本文通过对比实验,指出掌握水中换气方法是学习蛙泳技术及其他泳姿动作的关键,提出同步的反蛙泳和仰泳练习,可以使初学者快捷地学会蛙泳的换气动作。
6)breaststroke teaching蛙泳教学
1.Capable of rectifying improper movements of the learner,the facilitating device will prove to be of great help in breaststroke teaching.利用三角式气垫蛙泳辅助训练器进行蛙泳教学会使初学者减少恐惧感 ,迅速掌握正确的技术动作 ,且对有错误动作的初学者有较强的纠错能力 ,对蛙泳教学工作有很好的辅助作用。

1.Design and Realization of Handball Match Statistics System;手球竞赛技术统计系统的设计与实现
2.Objective: discuss the effects of handball activity to students body composition.目的:探讨手球运动对大学生体成分的影响。
3.<Abstrcat>This paper firstly points out that the current system of technical classification of handball forwards and guards in China neither conforms to the basic law of modern handball sport nor adjusts to the developmental tendency of modern handball teaching and training.本文指出了我国手球现行的锋卫队员技术分类体系存在着不符合现代手球运动的基本规律,不适应现代手球运动教学与训练发展趋势的问题,深入分析了现代手球运动规律及其技能习得规律,提出了以对抗和非程序性组合为依据的锋卫队员技术分类理论及其五大技术体系。
2)handball player手球球员
3)catcher's mitt接球手手套
5)balloon operation球囊手术
6)baseball pitchers棒球投手
1.This paper investigates present study on upper extremity strength in baseball pitchers.在查阅国外大量相关文献资料的基础上,了解棒球投手上肢肌力的研究现状,从投手上肢肌力与球速的关系、投手两侧上肢肌力对比研究、上肢主动肌/对抗肌比值研究等几个方面进行了归纳分析,并对研究中存在的问题及今后的发展提出了看法。

1.a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand.用左手投球的棒球投手
2.(baseball) a pitcher who throws with the left hand.(棒球)用右手投球的棒球投手
3.a pitch with reverse spin that curves toward the side of the plate from which it was thrown.棒球投手投出的怪球。
4.The baseball hitter fumbled his attempt to catch it.那个棒球投手笨手笨脚地试图接球。
5.The pitcher retired three batters.这个棒球投手使三个击球手出局。
6.Sport Biomechanical Research Advancement of Baseball Pitching棒球投手投球的运动生物力学研究进展
7.The baseball pitcher had a brief affair with her.那个棒球投手和她有段短暂恋情。
8.The player who throws the ball from the mound to the batter.投手在棒球投球土墩处向击球手投球的人
9.(of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter.(指棒球投球)在远离投球手的本垒远处。
10.the throwing of a baseball by a pitcher to a batter.棒球运动中投球手投球给击球手的行为。
11.That pitcher is really good. He throws a lot of strikes.那位投手很棒。他投了很多好球。
12.The slightly elevated pitcher's area in the center of the diamond.投球区土墩在棒球场中心略高的棒球投球手的区域
13.(1895-1948) US professional baseball player famous for hitting home runs.(1895-1948)美国职业棒球投球手。
14.playing the position of pitcher on a baseball team.棒球运动中投球手的行为。
15.The bowler gavespin to the ball,eg in cricket,baseball,etc.投球手发了一个旋球(如在板球、棒球等运动中).
16.The bowler gave (a) spin to the ball, eg in cricket, baseball, etc.投球手发了一个旋球(如在板球、 棒球等运动中).
17.(baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls.(棒)击球员因投手投出四坏球的自由上垒。
18.A Complete So1ution to the Zero-sum Game Between Pitchers and Batters On the Baseball棒球比赛投手与击球手零和对策的全解

handball player手球球员
3)catcher's mitt接球手手套
5)balloon operation球囊手术
6)baseball pitchers棒球投手
1.This paper investigates present study on upper extremity strength in baseball pitchers.在查阅国外大量相关文献资料的基础上,了解棒球投手上肢肌力的研究现状,从投手上肢肌力与球速的关系、投手两侧上肢肌力对比研究、上肢主动肌/对抗肌比值研究等几个方面进行了归纳分析,并对研究中存在的问题及今后的发展提出了看法。

1.Main factors analysis of heptathlon race performance of elite Chinese women;影响我国优秀女子七项全能成绩的主要因素分析
2.Study on Short-term Training Program of Lai Xinming,Heptathlon Champion of Eighth National University Games;第8届全国大学生运动会七项全能冠军赖新明赛前短期训练计划的研究
3.Direction and Countermeasures of Chinese Female Heptathlon;我国女子七项全能项目的发展方向与对策

1.Decathlon and heptathlon十项全能和七项全能
2.He is Decathlon and heptathlon.他是十项全能和七项全能
3.The heptathlon( Greek for“ seven tests”) is the women's multievent cormpetition.七项全能(腊语中是“七种测试”)是女子的综合项目。
4.A Brief Analysis on the Current Situation and Development of Chinese women heptathlon;我国女子七项全能的现状与发展研究
5.The Statistical Analysis of Women s Heptathlon In China and Abroad;世界、中国女子七项全能成绩统计分析
6.Direction and Countermeasures of Chinese Female Heptathlon;我国女子七项全能项目的发展方向与对策
7.Analysis on the Contribution of Sub-Items of Women Heptathlon to Result;田径女子七项全能子项目对总成绩的贡献分析
8.On the Specific Physical Training for Women Heptathton Athletes in China;我国女子七项全能运动员专项身体训练探讨
9.The Research of the Present Situation of Heptathlon Sports Achievements by Excellent Women in China;我国优秀女子七项全能运动员成绩的现状分析
10.Analysis and Evaluation of Required Courses for Woman s Tract and Field Hectathlon in Universities;对女生田径普修七项全能的优势分析与评价
11.Gray Correlation Analysis Of Reverse Factors Of Female Heptathletes Results;影响女子七项全能成绩因素的灰色关联分析
12.Comparative Study on the Girls Heptathlon Achievement at Ordinary Colleges;普通高校女子七项全能成绩的比较研究
13.Strategy Analysis on Improving the Level of the Female Heptathetes in China;提高我国女子七项全能运动水平的对策分析
14.Relativity Analysis on Influential Factors to Shen Shengfei Heptathlon Results;影响沈盛妃七项全能成绩因素的关联分析
15.On study of the heptathlete short-term and intensive training;对女子七项全能运动员短期强化训练的研究
16.Comparison between Sports Results of Elite Female Heptathletes of China and the World;中外优秀女子七项全能运动员运动成绩的比较
17.Analysis on the Current Situationof China's Women's Heptathlon and Development Strategies我国女子七项全能运动的现状分析及发展对策
18.The Characteristics of Women's Heptathlon and the Training of this Sports试论女子田径七项全能的特点及其训练策略

1.By applying mathematical statistics in the scoring rate analysis, this paper has made a study of the relationships and interactions of the component (competitions) of the (heptathlon) sport at the (different) (stages) of the (course) in which both Chinese and (foreign) (heptathlon) (athletes) have had their (performances) (improved) stage by stage.运用得分率分析法对国内外女子七项全能运动员在总成绩不断提高的各个阶段中各单项间相互联系、相互影响的关系进行分析,找出国内外运动员的差距与内在规律,促进七项全能运动的发展。
2.The female heptathlon has always been the advantage for the Zhejiang team in China’s track-and-field circle and has made great contributions to the all-round sports in China.浙江省女子七项全能运动在国内田坛一直是个优势项目,并为中国田径的女子全能运动项目做出了重大的贡献。
4)heptathlon field competition for women女子田径七项全能
1.The heptathlon field competition for women is an all-round athletic contest consisting of seven field events which are respectively the 100-meter hurdle, the high jump, the long jump, the shot-put, the javelin throws, the 200-meter and 800-meter runs.女子田径七项全能是由100米栏、跳高、铅球、200米、跳远、标枪和800米七个项目组成的综合性比赛项目,比赛过程为两天,七个项目按一定顺序进行,成绩按照统一评分表将各单项所得分累加计算,总分多者为优胜,只有最后一个项目结束才能确定冠军的归属。
1.Study on the Competitive Feature and Actual Strength of Chinese Outstanding Male Decathlon Athletes;我国优秀男子十项全能运动员竞技特征及实力分析
2.A Study on the Current Developing Characteristics of Women s Decathlon;当今女子十项全能运动发展特征探索
3.A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Outstanding Foreign and Chinese Decathlon Athletes in 2006 by Factor Structure;从因子结构比较分析2006年中外优秀十项全能选手比赛成绩
1.An analysis of the heptathlon performances of Li Jing by adopting gray system theory;应用灰色系统理论对运动员李静的7项全能成绩进行因素分析

1.The Present Situation and the Study of Development Strategies About Training of High-standard Competitive Talents in the Track-and-field Competition of Xiamen City;厦门市田径高水平竞技人才培养现状与发展对策研究
2.Peak performance was about coping successfully with adversities during competitions.从应用运动心理学的角度提出对理想竞技表现(peak perform ance)新的定义,即理想竞技表现是指在竞赛中对各种逆境的成功应对。

1.Discussion and Analysis on "Sport";“竞技体育”与“竞技运动”之辨析
2.Control of Unfair Play in Sport Games;竞技体育竞赛中不正当竞争行为的防控
3.The playing field was crowded with competitors竞技场内挤满了竞争的对手
4.Study on Competitions Project Management of Military Sports Training Unit;军事竞技体育大队竞赛项目管理研究
5.Study on the Developing Process of Competition Regulations of Sanda;竞技武术散打竞赛规则流变历程考略
6.The Philosophical Explanation about "The Fair Competition" of the Athletic Sports;对竞技体育“公平竞争”的哲学阐释
7.Exploration of Competition and Cause of Alienation in Sport;竞技运动中的竞争与异化原因的探究
8.The Research of Influencing Factors about Competitive Martial Arts Routine Competition Results竞技武术套路竞赛成绩影响因素研究
9.Oakland Athletics奥克兰竞技队(棒球)
10.be off one's game竞技状态好[不好,不佳]
11.-Was he in good shape yesterday?他昨天竞技状态好吗?
12.an athlete in excellent shape.竞技状态极佳的运动员
13.athletic games and contests运动比赛和运动竞技
14.Darrell carried away the garland.达雷尔在竞技中夺锦标。
15.Washington is like a Roman arena.华盛顿象一座罗马竞技
16.the Calgary Stampede卡尔加里牧人竞技会.
17.A wall circling the arena of an ancient amphitheater.围在古竞技场四周的墙
18.doping in sports竞技运动中的药物滥用

1.Track and field sports possess the attributes of athletics and body-building.田径运动具有竞技和健身双重属性 。
2.In this paper,the author analyzes the situation of Jiangsu s athletics after the 10th National games.分析了十运会以后江苏体育发展的具体情况,运用可持续发展的相关理论,从三方面论述了促进江苏竞技体育可持续发展:1)从可持续发展理论中的整体性理论分析了江苏竞技体育持续发展;2)从可持续发展理论中的平等性理论分析如何解决江苏竞技体育内部的各方面关系;3)从可持续发展理论中的协调性理论看江苏竞技体育与经济、政治、文化、科技间的协调发展。
3.People have different kinds of misunderstandings about bringing athletics sports into school physical education.针对当前有些人对竞技走进学校体育的种种误解,运用文献资料法和逻辑归纳法,从正确理解竞技的概念入手,就为什么要让竞技回归学校体育以及如何让竞技回归学校体育的问题展开讨论与分析,旨在呼吁竞技体育应理直气壮地走进学校体育中去,学校体育应大胆地开展竞技体育。
1.Athletics and Art:on the Dual Value Orientation of Sports Dance in China;竞技与艺术:论我国体育舞蹈的双重价值取向
2.Differences between sports and physical education——An interpretation of the book Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies;竞技与体育的差别——读科克利的《社会上的竞技:问题与争论》
1.Wanton of thought as position of PSC in physical education and sport;思维滥觞及体育、竞技在科教文中的地位
2.With the transform from planned economics to market economics in China,economic diversification must require athletics sports personnel training pluralism of system.优秀运动员的培养是一个复杂而艰巨的系统过程,伴随着我国由计划经济向市场经济的转变,经济的多元化必然要求竞技体育人才培养体制的多元化。
1.Research on Development of China Competitive Sports Structure;中国竞技体育格局变化与发展研究
2.Modern "New Wushu" is the origin and beginning of modern competitive Wushu.近代"新武术"是现代竞技武术的萌芽和开端,武术文化的传统性因现代的转型与发展产生了传统与现代双重文化属性的对垒。
3.According researching on the present developing situation of the Chinese competitive rock-climbing,such as the national rock-climbing championship of 2006,the national rock-climbing match for extractive athletes,the rock-climbing match in the national sports meeting 、 the list for the register rock-climbing athletes and UIAA word cup shanghai China of 2004.以2006年的全国攀岩锦标赛、全国攀岩精英赛、体育大会攀岩赛和2004年UIAA世界杯、中国上海分站赛成绩及《2007年度攀岩注册运动员名单》为依据,对我国竞技攀岩运动的开展状况进行调查分析,旨在找出我国竞技攀岩运动开展的优势和急需解决的问题,以期为我国竞技攀岩运动更好地开展提供有益的参考。
6)Athletic skill竞技技术

1.The Difference between China Man Basketball Team and World Top Teams——Taking the Match between China and Spain as Example in the 29th Olympic Games中国男篮与世界强队的差距——以第29届奥运会中国与西班牙比赛为例
2.Regional Distribution of Athletics Medal and Distribute Character of Advantage Events in 29th Olympic Games第29届奥运会田径奖牌的区域分布与优势项目的分布特征
3.Comparative Analysis on Technical Index between China and Spain Man Basketball Team in 29th Olympic Games第29届奥运会男篮中国—西班牙技术指标的对比分析

1.The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.第29届奥运会将在北京举行。
2.will hold the 29th Summer Olympic in August, 2008.将在2008年举办第29届夏季奥运会。
3.In 2008, the 29the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.2008年,第29届奥运会将在北京举行。
4.Olympic Games 29th will be held in Beijing in 2008.29届奥运会将在2008年于北京召开。
5.Beijing is the host city for the 29s Olympic Games.北京为2008年第29届奥运会的主办城市。
6.I declare the opening of the Games of Beijing celebrating the 29th Olympic Games of the modern era!我宣布第29届北京奥运会现在开幕!
7.Focus on International Tourist of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games;聚焦2008年第29届奥运会入境游
8.Prospect of Chinese Gymnastics Team in the 29th Olympic Games;29届北京奥运会中国体操队前景展望
9.Study on Field Audience Management in 29 th Olympic Games;第29届奥运会现场观众管理之研究
10.Risk of Exchange Rate and Prevention Measurement of the 29~(th) Olympic Games;第29届奥运会的汇率风险及防范策略
11.Legal Discussion on Olympic Licensing in 29~(th) Olympic Games;第29届奥运会特许经营的法律探讨
12.Analysis on Power of China Track and Field For the 28th and the 29th Olympic Games;第28、29届奥运会中国田径势力分析
13.Discussion on Image Value of Hosting the 29~(th) Olympic Games;论我国举办第29届奥运会的形象价值
14.A discussion on China’s track and field strategic plan for the 28th and the 29th Olympic Games;第28、29届奥运会我国田径目标定位
15.The 29th Olympic Games Men's Basketball Offensive Characteristics of the Study第29届奥运会男篮进攻特点的研究
16.Analysis on the Achievement of the Men Gymnastics Competition in the 29th Olympic Games第29届奥运会男子体操比赛成绩分析
17.Analysis on Attack and Defense Ability of Chinese Woman Basketball Team in 29th Olympic Games第29届奥运会中国女篮攻防能力分析
18.Analysis and Comment on Rings Finals in 29th Olympic Games对第29届奥运会体操吊环决赛的评析

1.Discussion on Interaction of Exhibition Industry Development in Beijing 29~(th) Olympic Games;论北京市会展业发展与第29届奥运会的相互促进作用
1.Legal Discussion on Olympic Licensing in 29~(th) Olympic Games;第29届奥运会特许经营的法律探讨
4)28th/29th Olympic Games28届/29届奥运会
5)the 29th Olympic Games29届奥运会
1.The Development Trend of the World Man Basketball from the Perspective of the 29th Olympic Games从第29届奥运会看世界男子篮球运动的发展趋势
2.This text study the substitutes\' offensive ability between Chinese and Chinese opponent teams in the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.本文通过对2008年北京29届奥运会男篮比赛中中外男篮替补队员的进攻能力进行研究,分别从身体形态和年龄;进攻能力(进攻能力相关统计指标比较、主力与替补进攻能力比较、不同位置进攻能力比较)以及与赛12支队伍替补队员进攻能力等级评价三个方面进行对比分析,找出中国队替补队员进攻能力上主要问题所在,在此研究的基础上进行综合性概括,归纳,得出相应的结论与建议。
3.from the way, the area, the organization attack and the effect of the server, attacks aspects and so on areas, analysis the female volleyball team and other various countries\' female volleyball team competition video recording of the 29th Olympic Games in China and the organization attack the characteristic as well as the existence question of the serve.在研究的过程当中主要运用了文献资料法、录像观察法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等方法,分别从二传传球方式、传球区域、组织进攻及效果、进攻区域及效果等方面对29届奥运会中国女排和其他各国女排比赛录像进行分析,分析了二传组织进攻的特点以及存在的问题,研究结果显示:1。
6)29th Olympic Games29届奥运会
1.Men's Basketball Guard Foreign Offensive Capability of the Comparative Analysis in 29th Olympic Games29届奥运会中外男篮组织后卫进攻能力的对比分析
2.Analysis on Offense Ability of China Men's Basketball Team in the 29th Olympic Games29届奥运会中国男篮进攻能力的分析研究
3.Offence and defense ability of Chinese Men Basketball Team in the 29th Olympic Games对第29届奥运会中国男篮攻防能力的分析

(29H,31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29,N30,N31,N32)copper分子式:C32H16CuN8分子量:576.08CAS号:147-14-8性质:熔点600°C (dec.)。水溶性<0.1 g/100 mL at 20°C。
1.A Brief Analysis on the Present Conditions and Prospect of Wushu;对我国武术运动现状的分析及前景展望
2.An Investigation and Analysis on the Present Situation of Wushu Carrying out in the Universities of Jiangsu Province;江苏省普通高校武术运动开展现状的调查与分析

1.A Study on the Development of Wushu from the Perspective of Its Social Functions;从武术的社会功能看武术运动的发展
2.The highest form of addressing a Wushu athlete is called Wu Ying (meaning martial hero) athlete.武术运动员最高级称谓叫武英级运动员!
3.Moral Self-cultivation in Kongfu Practicing--On the Key Role of Morality Playing in Physical Culture;习武先修德——论武德在武术运动中的核心作用
4.Analyze the Reason to the Athletic Injury in Youth Wushu Athletes;少年武术运动员运动损伤原因及分析
5.The Active Change of CK for Tired Wushu Sportsmen;武术运动员运动疲劳下的CK活性变化
6.Viewing the Development Trend of Wushu Rotine from its Evolution of Competiton Rules;从武术竞赛规则的演变看武术运动的发展趋势
7.Role of School Wushu in the Development of Wushu Sports;刍议学校武术在武术运动发展中的功效
9.The Use of Biomechanica Principles in Martial Arts;运动生物力学原理在武术运动中的应用
10.Investigation and Analysis on the Sport Injuries of High Level Teenager Wushu Athletes;高水平青少年武术运动员运动损伤调查分析
11.A Probe into the Recovery Ways of Sports Fatigue for Wushu Athletes;武术运动员运动性疲劳恢复手段的探讨
12.Analysis of frequent traumas and prevention of martial arts athletes in colleges and universities;对高校武术运动员常见运动创伤及预防的探讨
13.Discussing a few Problemse of Wushu Sport on Biomechanics;运动生物力学在武术运动中的研究现状
14.The monitoring and recovery of the wushu athletes exercise-induced fatigue武术运动员的运动性疲劳监测与恢复研究
15.Mental State and Its Adjustment before Contests for Marshal Art Sportsman武术运动员赛前的心理状态及其调整
16.Influence of Wushu Competition Rule to Wushu Routine;武术套路竞赛规则对武术套路运动的影响
17.Analysis on situation of excellent athletes of wushu routine at Tenth National Games;十运会武术套路优秀运动员情况分析
18.Discussion of the Application of the Sports Idea Training in the WuShu Teaching;谈运动表象训练在武术教学中的运用

martial arts武术运动
1.Research on factors affecting development of university martial arts in universities and strategies;影响高校武术运动发展的原因及对策研究
2.Survey and Analysis of non-sports department martial arts in Jiangxi Province江西省高校非体育院系武术运动开展现状的调查与分析
3)Wushu Sports武术运动
1.By means of literature review,the author tries to analyze thoroughly the Wushu sports after pointing out that Wushu is essentially a kind of culture developed from history.文章通过文献资料的查阅,在论述武术是从历史中走来的一种文化后,对武术运动进行了全面的分析。
2.Analysing the characteristics of rhythm, this essay expounds the affects of the beauty of rhythm in Wushu sports, it gives people a fresh view to understand rhythm.武术运动中美学要素是多方面的,节奏美作为展示武术运动美的要素之一,对于武术运动美的表现起到非常重要的作用。
4)Wushu movement武术运动
1.So Wushu is more and more welcomed by people home and abroad,which is the proof that the beauty of Wushu movement has been appreciated by the people all over the world.它深受中国广大人民群众喜爱,也越来越受到世界众多国家和地区人民的重视与青睐,可见武术运动的美已经得到了世界人民的肯定。
5)Wushu athletes武术运动员
1.The monitoring and recovery of the wushu athletes exercise-induced fatigue武术运动员的运动性疲劳监测与恢复研究
2.Athletic injuries are common among Wushu athletes.运动损伤对于武术运动员来说是常见的,很多学者近几年来对此进行了大量的实证研究。
3.By literature,expert interviews,experimental method and mathematical statistics,with 6 boys in the Wushu athletes as the experiment object of study,on the basis of the theory of the specific strength training and the core strength training,it leads the core stability strength training into the specific strength training for the first time.运用文献资料、专家访谈、实验及数理统计等研究方法,以三峡大学高水平武术运动员6名男生为实验研究对象,以专项力量训练理论和核心力量训练理论为理论依据,结合武术专项力量训练的特点及多年从事武术专业教学与训练的实际,首次将核心稳定力量训练理论引入到武术运动员的专项力量训练之中,其目的在于通过提高运动员核心区域的核心稳定力量水平,提高其核心区域相关肌群协同做功的能力及神经对肌肉的控制能力和完成高难度动作的稳定性。
6)Wushu athlete武术运动员
1.Adjusting and controlling of athlete form for Wushu athlete before competition;论武术运动员赛前竞技状态的调控

南美洲运动会和南十字运动会  1922年在巴西举行过1届南美洲运动会,参加者限于南美洲国家。1978年在玻利维亚举行过 1届南十字运动会,参加国有阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、巴拉圭、秘鲁和乌拉圭8国。  
1.On the Realistic Meaning of Olympism;论奥林匹克主义的现实意义
2.On Educational Value of Olympism to College Students of the Day;论奥林匹克主义对当代大学生的教育价值
3.Explanation about the Sinicization of Olympism;奥林匹克主义的中国化诠释

1.Education is a core element of the Olympic principles.教育是奥林匹克主义的核心内容。
2.Olympicism and Ideolistic,Moral Education of Schools;奥林匹克主义与学校的思想道德教育
3.The conflict and blend of the humanism and Olympism--On the trend of Olympic Games development;论人文主义与奥林匹克主义的斗争和融合——浅析奥林匹克运动的发展走向
4.Integral Research on the Humanity Spirit of China with the Olympism;中国人文精神与奥林匹克主义的整合研究
5.On Educational Value of Olympism to College Students of the Day;论奥林匹克主义对当代大学生的教育价值
6.On One of the Problems Worthy of the Attention of the "Modern Humanists"──Olympism;当代人文学者不应忽视的奥林匹克主义问题
7.The Olympic movement is an international movement centered with sports activities and the Olympic Games held every four years.奥林匹克运动,是在奥林匹克主义指导下,以体育运动和四年一度的奥林匹克庆典为主要活动内容。
8.On significance of Olympics in morality education of colleges论奥林匹克主义在高校思想道德教育中的现实意义
9.Similarity Study Between Olympic Soul and Chinese Traditional Humanism Culture;奥林匹克主义与中国传统人文思想的文化相似性研究
10.Interaction between feminism movement and Olympic Games;女权主义运动与奥林匹克运动的互动
11.Sportive Nationalism in the Globalization Era of Olympic;奥林匹克全球化时代的体育民族主义
12.Promoting Olympic Education-An Obligation for the Hosting City of Olympic Games开展奥林匹克教育——奥运主办城市的责任与义务
13.Family Problems: Confucianist Multiple Thought and Olympic Spirit;家庭问题:儒家多元主义与奥林匹克精神
14.Shift of power and spirit of idealism in olympic games;奥林匹克运动的权力转移与理想主义精神
15.Nationalism and Olympic Movement in Globalization全球化语境中的民族主义与奥林匹克运动
16.The Educational Significance in Olympics and the Humanity Olympics;奥林匹克运动的教育意义与“人文奥运”
17.Western nations’ deviation from “Humanistic Olympics”--Review of a book titled Inside the Olympic Industry-Power, Politics and Activism;“人文奥运”在西方——读《奥林匹克产业的内幕——权力、政治与激进主义》
18.Post-Olympics Planning and Development in Neoliberal Governance:A Case Study of the Sydney Olympic Park新自由主义管治下的后奥运规划与开发:以悉尼奥林匹克公园为例

Olympic ideology奥林匹克主义
1.The key point of the Olympic ideology is Olympic education.教育是奥林匹克主义的核心内容,顾拜旦创立奥林匹克运动的真正目的就是为了传播奥林匹克思想,以一种新的角度、新的方式去教育青年,促进青年身心的和谐发展。
3)Olympic Spirit奥林匹克主义
1.It points out that understanding on People’s Olympics conception should return to the ideology and language system of the Olympic Spirit.回顾并分析北京奥组委提出“人文奥运”理念的过程与语境,并分析评价3种解读文本的语义和内涵,指出“人文奥运”理念的解读应回到以奥林匹克主义为核心的思想体系与话语体系,其实质,就是回到“以人为本”的奥运理念上来,并以此来指导北京2008年奥运会的“人文奥运”实践。
2.Olympic spirit education is not a physical activities in generality.奥林匹克主义不是一般意义上的体育活动,它始终以教育为核心,提倡的是通过体育和文化及教育相结合,培养身心和谐发展的人。
4)Post-Olym pism后奥林匹克主义
5)new Olympiclism新奥林匹克主义
6)A Look at Olympism奥林匹克主义浅析

奥林匹克主义奥林匹克主义(Olympism)  健“耘,OQ夕012林匹克主义的基础是推崇奋斗、蔑视危险、热爱祖国、慷慨、骑士精神、熟识艺术与文学”等。 在实践中,人们又常常将奥林匹克主义与另外一些意思相近而又不同的术语混用,如奥林匹克理想(OlymPic ideal)、奥林匹克精神(OlymPie sPirit)等。人们对奥林匹克主义见仁见智,有多种不同的解释: 国际奥委会第五任主席美国的布伦戴奇认为,奥林匹克主义“是现代的、真正的、激动人心的、强有力的、动态的20世纪的宗教”。对奥林匹克研究造诣很深的希腊学者对奥林匹克主义的理解也不尽相同。国际奥委会希腊委员尼西奥蒂斯(NikolaosNissiotis)称“奥林匹克主义不是宗教,而是隐含有宗教因素的,旨在促进人类之间的博爱以及世界和平的一种意识”;国际奥林匹克学院前主任希米泽克(OttoSzymiczek)认为,奥林匹克主义是“一种完全独立,不受任何民族的、政治的、经济的或其他的因素限制的国际制度”;而现任国际奥林匹克学院院长菲拉雷托斯(Nikos Filaretos)则认为,奥林匹克主义是由“体育运动与教育两大概念构成的,体现了哲学、艺术和体育运动三位一体的一整套思想”。 现任国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇认为:“奥林匹克主义是超越竞技运动的,特别是从最广泛、最完整的意义上来讲,它是不能与教育分离的。它将身体活动、艺术和精神融为一体而造就一个完整的人。” 对于奥林匹克主义的构成要素,人们的认识也不一致。奥林匹克史学家、美国学者卢卡斯(J. Lucas)认为,奥林匹克主义包括宗教、和平和美丽3个因素。而加拿大学者格拉斯福德(G.Glassford)和雷蒙德(G.Redmond)则认为包括4个因素:业余主义、培养健康和道德品质、将国际体育比赛作为促进和平的工具、体育运动是文化不可分割的一个部分。 奥林匹克主义的内涵是如此丰富而含混,以至国际奥委会第六任主席基拉宁说:“我们大家都知道什么是奥林匹克主义,但是却无法将其界定出来。” 1974年国际奥委会的罗马尼亚委员西波科(Alexandru Sipereo)等提议给“奥林匹克主义”下一个明确的定义,并纳入《奥林匹克宪章》。经过十多年的讨论,“奥林匹克主义”一语终于出现在1991年6月16日生效的《奥林匹克宪章》中,这也是国际奥委会第一次给奥林匹克主义以正式的定义:“奥林匹克主义是将身、心和精神方面的各种品质均衡地结合起来并使之得到提高的一种人生哲学。它将体育运动与文化和教育融为一体。奥林匹克主义所要开创的人生道路是以奋斗中所体验到的乐趣、优秀榜样的教育价值,和对一般伦理的基本原则的尊敬为基础的。
1.The Essence of the Reform by Killanin and Samaranch of the Administrating Pattern of the IOC;基-萨改革国际奥委会管理模式的实质
2.The Changes of IOC s Legal Position in New Century;新世纪国际奥委会法律地位的改变

1."Distinguished IOC Members,"尊敬的国际奥委会委员,
2.The rest is distributed to NOCs and the IOC.另外一半给各国奥委会和国际奥委会
3.What is the relation between a national Olympic committee and the IOC?国家奥委会和国际奥委会是什么关系?
4.the seventh president of the IOC,国际奥委会第七任主席,
5.The IOC has a president, deputy presidents, the executive board and committee members.国际奥委会成员由国际奥委会委员、执委、副主席、主席组成。
6.A research on the Issue of the Relationship Between the Chinese Olympic Committee, the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee from 1949 to 1979;中国奥委会、中国台北奥委会与国际奥委会关系问题的研究(1949~1979)
7.The country should have a national Olympic committee and is recognized by the International Olympic Committee, too.所在国应有国家奥委会,并被国际奥委会承认;
8.Why was the International Olympic Committee initially reluctant to create the Olympic Winters?国际奥委会为什么最初难创办冬奥会?
9.The IOC oversees such function as determining the site of the Olympic Games.国际奥委会有权决定奥运会的举办地。
10.24.How many Chinese have been elected as IOC members?24.我国先后有几位国际奥委会委员?
11.Wang Ping: I heard that China has two lOC committee mem-bers.王平:听说中国有两名国际奥委会委员。
12.24. How many Chinese have been elected as IOC members?24. 我国先后有几位国际奥委会委员?
13.The IOC organization is made up of all the IOC committees, an executive board, a secretary department, and a special committee.国际奥委会的组织机构包括:国际奥委会全体委员会议、执行委员会、秘书处和专门委员会。
14.The song of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee is approved by the IOC Executive Board.中国台北奥委会的歌已经国际奥委会执委会批准。
15.The IOC stands for the International Olympic Committee and was founded in France in 1894.国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC),简称国际奥委会,总部座落在瑞士洛桑。
16.When was China accepted as member of the International Olympic Committee?中国何时被接纳为国际奥委会成员?
17.Who is the first Chinese member of IOC?国际奥委会的第一位中国成员是谁?
18.The IOC declared an prohibition against gambling on the matches of the Winter Olympics this year.国际奥委会宣布禁止拿奥运会比赛进行赌博。

International Olympic Committee国际奥委会
1.The functions of International Olympic Committee in global governance;国际奥委会在全球治理中的作用
2.Analysis on Organizational Natures of International Olympic Committee;国际奥委会组织性质分析
3.The Criticism International Olympic Committee Is Confronting and it s Corresponding Reform;国际奥委会面临的批判及相应的改革
3)the International Olympic Committee国际奥委会
1.Research and Analysis on Changes of the International Olympic Committee Prior to the World War Ⅰ;一战前国际奥委会的变革及原因分析
2.Historical Perspective on the Origin and Development of the Relationship between the International Olympic Committee and the International Sports Federations;国际奥委会与国际单项体育联合会关系由来与发展的历史透视
3.Study on the Organizational Change and Development of the International Olympic Committee;国际奥委会组织变革与发展的研究
4)IOC Regulations国际奥委会规章
5)International Olympic Committee [IOC]国际奥委会; 国际奥林匹克委员会
6)Chinese Olympic Committee中国奥委会
1.Study on Sponsorship in Marketing the Intangible Assets of the Chinese Olympic Committee;对中国奥委会无形资产营销中赞助问题的研究
2.Study on Pricing in Marketing the Intangible Assets of the International Olympic Committee and Its Use for the Chinese Olympic Committee for Reference;国际奥委会无形资产营销中定价及其对中国奥委会的借鉴
3.Study of Fundamental Issues of Chinese Olympic Committee-Invisible Assets;对中国奥委会无形资产基本问题的研究

国际奥委会奥林匹克研究中心国际奥委会奥林匹克研究中心Centre, OSC)  国际奥委会奥林匹克研究中心(IOC:0lympic StudiesCentre,OSC) 成立于1982年10月11日,设在国际奥委会洛桑总部奥林匹克博物馆内。 该中心负责管理博物馆中堪称世界之最的奥林匹克资料库。中心由4个部门组成:①文献部:提供查询历史博物馆与图书馆的信息通道,可查到有关奥运历史、国际奥委会及其成员、各届奥运会、奥运会竟设在奥林匹克博物馆内的国际奥委会奥林匹克研究中心赛项日的演变过程及顾拜旦等奥林匹克先驱者的著作。还有专题性的收藏物,如奥林匹克标志、媒体的作用、奥林匹克邮票等。大部分资料将送到因特网上。②图片部:藏有27万幅黑白与彩色照片,其中关于奥运会的照片约有10万幅。③声像与多媒体部:藏有1 3000小时的资料(可连续播放540天);④档案部:藏有奥林匹克运动的文件、通信和卷宗。 奥林匹克研究中心与世界各地的奥林匹克学术团体和研究者存在广泛的联系,并举办一些学术讨论会。 该中心还实施一项针对青年学者的学术资助计划,以鼓励在奥林匹克历史、思想、奥运会对当代社会和文化的影响等方面的学术研究。在校的硕士生和博士生以及青年教师均可向中心提出申请,经专门的评审组批准后,可获资助,在该中心作为期3个月的学术研究。  
1.Contrastive study on the psychological training of the sprinter of the students from Guangzhou institute of physical education before the race;广州体育学院短跑运动员赛前心理训练的对比实验
2.Arrangement of Week Structure With Race Law for the University Sprinters Race Ability;以比赛规律安排周训练结构提高高校短跑运动员的比赛能力
3.A further discussion of the sprinters power training;对现代短跑运动员力量训练的再认识

1.I'm a long-distance runner, not a sprinter.我是长跑运动员, 不是短跑运动员.
2.strong finisher冲刺力好的短跑运动员
3.Nancy: Thismeans she runs short distances, very fast. Sprinters have troublerunning long distances, that's for long distance, or cross country runners.这位“短跑运动员”跑得非常快。短跑运动员通常长跑时很吃力。
4.The Technology and Training of the Sprinter's Starting Running短跑运动员的起跑技术及其训练研究
5.Contrast and Analysis of Athletics Parameter for Dash men;短跑运动员运动学参数的比较与分析
6.The research on the reaction time of start that the athletes in the ninth national sports meeting;全国九运会短跑运动员起跑反应时的研究
7.Dynamic analysis of velocity of elite world 100m runners;国外优秀男子短跑运动员100m跑速度的动态分析
8.The Cause of Low Centre of Gravity Run for Dashers and the Countermeasure;短跑运动员低重心跑动作的形成与克服方法
9.The sprinter breasted.那个短跑运动员首先冲到终点。
10.On the Factors of Influencing the Achievement Man Sprint Race Players;浅析影响男子短跑运动员成绩的因素
11.Psychological factors of pre-match insomnia of sprinters;短跑运动员赛前失眠的心理因素研究
12.Probing into the Short Distance Athletic Training Program for Juvenile Men s;少年男子短跑运动员基础训练的探索
13.The Research of the Physical Ability Training Structure of the Sprinter;短跑运动员体能训练结构特征的研究
14.Sprinter s Pre-Game Mental Barriers and Psychological Training;短跑运动员赛前心理障碍与心理训练
15.Analysis and Research on the Method of Selecting Potential Sprinters;短跑运动员选材研究现状综述与分析
16.Discuss on the Training Method of the College Amateur Short - distance Athlete;高校业余短跑运动员训练方法的探讨
17.Competitive Characteristics of the World Elite Sprinters;世界优秀男子短跑运动员的竞技特征
18.Muscles Operation Characteristics of Modern Sprinters;现代短跑运动员肌肉工作特点的研究

1.Research on Sprinters Palm Lines and Finger Loops and Whorls;对短跑运动员手掌纹、指纹的调查研究
2.This text mainly studies special strength training of the teenage sprinters in order to discover its characteristics and principles.专项力量素质是青少年短跑运动员身体素质发展的重要内容。
3.120 sprinters were the subjects for the research on Sense of Coherence and its influencing factors.以120名短跑运动员为测试对象,探讨短跑运动员的心理一致感水平及其影响因素。
3)sprint athletes短跑运动员
1.Objective: To observe the effects of fumigation and washing with Chinese herbs on the sports ability of sprint athletes.方法:将具有行气活血、法风湿散寒作用的中药近10味,运用理代技术制成见效快、使用方便安全的中药外用薰洗液供运动受训练后使用将40例短跑运动员随机分为对照组和用药组,分别测定安静及运动后的肌力。
2.The isokinetic double knee flexion and extension of 36 male junior sprint athletes were measured.目的:通过对36名二级青少年男子短跑运动员双侧膝关节进行等速测试,探析青少年短跑运动员膝关节向心屈伸肌群的生物力学特性,为运动训练、科学选材及临床康复等提供理论依据。
4)sprint athlete短跑运动员
1.To observe the effect of eliminating neuromuscular fatigue after speeding training, the study tests 16 sprint athlete s initial value and effect value of 30m sprint, standing long jump, CMAP latency, and H reflection latency.为了观察穴位电针刺激消除高强度速度训练后的神经肌肉疲劳的效果,本实验测试了16名短跑运动员的立定跳远成绩、30米跑成绩、CMAP(复合动作电位)潜伏期和H反射潜伏期等指标的初始值和效应值。
5)excellent sprinters优秀短跑运动员
1.This paper will adopt the research methods such as literature study,survey,mathematical statistics and logical analysis to research and analyze the 2006-2007 winter training contents and schedule of Guangxi s excellent sprinters.本文采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法对广西优秀短跑运动员2006-2007年冬训训练内容、训练安排等方面进行分析研究。
6)man sprinter男子短跑运动员

“妈妈”运动员“妈妈”运动员  “妈妈”运动员在现代奥运会历史的早期,i陈旧的观念影响了妇女对体育的参与,即使是二参加体育竞赛的女运动员也在结婚和生育后退随着妇女体育的发展,一大批“妈妈”运动员刁动场上取得了优异的成绩,令人对女子的运动能二目相看。 1936年,18岁的荷兰女选手科恩参加柏林鉴会,只取得了跳高第五名。12年后,30岁的科j多数无运刮运已是两个孩子的妈妈,却在1948年伦敦奥运会上80米低栏,100米、200米和4 x 100米接力题金牌,并以11秒的成绩创造了80米低栏的世界会以11秒的成绩平了100米跑的世界纪录,获得了行妈妈”的美称。 在1956年的奥运会上,有ro枚奖牌是由“运动员”夺得的。1%0年奥运会上,产后两年的选手鲁道夫夺得100米、200米和4“roo米接3枚金牌。而获1960年奥运会跳板跳水铜牌的英动员费里斯当时正怀有3个月的身孕。 前苏联的卡赞金娜,曾夺得过1976年和19得枚乞飞料以录︸妇国跑运年﹄降乙匕匕r飞J可口闷1奥运会1500米跑金牌。1982年生育后,于1984年打破2000米和3000米跑的世界纪录。美国短跑选手阿什福德,1984年以10秒97获得第23届奥运会100米金牌,奥运会后不到10个月生一女孩,1985年第4季度的成绩仍列世界第一,1985年....日.睡口毒﹁︸巨科恩1 948年伦敦奥运会上的荷兰短跑女选兰犷_输出,摄行测增加痛苦也是现再命有怀孕l,他的研再堕巧的以10秒86的成绩再次排名1985年100米世界乡 一些研究资料表明,孕妇的心率会加快,心量可能增大40%,红血球的数目有所增加,同时氧量也会增加。科研人员曾对一名长跑运动员进试,产后7个月,她的摄氧量增加了5%,这对耐力无疑是有利的。此外,由于分娩时所承受的和压力,在某种程度上使女运动员更加坚强,这提高成绩的有利因素。“妈妈”运动员的出色表次证明了妇女的运动能力,对延长她们的运动寿重要意义。 随着“妈妈”运动员的大量出现,有人竟把和生孩子当作一种提高运动成绩的手段加以利厂们根据怀孕第一个月时妇女肌肉力量会大大增加究结果,鼓励女选手借人工授精怀孕,比赛过后胎。在对兴奋剂严格控制的今天,借怀孕投机取做法,遭到了人们的谴责。  
1.Application of guiding ideology of achievement before acting block;后发先至的指导思想在拦网中的应用
2.Comparative study of two-man block technique between Chinese and Cuba elite man s volleyball players;中国和古巴男排运动员双人拦网技术的比较
3.However, the key point to win still lies in block and attac沙滩排球新规则规定由原来的争发球权才能得分改为每球得分制后,一攻扣球成为主要的得分手段,但强队之间对抗往往一攻扣球水平相差不大,其拦网和防守反击得分仍是取胜的关键。

1.She blocked that spike.她拦网抵挡扣过来的球。
2.When you are trying to block,don't get too close to the net,or you will get a net-fault.当你拦网时,不要太靠近网,不然很容易触网。
3.Single blocking in volleyball is often not enough.一人独自拦网在排球中往往是不够的。
4.L: What a pity! The opponent block it quite easily.太可惜了,对方轻而易举就拦网了。
5.The application timespace view analyzes the volleyball the success blocks the substance of the net;运用时空观分析排球成功拦网的实质
6.Application of guiding ideology of achievement before acting block;后发先至的指导思想在拦网中的应用
7.Attack and Counterattack of Crisscross Attack in Volleyball;试谈排球交叉进攻的拦网及地面防守
8.Analysis of the Blocking Technology of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team at 2008 Olympic Games2008奥运会中国女排拦网技术分析
9.Teams often join two or three players together, forming double or triple blocks, referred to as multiple blocks.球员经常二人或者三人一起组织的双人或三人拦网,也被称为联合拦网
10.They could serve and hit the ball, block it at the net or return it with equal facility.他们可以发球、扣球、拦网、反扣,都同样熟练。
11.Kinematic Analysis on the Technique of Blocking in Movement of Assistant-attackers in Jiangsu Province Women s Volleyball Team;江苏女排副攻移动拦网技术的运动学分析
12.Problem existing in the measuring method of the height of drop shot and block in volleyball game;论排球扣球和拦网高度测量方法上存在的问题
13.Fundamental Research on Using the Two-time Blocks Technical by Vice-offend in Male Volleyball Team;男排副攻队员运用二次拦网技术的理论研究
14.Analysis of blocking technique for elite female volleyball players in China;我国优秀女排队员移动拦网技术动作解析
15.Improving Ability of Block, Defense and Attack is the Key of Winning in a Women Sandbeach Volley Contest;提高拦网防反能力是女子沙滩排球取胜的关键
16.The Analysis Of Block Power Of Former 6 Winners In The 13th Asian Women s Volleyball Championships;第13届亚洲女排锦标赛前6强拦网实力分析
17.On the Effective Blocking Based on the Aggression from the Back Row;浅析如何根据后排进攻的特点采取有效的拦网
18.Study on the Period Effectiveness of Underhand Pass and Blocking Skill Volleyball Playing;对排球垫球、拦网技术动作的时效性研究

1.Perspective of the Volleyball Blocking Technology in New Rules;排球新规则下拦网技术透视
2.The researches show that Chinese players were beaten by Poland and Argentina mainly in terms of serving,spiking and blocking,and by Puerto Rico in blocking and their self-muffing.通过对2006年世界男子排球锦标赛中国对波兰、阿根廷、波多黎各队3场比赛发球、进攻、拦网技术统计结果分析,找出中国男排与对手的差异。
3.Therefore,the stand or fall of blocking will directly influence the win or loss of a team in a high level match.拦网是防反的第一道防线和得分的重要手段,拦网不仅可以拦死,拦回,拦起对方的扣球,还可以削弱对方进攻锐气,动摇扣手的信心。
3)herbivorous fishes网拦养殖
4)arresting net拦阻网
1.This provides some useful guidance for design and construction of arresting net.介绍了飞机拦阻网系统的工作原理,并通过对系统各构件的受力特点分析,建立了飞机在拦阻过程中的动力学模型,从理论上得出了在拦阻网工作过程中飞机速度随位移衰减的关系式,同时可估算飞机滑行距离和网绳拉力。
2.The design and calculation of arresting net are the difficult and focal point of this kind of project.拦阻网主索的设计计算是此类工程的难点和重点。
5)rockfall barrier拦石网
6)intercept net拦截网
1.It mainly discusses how to use the guidance of machine vision, during the last phase of auto-landing of UAV on deck, to make the UAV identify and track the naval ship, and finally fly into the intercept net fixed on the rear deck of naval ship placidly and accurately.介绍了无人机的概念 ,以及目前舰载无人机的发展现状 ;主要讨论了在无人机自动着舰末段如何利用机器视觉导引无人机识别并跟踪舰艇 ,使其平稳、准确地飞入安装在舰艇尾部甲板上的拦截网中 ,实现撞网回收。

1.Research of the decrease to body weight of taekwondo athlete;跆拳道运动员减体重研究
2.Effects of “Living High-Training Low” on Exercise Capacity and Hemogram of Chinese Taekwondo Athletes;高住低训对优秀女子跆拳道运动员运动能力和血象的影响
3.Analysis on the Causes of China′s Excellent Taekwondo Players′ Training Injury;我国优秀跆拳道运动员运动损伤状况的调查分析

1.Influence of New Rule Implementation on Taekwondo Match;浅析跆拳道新规则实施对跆拳道比赛的影响
2.The Influence of Implementing the New Regulations on the Match of Kickboxing;跆拳道新规则的实施对跆拳道竞赛的影响
3.Take part in WangSiHaiTAEKWONDO class! You can practice the original interesting TKD! WangSiHai TAEKWONDO will teach you both self defense sport TKD.王教练将教你防身术跆拳道与竞技跆拳道,同时带给你快乐有趣的跆拳道锻炼。
4.From the Innovation of South Korean Taekwondo Association to See the Taekwondo s Technical and Tactical Development Trends;从韩国跆协的创新看跆拳道技战术的发展趋势
5.On the Enlightment from Development of Taekwon - Do in South Korea;韩国跆拳道运动的发展对我国跆拳道运动的启示
6.Thinking about the implementation of new rules of athletic Taekwondo--With 2008 National Taekwondo Championship as an example竞技跆拳道实施新规则之思考——以2008年全国跆拳道冠军赛为例
7.Managing Mode of Taekwondo Palaestra in Baoding City;保定市道馆式跆拳道运营模式的研究
8.Looking into the Martial Arts Etiquette from the Tae kwon Do and Judo;从跆拳道、柔道礼仪看中华武术礼仪
9.The Comparison of the "Virtuous" in Wushu and "Do" in Tae Kwon Do;武术中“德”与跆拳道中“道”之比较
10.Think from Taekwondo Thai Quanshu how to Embody National Traditional Characteristic从跆拳道、泰拳看散打如何体现民族传统特色
11.Comparative Analysis on Tests of Similar-speed Muscle Strength in Three Sports Events:Boxing, Shanda, and Taekwondo;拳击、散打、跆拳道等速肌力测试的比较研究
12.Tae Kwon Do development process to Taijiquan promotion and dissemination enlightenment跆拳道的发展历程对太极拳推广与传播的启示
13.Virgil, it's the first time for me to watch a taekwondo competition.弗吉尔,这是我第一次看跆拳道比赛。
14.taekwondo became the dominant form.跆拳道才成为主要的民间武术形式。
15.I also moonlight as a tae kwon do instructor to make some extra money.为了多赚点钱,我还兼职当跆拳道教练。
16.Can you tell me some basic rules about it?你能给我讲讲跆拳道的基本规则吗?
17.Affects of Interpersonal Relationships on Exercise Adherence of Taekwondo Groups;人际关系对跆拳道锻炼坚持性的影响
18.The Research on the Current Situation of Tae Kwon Do Game in Xinjiang and Its Development Countermeasure;新疆跆拳道运动现状及发展对策研究

Tae Kwon Do跆拳道
1.Desigh of Score Control System in Tae Kwon Do Match;跆拳道比赛记分控制系统的设计
2.Analyse Ordinary Universities Tae Kwon Do And Martial Arts Present Situation;普通高校跆拳道与武术开展现状分析
3.Promoted strategy of Tae Kwon Do movement and its enlightenments to Chinese Wushu;论跆拳道运动的推广策略对我国武术发展的启示
1.Study on the Efect of Body and Psychological Behavior Ability After Kickboxing technic Training for Infant;跆拳道动作技术练习对幼儿身体和心理行为能力影响的研究
2.Improvement of Kickboxing Training-Group and Supervision of Biochemical Test;跆拳道三人脚靶成组转换练习组合的改进及生化监测
3.Investigation of the application of competitive kickboxing techniques and tactics in National kickboxing Championship 2004;2004年全国跆拳道冠军赛技战术运用情况的调查分析
1.Developing tendency of world men s Taekuondo techniques and tactics,and Chinese Men s Taekuondo s weaknesses——Summary of "Iran Open" and "Karachi City Gold Cup" in 2006;世界男子跆拳道技战术的发展趋势和中国跆拳道男队的差距分析——2006年“伊朗公开赛”和“卡拉奇城市金杯赛”综述
2.Analysis of application of fakes Taekuondo;跆拳道假动作的分析及运用
3.An analysis of the "consciousness","reaction and reaction time" of Taekuondo athletes and their psychological characteristics;对跆拳道运动员“感知觉”“反应和反应时”及心理特征的分析
5)Taekwondo Team跆拳道队
1.Research on the Competition Status and Development Strategy of Sichuan Taekwondo Team;四川省跆拳道队竞赛现状及发展对策研究
6)taekwondo hall跆拳道馆

1.Function and Training of Relaxation Applied in Sprint;放松技术在短跑中的作用及训练
2.Analyzing the ideas of relaxation and raising the efficacy of Bajiquan;把握放松机理 提高八极拳功效

1.To let out(a line or rope) by slackening.缓缓放松通过放松使(绳或索)放出
2.He says, @Relax, Claire.说,“放松点,克莱尔。”
3.To let out or release(a line or an anchor train).放开或放松(缆绳或锚等)
4.We need to take a trip for relaxation. Where shall we go?需要出去放松放松。咱们去哪里?
5.When you take a break,really take a break.当放松时,一定要是真正地放松
6.After work, I like to have a cup of tea and put my feet up.下班以后,我喜欢喝杯茶放松放松
7.relax after a period of work or tension(工作或紧张之后)放松,松弛
8.To let out(a line or cable) by slackening.慢慢放松通过松开使(绳索或缆绳)脱出
9.release a switch, catch, lever, etc断开开关、 松开掣子、 放松手柄
10.To slacken(a line)or to release and separate the blocks of(a tackle).放松(绳索),松开(绞辘)的滑轮
11.the middle part of a slack rope (as distinguished from its ends).绳子放松时的中间或松弛部分。
12.Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张.
13.Efficacy: Purify air, relieve and relax oneself.功效:净化空气,舒缓疲劳,让人轻松放松
14."Just try to relax," he said, "Everything is all right.“尽量放松一点。 一切正常。”
15.Relax, don't overtax yourself.放松一下,别劳累过度。
16.The warm Bath relaxed me.温暖的沐浴使我放松
17.A hot bath always relaxes me.热水澡使我感到放松
18.Just sit down and relax yourself.坐下来,放松一下吧。

1.The gradually relax is a psychological method ,which be applied to reduce mental stress and anxiety.心理渐进放松法是为了缓解精神紧张与焦虑而设计的精神放松方法。
2.Using relax skill ,the author finds that the college students who learned the relax skill can run faster than that of normal skill learner .采用对比实验的方法 ,对高校大学生进行注重放松技术教学与一般教学的 15 0 0m教学与练习 ,结果表明 ,采用放松技术教学的实验组学生在 15 0 0m优秀与良好率上明显高于对照组 ,且实验组大学生在跑动过程中较为轻松自如 ,身体感受较好 ,对该项目的心理可接受程度高于对照
1.The article tries to approach the construction of operatic tunes by drawing breath and relaxing, and points out the theory of operatic tunes.吸气、放松是歌唱声腔形态建立的重要因素。
2.Plenty relaxing in sport can excavate latent energy and exe rt level of technic, increase the force of muscle shrink, accelerate resuming the substance of energy.体育运动中的放松可充分发掘运动员的运动潜能和技术水平的发挥。
3.This text bases on the international background of relaxing unnecess.本文立足于放松不必要管制的大背景,结合国外的改革趋势,分析其内在动因和各国达成的共识,并结合我国公司资本的管制过于严格的现实进行分析,指出:我国应对过于严格的公司资本管制予以适当放松,但并不是一“放”了之,必须以动态资本的强化管制为前提,配以强调资本信息公开、注重对股东取得公司财产的控制、加重董事责任、“人格否认”原则的合理运用、中介组织的规范化等配套措施的合理运用。

放松对事物的注意或控制由紧变松:~警惕 ㄧ~肌肉ㄧ~学习,就会落后。
1.Where Is the Field?——Certain Reflecting of Anthropology Fieldwork;何处是田野?——人类学田野工作的若干反思
2.A Reflection on Anthropological Fieldwork in the Light of Bourdieu s Theory of Practice;从布迪厄实践理论看人类学田野工作
3.Analysis on Three Kinds of Challenges in the Fieldwork;田野工作中的三种考验探析

1.Where Is the Field?--Certain Reflecting of Anthropology Fieldwork;何处是田野?——人类学田野工作的若干反思
2.a basic introduction and self-evaluation to the fieldwork.对田野工作基本介绍以及自我评价。
3.The Application of Fieldwork Method to the Research of the History of Science;田野工作方法在科学史研究中的应用
4.A Reflection on Anthropological Fieldwork in the Light of Bourdieu s Theory of Practice;从布迪厄实践理论看人类学田野工作
5.Feelings for Field Work--with Also a Discussion of the Value of Mao Zedong s Field Work of Earlier Times;田野工作的情感——兼论毛泽东早期调查的田野价值
6.Fieldwork at Home-Chinese Topics on Ethnomusicological Fieldwork在家门口的田野上——音乐人类学田野工作的中国话题
7.From the Door of His Tent: The Fieldworker and the Inquisitor从他的帐篷的门口:田野工作者与审讯者
8.The "field work" has become a must due to ethnology's focus on the exotic culture.民族学对于异文化的关注使"田野工作"成为必然。
9.The field job is an important part of the study on Anthropology.田野工作本身是人类学研究的重要部分。
10.Status Consciousness-Reflection Based on the Field Job On the Religion Study with Experience;身份自觉:经验性宗教研究的田野工作反思
11.Fieldwork in Anthropology and Its Enlightment to Education;人类学的田野工作及对教育研究的启示
12.Fieldwork and the Discipline Construction of Art-Anthropology and Aesthetic Anthropology;田野工作与艺术人类学、审美人类学学科建设
13.Anthropology, Fieldwork and Education Research-- An Education Anthropologist s Concern, Experience and Belief;人类学·田野工作·教育研究——一个教育人类学家的关怀、经验和信念
14.Practical Research of Sports Anthropology Fieldwork--For Example of Miao Minority Canoe Dragon Race体育人类学“田野工作”运用实践——苗族独木龙舟竞渡调查方法例证
15.I feel washed out after working in the fields for a whole day.在田野里工作了一整天之后我感到累极了。
16.He got up early every morning and worked all day in the forest and fields.他每天一大早就起床,整日在森林田野中工作。
17.He can see farmhouses. He can see farmers working in the fields.他能看见农舍。他能看见农民在田野里工作。
18.Application Field Investigation Method in Leaders Works of Minorities Region;田野调查法在民族地区领导工作中的运用

field work田野工作
1.In educational anthropology a branch of anthropology field work is an important research method.教育人类学作为人类学的分支学科 ,田野工作的方法也是其重要研究方法 ,在多民族国家中 ,应实施“多元文化整合教育” ,其目标是培养既能保持自我文化认同又能适应 2 1世纪的具有跨文化意识态度和行为的全球人。
2.In a sense,anthropology,which is a subject of high cost,has been "soaked" out,because you have to spend much time in doing field work.从某种意义说,人类学是泡出来的,你一定要花时间去做田野工作,它是个成本很高的学科。
3.The mainstream of educational anthropology was represented by American and British cultural educational anthropology which stress experimental study, pay attention to field work and composing ethnography.以美、英为代表的"文化—教育人类学"强调经验研究,注重田野工作和民族志撰写。
3)The Significance of Fieldwork田野工作的意义
4)field work田野作业
1.The field work of Chinese folklore is still in a young and immature state in terms of theory and method.我国民俗学田野作业在理论和方法方面还处于不完备的稚弱状态,对其进行反思是民俗学研究至关重要的环节。
2.Many experiences from field works told us:some easy steps always lead us into a trap and make mistakes.文章中,笔者结合自己的田野实践经验介绍了卡莫诺史前研究中心田野作业的方法,例如,如何看待岩画所处环境的问题,如何清理岩石表面,岩画的记录方法(包括描摹、拍照、制作复制品、拷贝复制品、编号以及对岩画归类等)等在田野作业中要用到的一些方法,这些已经经过实践考验的方法对于岩画的田野作业是很有效的,也具有可操作性,对中国学者有现实的意义。
1.The fieldwork of ethnology or cultural anthropology is an important way of cultural understanding.民族学或文化人类学的田野作业是文化认识活动的重要方式;对“田野作业”与“田野调查”作了概念的区分;对学科调查与行政或企业调查作了方法论的区分;并对于观察研究中的客观性、异文化的困扰及调查中的文化互动等问题作了讨论。
2.It is generally accepted that Argonauts of the Western Pacificpublished by Malinowski in 1922 as his representative work of ethnography lays the foundation of the scientific norm for ethnography because it embodies the combination of the three key elements (fieldwork, theory/theme and ethnography) in functional anthropology/scientific anthropology.一般认为,民族志的科学范式是由马林诺斯基出版于1922年的民族志代表作《西太平洋的航海者》所奠定的,它体现了功能主义人类学/科学人类学对田野作业、理论或主题、民族志三要素的结合。
3.In accordance with the requirement of the curriculum and the experience of the author, this thesis presents an analysis on the purpose and various training methods in organizing the students of folklore study to practice fieldwork.民俗学的知识基础是田野作业。
6)field work野外工作
1.Field data acquisition plays a decisive role in whether geological task can be completed or not,so it is necessary to discuss the field work method for three-dimension seismic exploration.高分辨率三维地震勘探野外数据采集是地震勘探的第一步,也是最关键的一步,它关系到以后的数据处理、资料解释及最终成果的准确性,对于能否完成地质任务,野外数据采集起到了决定性作用,所以,对三维地震勘探野外工作方法进行研究性探讨是非常必要的。

《中国田野考古报告集》  中国重要田野考古报告丛刊。中国社会科学院考古研究所编辑,属考古学专刊丁种。截至1984年底,已经出版和即将出版的田野考古报告有28号。  
1.Analysis of juvenile gymnastics players osteoepiphysis chronic injuries from training;少儿体操运动员骨骺慢性损伤的训练学分析
2.The Origin of Gymnastics and the Research on Body Exercise Function;体操运动的起源及健身功能研究

1.used by women gymnasts.女体操运动员使用的。
2.A Research on Guangxi Eurhythmics and Gymnastics Athletes Athletic Wound;广西艺术体操及体操运动员运动损伤调查分析
3.On the comparison between artistic gymnastics and body-building exercises;对健美操与艺术体操运动项目的比较
4.The Developing Trend of Our Gymnastic Through the 9~(th) National Games;从九运会体操比赛看我国体操运动发展态势
5.Gymnastics disciplines that have developed internationally are:体操运动已经发展成为国际性的运动:
6.Research on the Sports Injuries of Gymnastics Players;体操运动员常见运动损伤的调查分析
7.Research on Gymnastics Elements Named by Overseas and Chinese Gymnasts;以中外体操运动员人名命名的体操动作研究
8.Discussion on Special Movement Style of Gymnasts from Svetlana Khorkina;从霍尔金娜体操动作特点谈体操运动风格
9.The Development of Gymnastics From the Changes of The New Rules;从体操新规则的变化谈体操运动的发展
10.Try to expound the influence of the body character to athletic level of gymnastics athletes;体操运动员专项身体素质对运动水平的影响
11.The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.体操运动员在双 上摆动身子.
12.The gymnasts rolled and jumped.这位体操运动员转动后又跳跃。
13.The gymnasts' physical qualities must be excellent.体操运动员的身体素质一定很好。
14.the lithe grace of a gymnast体操运动员轻盈而优美的体态.
15.a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein.做体育协会成员的体操运动员。
16.She has the lithe grace of a gymnast.她有体操运动员轻盈而优美的体态。
17.Research on province gymnastics of Amateur Sport in Jiangsu江苏省业余体校体操运动员调查研究
18.Investigation on Choking Experience and Attribution of Chinese Gynmasts我国体操运动员“Choking”体验及归因的调查

1.On the basic methods for biohythm of gymnast s athletic sports ability;浅谈生物节律与体操运动员的运动能力
2.Study About the Time Perception of Gymnast;试论体操运动员的时间知觉
3.An experimental Study on the Physiological and Biochemical Targets of Male Gymnasts in the Later Stage of Intermediate Level after Large Load Training;对中级后期男子体操运动员大运动量训练生理生化指标的实验研究
1.On the Training Links and Link Training of gymnasts;论体操运动员的训练环节与环节训练
2.With the increase of the difficulty of the gymnastic motions, which require more stronger special fitness of strength for gymnasts.随着体操技术动作难度要求越来越高,对体操运动员的专项力量素质也提出了更高的要求,本文主要是关于体操专项力量训练的内涵、原则和所应注意的事项进行论述,并为教练员和运动员提供理论参考。
3.According to the feature of the psychological diathesis of female gymnasts and the psychology before a match, it is a long process to train the psychological diathesis and we should lay stress on the training of psychological diathesis in the initial training.根据女子体操运动员心理素质的特点和赛前心理状态,有针对性地对其进行心理素质训练是一个长期的过程,而在启蒙阶段更应注重心理素质训练。
4)Gymnastics athlete体操运动员
1.By using the method of literature studies and experts interview,this paper study on intelligence training of young gymnastics athlete, intelligence train is beneficial to increase to the level of technique and contest ability, analyzed the contents and methods of intelligence training.通过文献资料法和专家访谈法 ,对少儿体操运动员智能训练进行了研究 ,认为重视智能训练有助于提高运动技术水平和提高竞技能力 ,并详细分析了智能训练的内容和方法。
2.The preliminary study of the competitive gymnastics athletes’ compensatory effect of the unbalanced structure of competitive abilities is to study the phenomenon of certain undeveloped component or ability in the structure of competitive abilities compensated by other over-developed components to a certain range, which makes the total levels of competitive abilities maitain at a certain level.研究表明:体操运动员的非衡补偿主要适用于中级后期训练阶段、高级训练阶段及延长运动寿命阶段,尤其是高级训练阶段。
5)gymnastic athlete体操运动员
1.In order to examine the relationship between sport perfectionism and eating disorder,sport motivation,pre-competition emotion,112 gymnastic athletes were investigated with questionnaires.以112名大学体操运动员(男68,女44)为调查对象,采用问卷调查法与数理统计法检验运动领域完美主义与饮食障碍、运动动机及赛前情绪的关系。
6)artistic gymnastics athlete艺术体操运动员
1.Elite artistic gymnastics athlete s lumbar spine injury in China;艺术体操运动员脊柱腰段损伤现状及规律

1.The Red Army Fears No Hardship of Expedition, Myriad of Rivers and Mountains Are Just Ordinary Things——For the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army s Long March;红军不怕远征难 万水千山只等闲——为红军长征胜利70周年而作
2.The analysis about Mao Ze-dong s description on the victory of China s Great Revolution——And talking about the history appraisal to Chen Du-xiu;毛泽东论中国大革命胜利考析——兼论对陈独秀的历史评价
3.The advancedness of CCP is the guarantee of the victory of Anti-Japanese War;中国共产党的先进性是抗战胜利的保证

1.The fact of being victorious; victory or conquest.胜利,得胜胜利的事实,胜利或征服
2.narrow victory很勉强的胜利, 险胜
3.Relating to or having the nature of a triumph.胜利的,凯旋的关于胜利的或有胜利的性质的
4.a short-lived triumph, relationship短暂的胜利、 关系
5.14,000 Victory Vampires,,,14000个胜利吸血鬼…
6.Victor Company of Japan日本胜利株式会社(胜利株式会社)
7.He leads we moves towards the victory from the victory.他领导我们从胜利走向胜利
8.Under the leadership of the Party, we are marching from victory to victory.在党的领导下,我们正从胜利走向胜利
9.He conquers twice who conquers himself in victory.胜利中能克制自己,就是又一次胜利
10.The only thing to do is to make the best use of the situation and guide the struggle to victory.只能因势利导,夺取胜利
11.For us victory means chiefly victory in combating "encirclement and suppression", that is, strategic victory and victories in campaigns.所谓胜利,主要地是说反“围剿”的胜利,这就是战略和战役的胜利
12.A person who cheats is an unworthy winner.以欺诈手段取胜的人不配做胜利者。
13.A glorious victory. The armies of France are triumphant.一次光荣的胜利,法国部队战无不胜。
14.The victory remained with the Thebans.胜利属于底比斯人。
15.They strained for victory.他们努力争取胜利
16.Dig@ check'em setting up the @hat trick击败对手, 获得胜利
17.The victorious news made us excited.胜利的消息使我激动。
18.Don't slacken up our efforts when victory is in sight.胜利在望,我们不能松劲。

3)march from victory to victory从胜利走向胜利
4)Shengli Oil Region胜利油区
1.The authors,having tested the respective gelling property of Shengli Oil Region crude oil,Henan Oil Region crude oil and Brazian crude oil under different decreasing temperature rate,evaluate the influence of decreasing temperature rate on gelling property of crude oil more comprehensively and present a decreasing temperature rate plan which has the most influence on gelling property of crude oil.通过测试胜利油区原油、河南油区原油和巴西原油在不同降温速率下的胶凝特性,较全面地评价了降温速率对这三种原油胶凝特性的影响,提出了对原油的胶凝特性影响最大的降温速率方案。
2.Gubei low-lying is abundant of hydrocarbon generating in Shengli oil region.胜利油区孤北洼陷是一个富生烃洼陷 ,在其周围已经发现多个大油田 ,已证实其主要生烃层系为沙三段烃源岩。
3.We determined the relationship between the cost of per ton fluid and the single well daily fluid production rate in Shengli oil region, thus, simplified the calculation model for the old well with the economic limit water cut.运用油藏工程和经济学的基本原理 ,建立了新井经济极限初产油量计算模型 ,找出了胜利油区吨液成本与平均单井日产液量之间的关系 ,简化了老井经济极限含水计算模型 ,统计出了胜利油区不同油价条件下的非经济产量 ,建立了胜利油区不同油价条件下的非经济产量百分数与平均单井年产油量的计算模型 ,对于确定油田的非经济产量、提高油田开发的经济效益具有重要意
5)Shengli Oilfield胜利油区
1.The economic and technical policy limit of the horizontal wells in the fault block oil reservoir of thick beds with bottom water in Shengli Oilfield;胜利油区厚层底水断块油藏水平井经济技术政策界限
2.Development techniques of horizontal wells in Shengli oilfield.;胜利油区水平井开发技术
3.Application of a new technique of debris free completion fluids in Shengli Oilfield新型无固相完井液技术在胜利油区的应用
6)Shengli Oilfield胜利油田
1.Geo-Steering Drilling Technique of Horizontal Wells in Shengli Oilfield;胜利油田水平井地质导向钻井技术
2.Experiment on Solid-liquid Separation Technology of Waste Drilling Fluid in Shengli Oilfield;胜利油田废钻井液固液分离技术研究实验
3.Technical and economic potential for polymer flooding in Shengli Oilfield;胜利油田聚合物驱油技术经济潜力分析

胜利1.谓举办法事的盛大利益。 2.在斗争或竞赛中打败对方。 3.事业﹑工作达到预定目的;获得成功。
CBA联赛,CBA league
1)CBA leagueCBA联赛
1.Unbalanced development of CBA league;CBA联赛非均衡发展现象的分析
2.Research on CBA league s Countermeasures in an Era of Attention Economy;论注意力经济时代下CBA联赛的应对之策
3.A Study of Influence of Introducing Foreign player into CBA League;外籍球员的引进对CBA联赛影响的研究

1.Research the Bench Players in NBA and CBA对NBA联赛和CBA联赛替补球员的研究
2.The Comparative Research on the Operation Mechanism between NBA and CBA League MatchNBA联赛与CBA联赛运行机制比较
3.Analysis on Revolutions of CBA Which Prepare for 2008 Olympic Games;2006—2007赛季CBA联赛改革分析
4.A Comparative Study on the Functions of NBA and CBA League System;NBA与CBA联赛赛制度功能对比研究
5.Quantitative Analysis on the Developments of CBA Competitive Pattern over the Past Ten Years;对CBA联赛竞赛格局发展的量化分析
6.The Analysis of the CBA Games in 2004-2005 Seasons;2004-2005赛季CBA联赛的分析比较
7.An analysis of CBA in 2001 and 2002;2001~2002赛季中国CBA联赛的分析研究
8.On CBA League Match s Trend Based on the Technical Statistical Analysis of the Regular Season in 2006-2007 Seasons;从2006-2007赛季常规赛技术统计分析CBA联赛走向
9.Multidimensional Research on Foreign Basketball-players in CBA;对CBA联赛引进外籍球员的多维研究
10.Present Situation of CBA League Tournament Booking Rate and Development Countermeasure;CBA联赛的上座率现状与发展对策
11.A Study on the Current Situation and Mode in the Industrial Development of CBA Basketball League;CBA联赛产业发展现状与模式研究
12.The Study of Introducing Foreign Players Influence on CBA League;引进外籍球员对CBA联赛影响的研究
13.The Analysis about the Situation and Game Statistic Date of CBA League;CBA联赛状况与技术统计数据分析研究
14.Research to CBA s Marketing Strategy and Management;CBA联赛市场的营销策略及管理研究
15.A tentative analysis of Chinese interpreters’ quality in CBA;浅析CBA联赛中翻译应具备的素质
16.Study on the Host Court Superiority Effect in CBA;对我国CBA联赛主场优势效应的研究
17.Study on the Draft And Salary Restriction of Foreign Playes in CBA;对CBA联赛外援选秀和限薪制度的探讨
18.Current situation and countermeasure of Chinese CBA League Market;CBA联赛市场的现状、问题与对策

1.Study on Characteristics of CBA International Players;CBA联赛外籍球员特征研究
2.Contrastive study of the technical counting for Yi Jianglian inrecent two CBA play;易建联两届CBA联赛中技术数据统计的比较研究
3.Enlightenment of EPL on managing mode of CBA;英超联赛对CBA联赛经营模式的启示
3)CBA League MatchesCBA联赛
1.Analysis of Home City of CBA League Matches;对CBA联赛主场承办地的分析研究
2.CBA league matches that started in 1995, its contest market develops and develops rapidly, and occupy certain market share, and want to occupy and keep a large amount of market share, must offer and meet audience s .始于1995年的CBA联赛,经过十几年的发展和完善,其竞赛市场迅速发育和发展起来,并占有一定的市场份额,而要想占有和保持大量的市场份额,就必须提供满足观众需求的文化产品,以CBA联赛职业化改革为契机,实施联赛文化建设工程。
4)NBA and CBA league matchesNBA、CBA联赛
6)CBA (Chinese Basketball Association)CBA篮球联赛

2-cbaCAS:118-91-2分子式:C7H5ClO2分子质量:156.57沸点:285℃熔点:139-143℃中文名称:邻氯苯甲酸;2-氯苯甲酸英文名称:o-Chlorobenzoic acid;2-Chlorobenzoic acid;2-chloro-Benzoic acid;o-chloro-benzoic acid;2-cba;kyselina o-chlorbenzoova性状描述:接近白色粗粉末。熔点142℃,相对密度1.544(20℃)。升华。无沸点。不溶于水、95%的乙醇溶液及甲苯溶液,溶于甲醇、无水乙醇、乙醚、丙酮和苯。生产方法:1.以苯酐为原料与氢氧化钠和氨水进行酰胺化和降解反应而制得邻氨基苯甲酸,然后用亚硝酸钠,盐酸进行重氮化,再用氯化亚铜,盐酸置换而制得邻氯苯甲酸粗品,经精制后得成品。 2.邻氯甲苯直接氧化制得。 3.邻氯甲苯氯化水解制得。用途:染料、农药、医药的中间体,用于制造氯丙嗪、抗炎灵等药物,用作胶粘剂及涂料的防腐剂及有机合成的原料,还可用于染料及彩色胶片。也可用作杀菌剂。邻氯苯甲酸是碱量法和碘量法的标准试剂。
1.The value of e-sports in education——Reasonable Perspective of the Monsterlike E-games;论电子竞技的教育价值——兼为被“妖魔化”的电子游戏正名
2.Sociological Analysis on Campus E-sports Development in Hubei Province;湖北省校园电子竞技运动发展的社会学分析
3.Research of the development situation and the Selection of Talent in ElectronicSports(E-Sports);对电子竞技运动发展现状及其运动员选材的研究

1.Is there a big difference between gaming and traditional sports?你认为电子竞技与传统体育竞技有哪些区别?
2.Cyber gaming is turning professional( see story page5 of Oct16' s21 st Century).电子竞技越来越有职业化的趋势。
3.Q13. Any possibilities of e-sporting this game?这个游戏有可能成为电子竞技项目吗?
4.Analysis on Chinese E-Sports Industry Development and Countermeasures;中国电子竞技产业化分析及发展对策
5.E-sports and the Development of the National Traditional Sport;电子竞技与民族传统体育发展的研究
6.Development of E-sports games industry in China;我国电子竞技体育产业化的发展道路
7.The Thinking of the Professional Way of Electronics Contest in China;关于我国电子竞技体育职业化的思考
8.A study of legal issues existed in the training of underage players for electronic sports game;电子竞技未成年选手培养的法律问题
9.Thinking on the Present Development Conditions of the Electronic Contest Sports in China;对我国电子竞技运动发展现状的思考
10.Study on the Influence of the Electric Athletic Game--Counter-Strike;电子竞技游戏《反恐精英》影响探究
11.Electronic athletics-new mode of digital sports development;电子竞技——数字体育发展的新模式
12.The Difficulty and Developing Countermeasure of China E-sports Games我国电子竞技联赛的困境与发展对策
13.The Present and Future of China s E-Sports--《National Electronic Management of Athletic Competition》--Five Regulations Are Promulgated;中国电子竞技运动的现状与未来——《全国电子竞技竞赛管理办法》等五大管理规定出台
14.Could it possibly attract a lot of young people?会有更多的人被吸引参加电子竞技活动吗?
15.Study on Differentiated Management of China Esport Game 2007;2007年全国电子竞技运动会赛事差异化管理研究
16.On the Path of E-Sports Industrialization in China;我国电子竞技运动的产业化发展道路研究
17.The Research on Electrical Athletic Contests Drawn into PE Category in University;电子竞技引入学校体育范畴的理论研究
18.Consideration on E-Sport Marketization and Industrialization in China;我国体育电子竞技运动市场化及产业化的思考

1.Explore on the status quo and the countermeasure of development of E-sport in China;我国电子竞技运动的现状及发展对策的探索
2.Preliminary study about the development of E-sport;试论电子竞技运动发展及策略
3.Study on the Current Situation of the Professionalism and Industrialization of Chinese E-sports;对我国电子竞技运动职业化、产业化现状的研究
3)electronic sport电子竞技
1.Comparative research of industrialization of electronic sport in China;国内外电子竞技运动产业化的比较
2.A study of the Chinese electronic sport(ES) concerning its development and industry state quo showed that there existed many problems in ES such as starting late,a low level and professionalism standard,a lack of centralization management and deficiency of brand effect matches as well as business support;however,the prospect for ES and its relevant industries was favorable.通过对中国电子竞技发展和产业现状进行研究,指出中国电子竞技存在起步晚、水平低和职业化程度不高,电子竞技产业缺乏统一管理、缺乏品牌效应的赛事和商业支撑等问题。
3.The development of Electronic Sport (ES) in China is in an institutional adjustment phase at present, and the sports events of ES needs a more normalized and rationalized form.电子竞技在在中国的发展目前处于行业调整阶段,电子竞技赛事需要更加正规化、合理化,采用正确的管理方式是赛事管理者达到赛事目标的关键。
4)electronic sports电子竞技
1.Through a though analysis on the logic mistake in the current researching about electronic sports,it has pointed out that it is the economy interest that drives electronic game into the sports category.通过对目前电子竞技研究中存在的逻辑错误进行逐条分析,指出电子竞技被列入体育项目是经济利益驱动的结果。
5)electronic athletics电子竞技
1.Digital sports is an outcome of sports, technology and times development;and also, electronic athletics is a match item of experiencing sports in digital sports.数字体育是体育、科技与时代发展的产物,电子竞技是数字体育中"体验体育"的一个比赛项目。
6)electric athletic game电子竞技游戏
1.With the studying subject of electric athletic game--Counter-Strike, this paper analyzes on its developing and operating status, and starting from its characteristics, probes into its influence on teen-agers' mentality and physiology, and advices some practicable suggestions.以电子竞技游戏《反恐精英》为研究对象,分析了它的发展运营情况。

1.On Footwork and Training of Pen-hold Grip Players;关于直拍乒乓球运动员步法及训练的几点探索
2.The Research on Juvenile Tennis athlete s Footwork Training;少年网球运动员步法训练的研究
3.Technical situation and developing tendency of Sanshou as seen from problems existing in footwork;从现代散打步法存在的问题看竞技散打的技术现状和发展趋势

1.Person's way of striding;gait(大步的)步法,步态
2.An easy gait, especially that of a horse.轻松步法轻松的步法,尤指马步
3.an angular posture, gait, stride僵挺的姿势、 步法、 大步.
4.Compare of PV Two-steps Method and SP Three-steps Method in Immunohistochemistry免疫组化PV二步法与SP三步法比较
5.the first step in developing a process costing system is to establish specific process costing centers.分步法的第一步是建立成本中心。
6.There are a number of specific steps in developing and operating a process costing system. The steps include...用分步法计算成本要按以下步骤进行…
7.Mechanism Analysis of Second Step of "Two Step Cryopreservation Method“两步法”低温保存之第二步机理的探讨
8.The realization of Ad Hoc network mutual synchronization using a single source synchronization algorithm实现自组网互同步的一种单源同步法
9.time saving one trip system节省时间的一步法装置
10.They must so walk as he walked.他们必须照他的步法走。
11.To train(a horse)in a particular gait or gaits.使用特定步法驯(马)
12.two part sizing system两步法单纱上浆系统
13.Cochran-Orcutt two-step technique柯克兰-奥克特两步法
14.one-trip gravel pack technique一步法砾石充填技术
15.The fastest gait of a horse is the gallop.马最快的步法是奔驰。
16.Edman stepwise degradationEdman 分步降解(法)
17.Analysis of the project step in the four steps of public relations work;解读公关四步工作法中的“策划”步骤
18.High School Mathematics "Preliminary Algorithm" Preliminary Study of Teaching高中数学“算法初步”教学的初步研究

1.The influences of tennis step shift on skill commanding;网球步法移动对技术掌握的影响分析
2.After decomposing,analysing and summing up the act forms,characteristics and laws of the gestures and steps of 24-pattern taijiquan,the author puts forward a set of teaching methods which can make seemingly compound and varied acts visual,simple,easy to learn and remember so as to reduce teaching difficulty and improve teaching quality.对于二十四式太极拳手法和步法的动作形式、特点和规律进行了解剖、分析与归纳,提出了一套比较有效的教学方法,使形似复杂动作变得直观、简单、易学、易记,降低了教学难度。
3)five-step approach五步步法
4)four-step approach四步步法
5)three-step approach三步步法

1.Passing Quality in the Area of 30ms from the Opposing Goal Line During the 5th Women Soccer World Cup;第5届女足世界杯巴西队前场30m传球质量的研究
2.Investigation and analysis about pass-miss reasons of national men s football team;国家男子足球队传球失误原因调查与分析
3.Passing Quality in the Area of 30ms from the Opposing Goal Line during 2006 Football World Cup;对2006年世界杯足球赛进攻前场30米区域传球质量的研究

1.Psaaing the ball(the volleypass and the dig pass).传球(凌空传球和垫传)。
2.To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate.传球把球或冰球传给队友
3.A transfer of a ball or puck between teammates.传球在队员间传递球或冰球
4.To transfer(a ball, for example)to a teammate, as by throwing.传球把(球等)传给队友,如把球抛给队友
5.Key tactics of intercepting the ball,possessing or dribbling the ball and running in RoboCupRoboCup中截球、控球/带球、传球/跑位的策略
6.a football player who throws a forward pass.传球前进的足球运动员。
7.An interception, as in football.拦截传球,如在足球中
8.the propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks.不断拍球来传球的行为。
9.Don't dribble too far,pass it!不要运球太远,快传球
10.An illegal pass in football.橄榄球中的犯规传球
11.The basic individual skills and team skills include: serving the ball, passing the ball (the volley pass and the dig pass), setting a pass, spiking sets, blocking shots.个人和队的基本技术包括:发球、传球(凌空传球和垫传)、二传、扣球、拦网。
12.My forearm pass goes too high.我前臂传球传得太高了。
13.How to Broaden Volleyball Setters' Setting Field.对排球二传拓宽传球‘视野’的训练探讨
14.Deng Jun has passed the ball to the inside-right, a wonderful pass.邓军球传给了右中锋,一个漂亮的传球
15.A play in which one player hands the ball to another.传球一个运动员用手将球传给另一人
16.To intercept, as a football pass.中途截球拦截,如拦截足球传球
17.Victor dribbles the ball down court. He throws it to Sandy.维特运球走向球场,接著他传球给珊蒂.
18.The steps taken by a bowler before delivering the ball.投球步伐投球手在传球前采取的步伐

1.On training juvenile footballers on concealed passing techniques;论青少年足球运动员隐蔽性传球技术的训练
2.Influence diagram is a diagram of decision-making,using influence diagrams can solve the behavior choice of intelligence agent effectively,while the question of passing help the agent choose the speed and angle.影响图是决策问题的图形表示,利用影响图可以有效地解决智能Agent的行为选择,而传球问题就是球员Agent选择传球速度和角度的问题。
3.The techniques of passing play an important role in attacking, transition of tactics,breaking through and making opportunities to finish,meanwhile,it is as well as the most skills used in matches.传球技术是组织进攻、变换战术、渗透突破、创造射门的重要手段,也是比赛中应用最多的一项技术。
3)Passing the ball传球
1.According to the observation of passing the balls of volleyball beginners and study on skill composition of setters,the author expounds internal reasons of low accuracy rate in passing the balls.根据在教学中对排球初学者传球情况的观察和对二传技术动作构成的研究 ,阐明了排球初学者传球准确率低的内在原因。
4)pass the ball传球
1.The moment the players begin to pass the ball,they can have a good advantage over the match.二过一战术打法是通过二个进攻队员的传球跑位能创造出可利用的空间,而可利用的空间是足球比赛获胜的先决条件。
5)Passing ball传球
1.Passing ball is thetechnology by applied mostly.在足球比赛中,传球是组织进攻、变化战术、创造射门、实现战术目的的重要手段,也是应用最多的一项技术。
6)Pass the ball! Pass the ball.传球吧!传球吧!

普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白药物名称:丙种球蛋白英文名:γ-Globulin别名: 免疫血清球蛋白;普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白外文名:γ-Globulin 适应症: 含有健康人群血清所具有的各种抗体,因而有增强机体抵抗力以预防感染的作用。主要用于免疫缺陷病以及传染性肝炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、带状皰疹等病毒感染和细菌感染的防治,也可用于哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等内源性过敏性疾病。 用量用法: 肌注:每次2~5ml,3周1次,用于内源性过敏性疾病,每次10ml(含量10%者),3周内注射2次。胎盘球蛋白每次6~9ml。 注意事项: 1.按球蛋白来源可分为两种,一为健康人静脉血来源的丙种球蛋白制剂,按蛋白质含量有10%、16%、16.5%等数种(国内制品浓度在10%以上),其中丙种球蛋白占95%以上。另一种为胎盘血来源的丙种球蛋白(人胎盘血丙种球蛋白),即胎盘球蛋白,含蛋白质5%,其中丙种球蛋白占90%以上。胎盘球蛋白因丙种球蛋白含量以及纯度均较低,其用量应相应增大。 2.除专供静注用的制剂外,一般制剂不可静注。 3.注射大量时,可见局部疼痛和暂时性体温升高。 注:参见:“丙种球蛋白注射液”. 类别:免疫增强剂(免疫反应调节剂)
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